Level of description
Digital object |
98-1625 |
Leonard Family First to scene of beating |
File |
January 21, 1998 |
98-1630 |
Lewis, Anthony Lifestyles magazine |
File |
December 3, 1998 |
98-1642 |
Lighthouse Project Sunnydale Place - cops and kids |
File |
May 20, 1998 |
98-1646 |
Lions Lagoon getting ready for early opening |
File |
May 15, 1998 |
98-1650 |
Lisso, fund raiser for kids centre |
File |
September 27, 1998 |
98-1655 |
Live Free Contest winner gets cheque for $12,000 |
File |
October 14, 1998 |
98-1658 |
Loader, Al found dead peregrine falcon |
File |
January 6, 1998 |
98-1660 |
Loewen, Barb K-W [Kitchener-Waterloo] Jewish Community |
File |
May 27, 1998 |
98-1668 |
Luke, Suzanne WLU [Wilfrid Laurier University] Art Gallery Director |
File |
September 23, 1998 |
98-1677 |
M & M Meats Party in the Park at Victoria |
File |
June 11, 1998 |
98-1685 |
MacGregor Sr. P. S. [Senior Public School] moving picnic tables Brosowski |
File |
June 5, 1998 |
98-1690 |
MacLeod, Sandy Reader sales manager |
File |
March 12, 1998 |
98-1697 |
Magician Dave McDonnell |
File |
April 14, 1998 |
98-1702 |
Mahood, Bev country singer |
File |
January 19, 1998 |
98-1707 |
Malleck, Jill Travels for radiation |
File |
February 25, 1998 |
98-1713 |
Mann, Doug Record columnist |
File |
May 19, 1998 |
98-1719 |
Maple Lane Trail Langdon Hall * no people |
File |
October 10, 1998 |
98-1720 |
Maple Sugar Shanty Mennonite |
File |
March 4, 1998 |
98-1734 |
Market Village revitalizing the downtown core |
File |
August 22, 1998 |
98-1738 |
Marriage proposal Marlon Corbin |
File |
July 5, 1998 |
98-1741 |
Marshall, Linda reads to kids for KPL [Kitchener Public Library] program |
File |
December 2, 1998 |
98-1746 |
Martin, Julie-Anne Pere Renne DeGalline - top student |
File |
June 2, 1998 |
98-1750 |
Martin, Larry manager, St. Jacob's Country Inn |
File |
September 10, 1998 |
98-1760 |
Marx, Debbie with kids under umbrella |
File |
July 21, 1998 |
98-1763 |
Mason, Bonita Second Opinion |
File |
December 9, 1998 |
98-1768 |
Mathias, Michael photo exhibit at KW [Kitchener-Waterloo] Library |
File |
September 17, 1998 |
98-1778 |
Mauchlen, Duncan inline skater with no |
File |
August 17, 1998 |
98-1779 |
Maxi & Co. exterior re: sale of store /possible closing |
File |
August 25, 1998 |
98-1782 |
Mayfair Hotel elevator problem John Batte in |
File |
December 2, 1998 |
98-1783 |
Maypole Raising Speakers Corner |
File |
September 26, 1998 |
98-1786 |
Mazda 626 LX at Kieswetter Motors |
File |
June 24, 1998 |
98-1788 |
McCarthy, Mathew Record photojournalist |
File |
April 13, 1998 |
98-1791 |
McClements, Mike Dean of Eng. [Engineering] Technology Conestoga College |
File |
January 15, 1998 |
98-1796 |
McCrae House Guelph children visit from Hamilton |
File |
October 30, 1998 |
98-1799 |
McCurdy, Don Managing Editor, K-W [Kitchener-Waterloo] Record |
File |
April 6, 1998 |
98-1800 |
McDonald, Dan Brick furniture re: budget |
File |
May 5, 1998 |
98-1801 |
McDonald on steeple St. Paul's Lutheran Church |
File |
July 2, 1998 |
98-1810 |
McFarlane & Szozda caught in rain; cars on |
File |
June 16, 1998 |
98-1813 |
McGinty, Dalton at KW [Kitchener-Waterloo] Hospital |
File |
July 8, 1998 |
98-1820 |
McKinnon, Joan Waterloo Mayor phantom mask |
File |
September 3, 1998 |
98-1823 |
McLaughlin, Ken UW [University of Waterloo] history prof [professor] |
File |
June 15, 1998 |
98-1829 |
McLearon, Ian Immediate Sales Agency, Ltd |
File |
January 29, 1998 |
98-1834 |
McMorran, Gordon senior knitter for charity |
File |
December 24, 1998 |
98-1836 |
McNeil, Shona pregnant teen |
File |
August 26, 1998 |
98-1837 |
McNeil & Goddard Sarah & Rebecca |
File |
November 28, 1998 |
98-1845 |
Meats Galore (defunct) Glen Gobson & Lisa Beausoleil |
File |
December 17, 1998 |
98-1854 |
Melville, Sally new book, sweaters |
File |
October 27, 1998 |
98-1855 |
Menard, Cathy jazz singer |
File |
February 17, 1998 |
98-1856 |
