1997 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
97-2344 Spirit of the West - at Centre in the Square File March 21, 1997
97-2345 Sportsworld - indoor rock climbing File March 8, 1997
97-2346 Sportsworld daycare - kids hang out during strike File October 27, 1997
97-2350 Sprigg, Richard - unemployed Cambridge man File October 6, 1997
97-2363 St. David [Secondary School] students - crossing King street File March 5, 1997
97-2365 St. Jacob's historic log cabin removed File November 28, 1997
97-2368 St Joseph School - Stephanie Woodhanie and paper rings File February 27, 1997
97-2369 St. John's pudding - making pudding File November 4, 1997
97-2371 St Joseph School - Principal Harry Kieswetter File May 7, 1997
97-2375 St Mary's emergency department - Weir-Rosell and Harlock File May 5, 1997
97-2377 St Mary's Hospital - Bruce Antonello and David File May 12, 1997
97-2379 St. Mary's High School - stained glass in chapel File January 24, 1997
97-2381 St. Mary's Hospital new ICU File June 9, 1997
97-2383 St Patrick's School - provincial assessment File April 1, 1997
97-2395 Stanley Park Senior public school - space station students File May 8, 1997
97-2407 Stevens, Robb - snow-making at Chicopee ski File December 10, 1997
97-2410 Stokes-Rees, Ian -Habitat for Humanity File February 6, 1997
97-2411 Stolen Car - Homer Watson Park File July 8, 1997
97-2412 Stomp - garbage dancers File July 29, 1997
97-2417 Stratford festival - theatre, exterior pic File April 30, 1997
97-2424 Strauss, Gordon - owner Stars Men's Wear File December 1, 1997
97-2427 Strickland, Sean - food bank executive director File September 26, 1997
97-2430 Strike - Geo. Hancock textiles File March 27, 1997
97-2431 Stripper car wash - at Huggy's File August 23, 1997
97-2433 Student demo - die in at Wetlauffer's office File October 22, 1997
97-2436 Students at mall - hanging out during strike File October 27, 1997
97-2441 Sullivan, Dwyer - Catholic vision File January 23, 1997
97-2443 Summerhayes, Stuart - race walking at Waterloo recreation centre File March 6, 1997
97-2448 Sunnyside home for - mock disaster File October 29, 1997
97-2455 Swan feeding - at Victoria Park File July 29, 1997
97-2461 Swimming in rain - Woodside Park, Harry class pool File August 11, 1997
97-2477 Take back the night - Dubecki, Bagley, Ilgauds File September 18, 1997
97-2480 Tamarack - River Run Centre concert File December 4, 1997
97-2482 Tapper, Robbin - handicapped children File December 2, 1997
97-2483 Tallman, Pat - better business bureau File November 12, 1997
97-2486 Taylor, Bob - house next to Cambridge explosion File July 6, 1997
97-2489 Teacher at fire inquest File June 19, 1997
97-2492 Teachers picket - in Cambridge and Kitchener File October 28, 1997
97-2493 Teachers public talk File November 6, 1997
97-2495 Teachers protest - Dave Johnson attending fundraiser File November 18, 1997
97-2506 Teacher strike File October 31, 1997
97-2509 Teacher strike - in front of Brenda Elliott's File November 4, 1997
97-2511 Team 5 - Aruinder Ahluwalia, Way Tang File September 4, 1997
97-2517 Telford, Ian - Scaleable software File October 22, 1997
97-2521 The Campbells - comedy duo perform for seniors File September 9, 1997
97-2525 The New Wuarterly - Hinchcliffe Merikle, Vardon File January 22, 1997
97-2537 Karen place, Waterloo - what they're building File May 20, 1997
97-2540 Timmerman, Martin - daughter Heidi - Eastwood School File December 19, 1997
97-2544 Tobacco farmer - cultivating fields / spec shot File June 17, 1997
97-2548 Tommy the camel File November 25, 1997
97-2549 Tompkins, Jeff - new paving machine File June 9, 1997
