1997 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
97-2356 Squirrel, Detective Constable - unsolved murder scene File November 8, 1997
97-2359 St. Benedict school - students tour new school File August 26, 1997
97-2361 St. Bernadette School - beach day Neves and Almeida File January 22, 1997
97-2370 St. John's School, Guelph - map painting in playground File September 14, 1997
97-2376 St. Mary's Hospital - trauma simulation for CHCI File October 9, 1997
97-2386 Stacey Margaret - green gables File August 14, 1997
97-2389 Staff - Koza, Rick File January 2, 1997
97-2391 Staff - South, Michelle - Record RS&S File April 30, 1997
97-2392 Staff - Vaters, Kevin - Record reader sales department File January 7, 1997
97-2397 Starowicz, Mark - CBC tv producer File November 14, 1997
97-2398 Stavenow, June (H&S) - seniors and Waterloo city hall File December 9, 1997
97-2401 Steckle, Jean - community profile File December 4, 1997
97-2402 Steinbach, Dave - and Connor sledding in Rockway File January 12, 1997
97-2409 Stitger..watering flowers - Warren greenhouses Kitchener File March 17, 1997
97-2418 Stratford festival - time capsule opened File February 24, 1997
97-2419 Stratford, Gough, Tanya - and assorted pictures File June 13, 1997
97-2420 Stratford lung association - interior design fundraiser File May 21, 1997
97-2421 Stratford opening File June 2, 1997
97-2425 Street, Daryl - NCN interactive football File September 26, 1997
97-2428 Strickland, Sean - at food bank File September 25, 1997
97-2429 Strike - Wildcat, AG Simpson, Cambridge File February 27, 1997
97-2440 Sullivan, Dwyer - teacher File November 19, 1997
97-2447 Sunbeam home - [Elizabeth] Witmer effigy burning File September 26, 1997
97-2449 Sunnyside respite - for Alzheimer's caregrivers File November 12, 1997
97-2450 Sunshine Boys - Drayton theatre File May 12, 1997
97-2452 Super sub sandwich - for story by Wendi File August 30, 1997
97-2459 Swift water rescue - training at Elora Gorge File April 6, 1997
97-2460 Swigac, Mirela - UW [University of Waterloo] Grad, Waitressing File April 19, 1997
97-2469 Symphony in the barn - McGillivray, Bruce and others File June 18, 1997
97-2471 Symons and Wallace - cops Jeff and Jim with laser File February 10, 1997
97-2472 Symphony in park - Victor Sawa File June 1, 1997
97-2475 Tai chi class.. Breithaupt - Lin Sui and Art Kenemy File January 23, 1997
97-2478 Talbot, Connie, and Lorri - standup... motorized buggy and rollerblading File April 30, 1997
97-2490 Teacher protest Guelph - Holiday Inn fundraiser Johnson File November 18, 1997
97-2491 Teacher's meeting - Bingeman's File November 4, 1997
97-2494 Teachers protest - last day of pickets at Sheppard Avenue [school] File November 7, 1997
97-2496 Teachers protest File September 30, 1997
97-2499 Teacher's rally - Elizabeth Witmer's office File November 13, 1997
97-2502 Teachers shave head - raise money for Childrens Wish File June 23, 1997
97-2504 Teacher strike File October 29, 1997
97-2505 Teacher strike - Elizabeth Witmer's office File November 6, 1997
97-2507 Teacher strike - L-R... Gilhuly and Kingston File November 3, 1997
97-2512 Teddy bear ad pic - for Raphael diamond centre File November 13, 1997
97-2518 Tennis ball tumble - fundraiser for Waterloo fire department File October 19, 1997
97-2522 The Good Life club - new year fitness File January 5, 1997
97-2524 The May Court Club - Christmas tree draw File November 27, 1997
97-2529 Thiel, Andrea - pianist performs with symphony File May 24, 1997
97-2530 Thirsk, Dr. Robert - Canadian astronaut chats with kids File May 20, 1997
97-2533 Thompson, Rick - executive director Canada's Tech. Triangle File October 24, 1997