Memorial, Montreal Massacre |
File |
December 6, 1998 |
98-1857 |
Menard, Irene bartender |
File |
January 9, 1998 |
98-1867 |
1999 Mercury Cougar |
File |
June 24, 1998 |
98-1879 |
MGM Real Clothes Matsias brothers |
File |
August 18, 1998 |
98-1880 |
Michael, Brad CEO Heartland appliances |
File |
November 4, 1998 |
98-1882 |
Mikel, Caroline with pic of daughter |
File |
April 24, 1998 |
98-1886 |
Mill Race Folk Festival Cambridge |
File |
August 1, 1998 |
98-1887 |
Miller, Carol with quilt |
File |
November 18, 1998 |
98-1890 |
Mills, Ben student re: silcox column |
File |
January 27, 1998 |
98-1894 |
Minaker, Jack Oktoberfest Parade chairman |
File |
September 16, 1998 |
98-1897 |
Mirani, Omar Against Seddam Hussein |
File |
February 9, 1998 |
98-1902 |
Mitchell, Rob Responsible Transportation |
File |
February 19, 1998 |
98-1904 |
Mitechell, Tom new director CTTAN |
File |
August 12, 1998 |
98-1905 |
Mittal, Mike pro hardware store owner |
File |
April 13, 1998 |
98-1906 |
Modabo concert at Zion United Church |
File |
April 19, 1998 |
98-1908 |
Moffat Creek Churchill Park Ray Tufgar & |
File |
March 18, 1998 |
98-1910 |
Moir, Jeremy Galt C.I. [Collegiate Institute] - top student |
File |
June 2, 1998 |
98-1919 |
Moore, Doug..horseshoes Rockway Sr. [Senior] Centre |
File |
October 8, 1998 |
98-1923 |
Morley, Dave caulking windows |
File |
July 28, 1998 |
98-1925 |
Morrison Rd. Rink Bruggemann Bakker Mausser |
File |
December 23, 1998 |
98-1936 |
Motz, Jennifer Mary's Place |
File |
December 21, 1998 |
98-1944 |
Murder scene investigation new CAW hall |
File |
April 2, 1998 |
98-1945 |
Murdock, Karen WCI [Waterloo Collegiate Institute] - top student |
File |
June 2, 1998 |
98-1947 |
Murray, Ian on skiis training for x-country [cross country] |
File |
October 6, 1998 |
98-1964 |
Mutton, Liz head shaved for charity |
File |
September 30, 1998 |
98-1966 |
MVC Weber Street |
File |
July 7, 1998 |
98-1970 |
Myra, Tim Record Carrier |
File |
July 27, 1998 |
98-1972 |
Mystery Theatre Centre In The Square |
File |
November 5, 1998 |
98-1975 |
Mystery Photo Winner Dautner, Dale |
File |
December 2, 1998 |
98-1981 |
Myyra & Evans exercise in Victoria Park |
File |
April 30, 1998 |
98-1994 |
NCR, for tech section people at work |
File |
September 2, 1998 |
98-2005 |
New Years eve parties |
File |
December 31, 1998 |
98-2009 |
Neziri, Dita present during teen's beating |
File |
January 22, 1998 |
98-2010 |
Nicholson, Jeff WLU [Wilfrid Laurier University] student on trampoline |
File |
September 18, 1998 |
98-2020 |
Noot, Mark... Meningitis victim - Winterbourne |
File |
June 17, 1998 |
98-2027 |
Novak memorial Carlson Street in Kitchener |
File |
June 21, 1998 |
98-2035 |
Oberlander, Helmut walks out of courthouse |
File |
September 17, 1998 |
98-1037 |
Francis, Garry..H & S 2nd Opinion |
File |
December 2, 1998 |
98-1038 |
Francis St. Construction street redesign |
File |
July 27, 1998 |
98-1042 |
Frederick/Lancaster House deterioration |
File |
October 22, 1998 |
98-1051 |
Fuke, Dan student FHC denied Kiss makeup for yearbook pic |
File |
June 4, 1998 |
98-1058 |
Gage, Mark - Funeral Cambridge 1st United Church |
File |
August 19, 1998 |
98-1059 |
Gage, Mark - Funeral |
File |
August 19, 1998 |
98-1061 |
Gallagher, Sue 2nd opinion |
File |
January 26, 1998 |
98-1062 |
Galleria Restaurant Dining Out Column |
File |
March 3, 1998 |
98-1071 |
Gardhouse, Mark son on swing Cody |
File |
December 17, 1998 |
98-1074 |
Gas goes down prices plummet |
File |
March 17, 1998 |
98-1082 |
Geist, Sam business seminar |
File |
January 21, 1998 |
98-1084 |
Generation aid Erb Transport carries to ice storm |
File |
Jaunary 13, 1998 |
98-1085 |
George Rendas Waterloo apartment owner |
File |
August 28, 1998 |
98-1087 |
Geranium discovery scientists at U of G [University of Guelph] |
File |
February 13, 1998 |
98-1092 |
German soccer fans Concordia - Kruse & Dissler |
File |
June 15, 1998 |