1997 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
97-2729 Waxman, Al - Stratford, Avon Theatre File April 30, 1997
97-2731 Weather pic - downtown Kitchener File January 9, 1997
97-2734 Weber, Marian and Bill - hotel owners File August 7, 1997
97-2741 Wein, Anne - organizers of Save St. Mary's [hopsital] campaign File September 30, 1997
97-2748 Welldo family clowns - Adam and Tamara Wilson and Tripp File August 13, 1997
97-2758 Westheights School - garbage clean-up Craig Haynes File April 30, 1997
97-2765 What's for sale - 592 Wingrove Court, Waterloo File January 29, 1997
97-2767 What's for sale - 149 Westvale Dr. Waterloo File February 5, 1997
97-2768 What's for sale - 127 Olfield Drive File February 12, 1997
97-2777 What's for sale 15 Dalewood Drive File April 16, 1997
97-2782 What's for Sale 138 Stirling Avenue North Kitchener File June 25, 1997
97-1781 Oktoberfest colour File 1997
97-1782 Oktoberfest girls - pageant contestants practice File October 6, 1997
97-1788 Oliff, Fred canoe clean up of Grand River File May 24, 1997
97-1790 Oliveros, Pauline - jazz accordian File September 6, 1997
97-1791 Olney, Larry PC [Progressive Conservative] candidate for Cambridge File May 13, 1997
97-1792 Olsen Kueneman - shooting baskets on Chandos File May 18, 1997
97-1796 Ontario Chamber of [Commerce?] - piper Nigel Moore File May 9, 1997
97-1801 OPP [Ontario Provincial Police] get new hats - Guelph detachment shows stuff File June 3, 1997
97-1817 Overturned truck - Homer Watson boulevard and Manitou Drive File March 10, 1997
97-1821 Pagenhardt family seek surrogate grandparents File January 13, 1997
97-1832 Park Street tree pruning File September 23, 1997
97-1840 Peace factory - Mennonite Collegiate demo File January 30, 1997
97-1842 Pearse, Jack - co-owner Camp Twaingo File October 6, 1997
97-1844 Peer group - software company File October 15, 1997
97-1845 Peirera Henson, Fatima - topless swimmer File February 21, 1997
97-1849 Penn and teller - at Centre in the Square File November 4, 1997
97-1855 Peric, Janko - Cambridge liberal MP File May 1, 1997
97-1857 Perry, Michael - Kitchener and christy busts File February 24, 1997
97-1859 Persaud, Devi - UW [University of Waterloo] student with friends File March 21, 1997
97-1865 Phady, Nadia - student working at elder home File June 19, 1997
97-1866 Philharmonic caroling - at CITS [Centre in the Square] File December 9, 1997
97-1872 Photo illustration - couch potato File 1997-10-03
97-1876 Photo radar winners - Jacobs, Snyder, Szilock, Falco, Toews File June 25, 1997
97-1880 Picket line - KW health centre service emp. File July 7, 1997
97-1884 Pig tails at Charcoal [restaurant] - Paul Saint Laurent File October 14, 1997
97-1888 Ping-pong Seniors - Breithaupt Centre - Kekanovich, Mark File December 30, 1997
97-1891 Pinocchio ballet - ballet youth ensemble File October 15, 1997
97-1895 Pirie, Shelley #11, Bluevale Collegiate top student File 1997
97-1896 Pitbull attacks owners - 171 Century Hill Drive, Kitchener File January 10, 1997
97-1900 Planting spring flowers - Grand Valley Gardening File May 15, 1997
97-1901 Platanis, Fr. Michael - St. Peter and Paul Greek Church File November 19, 1997
97-1905 Poetker, Missy - Nurse File May 23, 1997
97-1907 Polar bear plunge - Conestoga College DSA File January 30, 1997
97-1913 Pollock, Marshall - Ontario Video Gaming Corp. File April 20, 1997
97-1914 Poole, Rusell - man having bypass surgery File September 15, 1997
97-1916 Ponce family- Habitat for Humanity home owners File August 24, 1997
97-1917 Ponty-McCool, Adele - blind woman opposes bus cutbacks File July 4, 1997
97-1919 Port Elgin - sign at sunrise File August 26, 1997
