1997 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
97-624 Dog & Kids - Tanaskovic Murphy & Seifried File May 27, 1997
97-626 Dog Show/ German Shepherd File September 18, 1997
97-627 Dog Walk-A-Thon for U of Guelph [University of Guelph] File September 21, 1997
97-629 Dombroskie, Leanne - Inquest File June 9, 1997
97-630 Donald, Christopher Dr. - Drayton Doctor File August 1, 1997
97-632 Donaldson, Judy - Glass and Clay Gallery File May 22, 1997
97-634 Donnell, Greg - KW [Kitchener-Waterloo] Health Centre File February 19, 1997
97-635 Doogan, Patricia - Workmen's Compensation Board File April 28, 1997
97-637 Doon Groundwater Festival File June 3, 1997
97-640 Doon Spraygrounds - Kids in Water File July 7, 1997
97-641 Doppler Cycle... Swartz - Mike Swartz on Recumbent Bike File April 4, 1997
97-647 Downey, James - UW [University of Waterloo] President File September 23, 1997
97-651 Doyle, Lindsay - Local Girl Makes Cut for Riverdance File November 3, 1997
97-652 Drayton Community - Seeking Doctor at Job Fair File October 2, 1997
97-654 Dream Home Lottery Winners - Chandos Drive-Freiburgers File January 26, 1997
97-657 Drewe, David - Transitions Magazine File August 22, 1997
97-663 Drunk Driving Sentencing - Wismer & Victim Forler File January 24, 1997
97-664 Dry Docks - Roger & Hector Leblanc with File March 19, 1997
97-667 Ducks on Ice at Vic [Victoria] Park - Standup/Weather File March 24, 1997
97-672 Durham Flood Clean-Up File January 14, 1997
97-673 Durham Hospital Rally - Hundreds Link Arms Around Site File February 20, 1997
97-678 Dwyer, Lillian.. In Court - Father Killed by Hit & Run File March 27, 1997
97-682 Earth Day - Keatsway School File April 21, 1997
97-685 ECI [Eastwood Collegiate Institute] Job Search - Tanja & Alana File April 24, 1997
97-695 Eatons Sign Removed File July 3, 1997
97-701 Edissi, Karen - Singer with Art to be Auctioned File April 10, 1997
97-706 Election 97, Cambridge - Brewer HQ [Headquarters], Etc File November 10, 1997
97-709 Election Redman, Redman, Karen Victory Party File June 3, 1997
97-710 Election Reimer, - Reimer, John at Campaign Office File June 3, 1997
97-715 Elmira Fair - Setting Up on Friday Night File August 15, 1997
97-719 Elliot, Anthony & Bike - Bike Recycling Depot File August 15, 1997
97-725 Elora Gorge - Inner Tube Folks File August 2, 1997
97-736 Enver's - Morriston [Ontario] Restaurant File May 12, 1997
97-739 Epton Demolished - Empty Lot File August 12, 1997
97-742 Epton Site - Demolition File April 2, 1997
97-743 Epton Site... Fenced Off Prior to Demolition File March 5, 1997
97-749 Evans, Dakota - Unemployed Person File October 14, 1997
97-754 Ewing, Kim - U of G [University of Guelph] Study of Memory & Abuse File August 13, 1997
97-759 Explosion - Cambridge, House, Unpunched [photographic negatives] File May 4, 1997
97-763 Ex-way [Expressway] Traffic Jam File August 12, 1997
97-771 Fall Fair Set-Up at Dickson Park Abraham File September 3, 1997
97-774 Fallows, Simon - The Bracket Company File May 6, 1997
97-777 Family Violence Program - St. Stephen Church File October 15, 1997
97-786 Fashion Sandals - Summer Sandals File April 23, 1997
97-791 Fatal Motorbike Acc [Accident] - Coronation Dr. (In Front of CMH [Cambridge Memorial Hospital]) File September 4, 1997
97-793 Fatal - Car & [and] Train - Wellington Regional #32 File January 29, 1997
97-794 Fatal Fire - Roseview Ave in Cambridge File June 17, 1997
97-795 Faus, Mark - Pilot in Angola File May 28, 1997
97-796 Fearing & Smith Singers - River Run Centre Guelph File October 16, 1997
97-814 Fire - Harwood Rd. Cambridge File March 31, 1997
