1998 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
98-666 Deacon, Rod - in drag as Old Spice - Driftwood P.S. File June 24, 1998
98-667 DeBoer, Ron ECI teacher writes book File November 18, 1998
98-675 Deliciously Different restaurant mug shot File February 08, 1998
98-680 Dempsey, Ian Record insight writer File April 28, 1998
98-694 Devine, Shannon St Benedict's HS File June 03, 1998
98-702 Difibrillation program Cambridge hospital recognition day File April 17, 1998
98-705 Digital Extremes Jim Schmalz File August 28, 1998
98-709 Dingle, Brian.Dr. medical oncologist File December 16, 1998
98-712 Direct Flower's Free Roses File August 26, 1998
98-715 Discover Laurier 1998 Brian Vanpee and parents File July 19, 1998
98-716 District Health Council meeting - Antinello & Mulchy File June 09, 1998
98-719 Dobb, Melvina, Kevin Habitat for Humanity File May 21, 1998
98-720 Dobson, Howard UofG [University of Guelph] - OVC radiologist File November 24, 1998
98-726 Donkey refuge in Guelph File June 11, 1998
98-727 Donnelly, Joe reading under tree File May 20, 1998
98-734 Double T Gallery Hall and Chvedovski Exhibit File November 04, 1998
98-735 Double Hanging Shanley St. Kitchener File June 04, 1998
98-736 Douglas, David 2nd OP H&S File June 15, 1998
98-737 Douglas, Kristina Galt C.I. - top student File June 02, 1998
98-740 Downey, Bill unveiling of art work @ city hall File March 16, 1998
98-745 Dragon Boat Races at Laurel Creek Conservation Area File July 19, 1998
98-748 Drayton Christian School board game/Bouman & Drost File November 27, 1998
98-750 Dreise, Rev. Albert File February 05, 1998
98-758 Drum & Bugle practise Dutch Boy File May 10, 1998
98-759 Drum Circle Sunnyside home residents File March 09, 1998
98-760 Dube, George Dube and Palarchio Chartered Acc. File February 06, 1998
98-761 Ducey, Rob Seattle Mariner in Cambridge File May 17, 1998
98-763 Duct tape stuck student at Ressurection High File September 22, 1998
98-777 Durocher, Greg Cambridge Councillor File December 30, 1998
98-781 Dutton, Corinne organist, St. Matthew's File January 22, 1998
98-783 Dyszuk, Barbara Councillor File June 29, 1998
98-785 Earle, Michael show at Cambridge Art Gallery File April 21, 1998
98-786 Earth Day Charles Best Park File April 21, 1998
98-790 Eby, Chris...Rev H&S File May 24, 1998
98-791 Eby, Tricia Grand River Collegiate student File January 26, 1998
98-792 Echart, Sean New Home File June 04, 1998
98-794 Ecker, Janet with Hugh Segal File June 01, 1998
98-796 Eclipse Skiers at Chicopee with sun File February 26, 1998
98-802 Edwards, Aara Elmira D.S.S. [District Secondary School] - Top Student File June 2, 1998
98-806 Eichinger, Paul City of Waterloo File March 26, 1998
98-817 Elliott, Dorothy with scholarship recipients File May 29, 1998
98-820 Ellison, Elvis Britannica Restaurant File April 30, 1998
98-823 Elmira Fair ferris wheel and juggler File August 21, 1998
98-824 Elmira air monitoring Karellas in air sampling bus File September 21, 1998
98-829 El Nino Relief shipping container of aid File March 31, 1998
98-831 Elora tubing File June 25, 1998
98-833 Elshatain, Jean Lutheran Lecture series File November 12, 1998
98-835 Emery, Ron.. & hose cleaning fire truck...Fairway Rd File December 2, 1998
98-842 Environment class at Wilson Ave. School File April 23, 1998
98-844 Environment Day St. John's Kilmarnock school File May 5, 1998
98-846 Escobar, Jason St. Benedict's HS [High School] File June 3, 1998
98-849 Ethridge, Judy laid off custom trim worker File April 1, 1998
98-854 Evans, Margaret book about pets File December 29, 1998
98-855 Eve, Roslynn artist with earrings File June 23, 1998
98-867 Faces Montreal Massacre Memorial File December 6, 1998
98-868 Faces Monaghan, Laurie File December 19, 1998
98-869 Faces German, Adam File December 19, 1998
98-870 Faces kids on tourist train File December 22, 1998
98-871 Faces at Sears Figure Skating Open File December 5, 1998
98-872 Faces - Medieval Feast at Breithaupt Centre File November 15, 1998
98-877 Fahel, Shawky hopes to develop Market Village File July 23, 1998
98-879 Fahrenkopf, Gerard disabled person, direct funding File August 6, 1998
98-880 Fair Share campaign five different people File January 15, 1998
98-882 Fairway Rd. - shooting self inflicted - murder suspect File November 6, 1998
98-884 Fakhri, Karray for religion story re: muslims File January 14, 1998
98-887 Fall Fair Doon Heritage Crossroads File September 23, 1998
98-892 Famous Players under construction Old Hwy. 8 File August 20, 1998
98-900 Fashion Oktoberfest fashion show advance File September 29, 1998
98-902 Fatal Fire 85 Queen St., Hespeler File November 29, 1998
98-907 Fear, Jon Record business writer File April 22, 1998
98-911 Ferber, Carmen home school File April 30, 1998
98-915 Fergusson, Janet court house for trial File January 16, 1998
98-922 Finch-Durichen, Pauline Record reporter File April 28, 1998
98-924 Finline Technologies Einar Fiskvatn File March 2, 1998
98-927 Fire...King N..restaurant minor...kitchen fire..rest. closed File December 10, 1998
98-932 Fire - apartment 9th Ave balcony shot File March 1, 1998
98-933 Fire - Euro-Can Ardelt Place - shipping container File February 24, 1998
98-934 Fire - 109 Young St. Kitchener File June 5, 1998
98-940 Fire investigation Reg Tippin house File November 30, 1998
98-941 Firefighters calendar contest at Lulu's File May 29, 1998
98-947 Fire Prevention Ambassadors File October 6, 1998
98-948 Fire Kit. [Kitchener] City Hall woman on stretcher/kids into bus File January 27, 1998
98-950 Fire cleanup Victoria street factory File June 8, 1998
98-951 Bus Fire Ottawa and Lackner File September 21, 1998
98-953 Fire Highland Rd. E. File October 9, 1998
98-956 Fire Prevention Richard Albers File March 30, 1998
98-958 Fire Paulander Drive File October 8, 1998
98-961 Fire - Bauer factory union st., Wloo [Waterloo] File September 22, 1998
98-964 Fischer, Sandra Miss Concordia File August 18, 1998
98-971 Fleet, Effie long wait for angiogram File August 12, 1998
98-972 Flieger, Don Korean War Vet Ass. pres File October 16, 1998
98-981 Folvik, Sarah Survival Skills Grad File May 6, 1998
98-982 Food Bank - Cambridge Pat Singleton & Tim Moroz - new location File April 3, 1998
98-985 Food Bank non-dinner File December 3, 1998
98-990 Food Illustration - 30 min Chili File October 7, 1998
98-991 Food chocolate covered File June 5, 1998
98-1002 Food.. Popsicles File July 10, 1998
98-1003 Food - Quiche File May 15, 1998
98-1005 Food Illustration April Fool's cookies File March 30, 1998
98-1007 Food illustration Beef Stew & cabbage File March 20, 1998
Results 2701 to 2800 of 3536