97-2553 Torch run - Sportsworld drive File June 5, 1997
97-2561 Toyota plant - for Tom Nunn feature File October 28, 1997
97-2569 Tree decorating - Kitchener city hall File November 27, 1997
97-2573 Trillium school - husking corn at Doon Crossroads File September 23, 1997
97-2581 Truesdale, Dan / Clown - Amos Avenue Waterloo / "Jest Dandy" File June 12, 1997
97-2585 Tug of war / Big brothers / Riverside Park Cambridge File September 21, 1997
97-2586 Tuinstra and Waddell - ice sculpture, Guelph File February 4, 1997
97-2587 Tulisalo, Kaarina - retires from WCI [Waterloo Collegiate Institute] File June 27, 1997
97-2593 Turton and Dobson - Wayne and Linda with Rangers File September 3, 1997
97-2603 Unemployed - Mike Gagnon File February 5, 1997
97-2604 Unesco site proposal File August 15, 1997
97-2611 Uof G [University of Guelph] student protest - students end 7 day occupation File February 19, 1997
97-2615 UW [University of Waterloo] Convocation File May 28, 1997
97-2617 UW [University of Waterloo] students welcome Frosh File September 1, 1997
97-2624 Uptown construction - King Street Waterloo File May 14, 1997
97-2626 Urgent care clinic - Dr. Keith Burk at care clinic File July 9, 1997
97-2628 Urquhart, Joanne - with Christmas trees at garden centre File November 28, 1997
97-2633 Vanderpool, Keith - boxer File September 24, 1997
97-2635 Van Dyke, Harry - owner Camtech products Cambridge File November 24, 1997
97-2637 Vanezis, Andy - man charged with murder File October 1, 1997
97-2640 Van Norman, Brian - drama department head at FHCI [Forest Heights Collegiate Institute] File August 25, 1997
97-2642 VanZwol, Tim #43 - Woodland Christian school top student File June 5, 1997
97-2643 Vegas bound - 8-ball billiards team File July 27, 1997
97-2645 Veilleux, Robyn - dog bite victim File January 24, 1997
97-2650 Victoria Park - shadow on slide File September 9, 1997
97-2652 Victoria Park - shadow on slide File September 9, 1997
97-2653 Victoria Park - feature of slide File June 26, 1997
97-2654 Victoria Park - ducks and little kid File July 3, 1997
97-2658 Victoria Senior Centre - old vic meal File May 7, 1997
97-2662 Vigil Montreal - at UW [University of Waterloo] Seigfried Hall File December 5, 1997
97-2664 Villard, Serge - regional laboratories File December 10, 1997
97-2665 Villeneuve, Novle - at Spring Valley trout farm File August 11, 1997
97-2667 Vincent, Sherilyn - clothing designer File November 10, 1997
97-2676 Vokey, Rodger - kidney patient File April 22, 1997
97-2682 Walker, Paul H&S [head and shoulders] government trouble File August 22, 1997
97-2683 Walker, Ralph - Huntington Society founder File December 10, 1997
97-2686 Walkington, Ian - Squeeze Me Ernie dolls File December 17, 1997
97-2687 Waller, Irvin, Dr. - justice dinner File April 24, 1997
97-2690 Walls, Dianne & Rodger - with quadruplets (4 months old) File December 23, 1997
97-2693 Walt Disney movie - on scene at St. Jacob's railway File November 24, 1997
97-2694 Walther, Tony - tour of old Waterloo jail File September 10, 1997
97-2706 Waterloo Park - weather special File July 22, 1997
97-2711 Waterloo Regional Airport - helicopter accident File April 28, 1997
97-2712 WRP [Waterloo Regional Police] safety lane - vehicle inspections Paul File September 15, 1997
97-2713 Waterloo St. Jacobs - Sunday rides Clampitt boy File July 13, 1997
97-2714 Waterloo St. Jacobs - Gingrich Mahon James Brown File July 10, 1997
97-2724 Waterloo Region District Health Council - Wein, Wright, Flynn File May 22, 1997
97-2726 Waterloo Stage Theatre File May 12, 1997
97-2728 Water main break - near Eastwood Collegiate Institute File January 14, 1997
Results 1601 to 1700 of 3239