97-822 Fire Education Centre - Claudia Scheifele Painting File October 5, 1997
97-828 Fire... Florence Ave. -Bungalow Fire File April 15, 1997
97-833 Fire Inquest - Final Day File July 10, 1997
97-834 Fire.. Martins Furniture File July 3, 1997
97-836 Fire... Sunnydale Place, Wloo [Waterloo] File January 23, 1997
97-839 Fire - Woodborough Place – Cambridge File December 7, 1997
97-844 Flannery, Tim - Lawyer File October 23, 1997
97-849 Flooded Yard - Billo Shantz Klein & Ducks File May 9, 1997
97-854 Floradale Parochial - Kids Skating Shovelling File February 11, 1997
97-855 Floyd, Jan, Detective - W.R.P [Waterloo Regional Police] Detective File April 3, 1997
97-857 Flyball Dog Races File July 27, 1997
97-858 Flynn, Dr. Greg - Pathology at St. Mary's Hospital File December 17, 1997
97-861 Folding Food Bank Bags - Resurrection S.S. [Secondary School] File September 7, 1997
97-865 Food Bank Invitations - Non-Dinner File November 26, 1997
97-870 Food Illustration - Calcium Recipe Book File May 16, 1997
97-873 Food Illustration - Porcini Mushroom Burger File February 14, 1997
97-874 Food Illustration - Maple Syrup Muffins File March 31, 1997
97-884 Food Lasagna File April 21, 1997
97-893 Food Timbale File May 26, 1997
97-896 Food Winter Soup - Winter Soup File January 10, 1997
97-901 Forsyth, Phyllis H&S [Head and Shoulders] - U.W. [University of Waterloo] Language Prof [Professor] File April 8, 1997
97-904 Fountain Reader- Kitchener City Hall File July 8, 1997
97-906 401 Repaving - Traffic Lineup File June 11, 1997
97-909 4-Point Hotel.. - Rubber Duck Race/ Dave Decker File March 26, 1997
97-911 Fox, Darrell - Terry Fox's Brother - Run Promo File August 25, 1997
97-916 French, Donna - Mother of Kristen [French], Speaks File March 12, 1997
97-920 Frenette, Sybil - Mgr [Manager] of Kitchener Housing Inc. [Incorporated] File July 31, 1997
97-924 Frog Hunting at Riverside Park File July 29, 1997
97-926 Front Yard Ministries - Dace Campbell and Show for Kids File July 21, 1997
97-932 Funeral Benton Street For Christine Mikel (Christy) File 1997
97-934 Future Recovery - Gary Goodyear File February 27, 1997
97-938 Gallager, Bill - In Wheelchair at St. John's File June 4, 1997
97-941 Food - Cajun Chicken File January 24, 1997
97-944 Galt Little Theatre - Don't Dress for Dinner File October 14, 1997
97-947 Gancevich & Shubert - Tanja & Alana Unemployed File April 21, 1997
97-948 Gandhi, Kush - Packing for Trip to India File January 6, 1997
97-950 Garbett & Hart.. Weather - Cold Weather/Bundled Against Cold File January 17, 1997
97-951 Gardner, James Alan - Author of Sci-Fi [Science Fiction] Novel File July 9, 1997
97-952 Garstka, Ted.. Fishing - Chicopee Pond File October 8, 1997
97-953 Garstka, Ted... Ice Fishing - Chicopee Pond File January 27, 1997
97-966 Gibson TV Draw for Ludwig/Readers Sales File September 18, 1997
97-972 Gilpin, Wayne - Practices for Messiah File December 10, 1997
97-978 Giles, Ken - Tow Truck File March 30, 1997
97-980 Gillies, Pat - Supervisor at FCS [Family Children Services] over Julia Henry File June 25, 1997
97-987 Glencairn Public School - Teachers Getting Ready for 1st-Day File August 25, 1997
97-1002 Golf Course Problem - Balls Hit Car & House of Mike Cooke File October 15, 1997
97-1004 Golf Shootout - Brick Brewery Tour File September 14, 1997
97-1010 Gorbet, Frank - Speaks at U of G [University of Guelph] File March 25, 1997
97-1020 GRH's [Grand River Hospital] Board Meeting - Doctors Delegation File May 13, 1997
97-1021 Grand Valley Hospital - Board Meeting After Prov. [Provincial] Report File July 30, 1997
Results 1 to 100 of 3239