97-1920 Port Elgin - builder File August 26, 1997
97-1923 Postal strike - Trillium Drive File November 21, 1997
97-1928 Practical app. corp. company makes new software File March 4, 1997
97-1931 Precision figure skating - KW gems on ice File March 16, 1997
97-1932 Prell, Herald General manager manufacturing / solar panel File June 19, 1997
97-1933 Pre-natal nutrition - public health department funding File August 19, 1997
97-1937 Preston Heights - explosion site clean up File June 4, 1997
97-1941 Preston Springs - old hotel File July 7, 1997
97-1947 Propane burner - killing weeds File July 15, 1997
97-1948 Proschek, Richard Dr. - H&S [head and shoulders] St. Mary's Hospital File September 19, 1997
97-1950 Protest - health care cuts File 1997
97-1952 Protest at Shell gas - by University students File April 3, 1997
97-1954 Proulx, Erik #31 - Pere-Rene-de-Galinee top student File June 5, 1997
97-1956 Provigo story - groundbreaking ceremony File October 22, 1997
97-1957 Prowis - promoting women in science File May 7, 1997
97-1961 Psutka, Joe - trimming tree of Rennie drive File May 27, 1997
97-1964 Pumpkin kids - field search at Ashgrove farms File October 30, 1997
97-1966 Purolator and car accident - Kossuth and Chilligo roads File June 18, 1997
97-1968 Quality camp - camp for kids with cancer File August 12, 1997
97-1969 Quarry, Allan - Quarry communications File December 9, 1997
97-1972 Queen [Elizabeth II] visits Stratford File June 28, 1997
97-1978 Radar community - Guelph community radar trap File January 8, 1997
97-1980 Radio meter reader - Nexsys produces File March 3, 1997
97-1983 Rainbow Cresting - embroidery company in Kitchener File July 31, 1997
97-1985 Rainy window - rain feature in Waterloo File April 16, 1997
97-1992 Rangaswamy, Dr. Satish - KW [Kitchener-Waterloo] doctor File April 17, 1997
97-1993 Rangers vs Sting - playoffs Sarnia and Kitchener File April 7, 1997
97-1998 Rattan, Dr. Tom - anxiety testing File May 8, 1997
97-2001 Raymond, David - on tractor at Elmira Uniroyal File June 6, 1997
97-2002 Raymond, Meredith - flowers for Lady Diana Victoria Park File September 1, 1997
97-2004 React trailer File October 15, 1997
97-2006 Read-in week at John Darling School File January 21, 1997
97-2007 Read, Samantha - magic card tournament File February 9, 1997
97-2020 Red nose day - M&M meat employees wear noses File February 3, 1997
97-2026 Regional Flooding - in Conestogo File February 21, 1997
97-2031 Reimer, John - PC candidate Kitchener Centre File May 2, 1997
97-2035 Remembrance day -Kitchener cenotaph File November 11, 1997
97-2036 Remnant, Jim - Independent candidate for Cambridge File 1997
97-2040 Renn, Todd - chiropractic student File April 16, 1997
97-2043 Retterath, Dorothee - assistant Crown Attorney File July 8, 1997
97-2046 Richard, Jan H&S [head and shoulders] - Right to Life coordinator File January 16, 1997
97-2049 Rich, Tim - ceramic tile File February 10, 1997
97-2063 Ritzmann, Paul - H&S for 2nd op [second opinion] File April 4, 1997
97-2075 Robertson and Farrell - two denied apartment because Robert blind File June 12, 1997
97-2084 Rochford, Brenda - Milverton woman uses marijuana File December 5, 1997
97-2085 Rochford, Owen helps track down sex offender File November 27, 1997
97-2087 Rock climbing - Pioneer Sportsworld St. Thomas school kids File March 25, 1997
97-2104 Rombough, Ron - 1969 Dodge super bee [car] File August 13, 1997
97-2107 Roof fire - at B&W heat treatment File September 22, 1997
97-2111 Rosehart, Robert - WLU [Wilfried Laurier University] president File July 15, 1997
97-2120 Roth, Steve and Waterloo Theatre - new owner with new plans File January 24, 1997
Results 1701 to 1800 of 3239