97-2535 Thompson, Thelma - 5 pin bowler - hall of fame File November 6, 1997
97-2536 Thorman, Scott - baseball player File October 6, 1997
97-2539 Tim Hortons Skate - at Lions Arena File December 23, 1997
97-2546 Tobin, Rod - therapist at KW Counselling File January 13, 1997
97-2550 Tone to the bone - musicians in local band File October 13, 1997
97-2552 Topless meeting - moral support movement meet File June 16, 1997
97-2554 Toughest cop File June 22, 1997
97-2555 Tousek, Yvonne - Cambridge gymnast File June 9, 1997
97-2556 Town hall meeting - charity casinos File April 29, 1997
97-2557 Town of Tavistock - horse walking downtown File April 2, 1997
97-2558 Toyota expansion - factory file picture File September 8, 1997
97-2559 Toyota Cambridge - dealers get new 98 Corollas File September 9, 1997
97-2563 Toyota Plant - stamping press File June 11, 1997
97-2564 Traffic on 401 - westbound File June 9, 1997
97-2568 Transit workers talk - pictures of workers during interview File February 7, 1997
97-2570 Tree planting - Morgan Park File April 16, 1997
97-2572 Trickett, Gary - KW hospital computer room File June 17, 1997
97-2575 Troeger, Alex - Waterloo region self-help File December 3, 1997
97-2580 Trudeau, Christian - vice-president of Bell Emergis File November 26, 1997
97-2582 Tucker, Bruce - cop gets head shaved File September 3, 1997
97-2583 Tug of war - Doon public school File May 30, 1997
97-2591 Turner, Doreen - $500 grocery contest winner File March 26, 1997
97-2594 Tusello, Juliana - New Ventures Business File September 29, 1997
97-2596 24 Brybeck Crescent - fall from top floor File September 28, 1997
97-2597 Tyson, Ian - at CITS [Centre in the Square] File March 12, 1997
97-2598 Ukrainian National Army - song and dance company at square File September 23, 1997
97-2600 Umbrellas - feature of kids under umbrellas File August 27, 1997
97-2601 Umbrella silhouette - weather pic File January 2, 1997
97-2602 Under the Sun - hemp and eco shop on King Street File July 21, 1997
97-2606 University /College - Ryan D'Aurelio on virtual File October 1, 1997
97-2608 UG [University of Guelph] cannabis File April 9, 1997
97-2609 UG [University of Guelph] conservatory - Patrick Dunlop and Landscape File October 16, 1997
97-2612 University of Waterloo - art gallery show reviews File September 29, 1997
97-2618 U of W [University of Waterloo] orientation - new students coming in September File August 11, 1997
97-2620 U of W [University of Waterloo] registration - parents and students File August 11, 1997
97-2623 Upper village interiors - Beth Madison File February 6, 1997
97-2625 Urbina, Bolivar... police safety village File May 8, 1997
97-2630 Utech family - child anxiety File August 18, 1997
97-2634 Vanderaa, Sandra - our cedar chest File November 13, 1997
97-2638 Vanezis, Andy - Division Courthouse File April 8, 1997
97-2641 Vanstrepen, Bob File November 17, 1997
97-2655 Victoria Park - feeding duckies File September 22, 1997
97-2656 Victoria Place - retirement lodge picnic File July 29, 1997
97-2657 Victoria Place retirement lodge - Oktoberfest celebrations File October 15, 1997
97-2663 Villa Nina - restaurant File January 6, 1997
97-2670 Vogt, Brad - UW [University of Waterloo] exam table set up File April 9, 1997
97-2672 Voisin, Mac - M&M meats president File April 15, 1997
97-2674 Voisin, Susan - mother of Trish, violin with stuffed animal "Tigger" in honour of her unborn granddaughter File March 18, 1997
97-2675 Voisin, Susan - daughter murdered File March 25, 1997
97-2677 Vriend, Sarah #2 - Woodland [secondary school] top student File 1997
97-2684 Walk for life - right to life group File May 10, 1997
Results 201 to 300 of 3239