1995 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
95-1765 Marbrae Paralegal Service - Brenda Frazer standing File March 08, 1995
95-1766 Macdonald, Joe (Wat.) - speaking to kids re: downtown File February 27, 1995
95-1771 McGregor Public School - "give" spelled in schoolyard File October 04, 1995
95-1775 McKay, Anne - Ayr Clothing Store File August 29, 1995
95-1780 Mackie, andrew walking naked in Victoria Park File August 23, 1995
95-1783 MacNaughton, Ian - member mayor's task force File January 24, 1995
95-1788 Madden, Peggylynn - Grandview survivor reunion File December 16, 1995
95-1790 Maerz, Norbert - 2nd opinion File May 01, 1995
95-1793 Mahoney, John filming at Doon Heritage File June 07, 1995
95-1795 Madazy, Richard - skate therapist File May 21, 1995
95-1806 Managers serve breakfast - Big Boy restaurant File November 17, 1995
95-1807 Manderson, John - mTD products File July 14, 1995
95-1809 Mann, Stephen & wife - Alzheimer's story File March 24, 1995
95-1810 Manning, Preston - Reform Party Leader File October 03, 1995
95-1814 Marder, Maureen - social assistance File October 26, 1995
95-1815 Mardirosian, Grant - moustache shaved File January 17, 1995
95-1816 Margaret Ave. School - building canoe File March 29, 1995
95-1819 Marion Aaron - bus stop File August 02, 1995
95-1822 Market Square, 22 Fred Build - Buildings to be sold File September 26, 1995
95-1823 Marr, Maureen - grandview survivor gets File October 19, 1995
95-1829 Martial Arts practice - Motz Park File August 09, 1995
95-1830 Martin, Brenda - Provincial Election Debate File May 18, 1995
95-1831 Martin Family Views Ice - Conestoga River near St. Jacobs File March 14, 1995
95-1834 Marin, Ted - H&S insight page File December 11, 1995
95-1835 Martin and Porlier - KW Counselling File October 02, 1995
95-1837 Matiniuk, Gerry with dog (for profile) File June 20, 1995
95-1839 Mass Vander Johanna - Wellesley Pond File July 31, 1995
95-1845 Mathes, John & Maria - 72nd wedding anniversary File September 01, 1995
95-1847 Mathies, Prof. Ron - Conrad Grebel, MCC File May 29, 1995
95-1849 Mavericks perform COE File July 14, 1995
95-1853 McCarthy, John - Voices Column / Ontario Glove File January 29, 1995
95-1855 McCormick, Kevin - University of Waterloo Bball spec File June 06, 1995
95-1856 McCormick, Scott - WLU student union pres. File April 24, 1995
95-1869 McLeod, Sandy - Record Circulation Manager File March 17, 1995
95-1870 Malkin, Dare - Opinion Col File April 04, 1995
95-1873 McDermott, John - Singer - Centre in Square File April 08, 1995
95-1874 McDonald, Audrey - 3 generation birthday party File January 21, 1995
95-1878 McDowell, Jill - F.H.C.I. File May 30, 1995
95-1879 McGregor, Doug - Record staff File March 02, 1995
95-1881 McGugan, Laura - silhouette File January 19, 1995
95-1885 McKeown, Laura - G.C.I File May 30, 1995
95-1887 McFee, Dave - motorcycle show preparation File April 19, 1995
95-1897 McLeod, Lyn - Ontario Liberal Leader File February 16, 1995
95-1900 McGeoch, Bradley taking shots with plastic goalie File March 28, 1995
95-1907 McNabb, Jenny - dog hit by car File May 04, 1995
95-1909 McNeil, Steve & food hampers from house of friendship File December 14, 1995
95-1910 McNichol, Joy - Laurentian Lady Vee's basketball File December, 29, 1995
95-1912 McPherson, Alan - Presbyterian Church Moderator File June 05, 1995
95-1913 McPherson & rockway gardens supports study to improve gardens File September 29, 1995
95-1918 Meadowlane Public School - students learn to curl File January 26, 1995
95-1921 Medeiros, Rico - WLU slam dunk comeptition File March 09, 1995
95-1925 Melcher, Ryan running for Amanda Clements at Arena File April 26, 1995
95-3033 Weather spec - cars on Bridge Street / splash File August 03, 1995
95-3034 Weather pic - skier walking in mud File February 19, 1995
95-3044 Weber and Ritz - New Hamburg thrift shop File April 18, 1995
95-3045 Weber St. for insight File October 12, 1995
95-3049 Weitzel, Howard - horeshoe pitcher File August 18, 1995
95-3050 Wellaufer Wayne - PC Candidate File April 14, 1995
95-3052 Wellwood, Bill - Racing horses File May 22, 1995
95-3053 Wells, Doug with 1940 Packard File October 23, 1995
95-3059 Wendt, Al - CN rail award File December 14, 1995
95-3062 Wesley United Church work on steeple File August 16, 1995
95-3063 West, Cathy removing her kid from school File March 06, 1995
95-3066 Wetlauffer, Wayne - PC candidate (Kitchener) File June 08, 1995
95-3072 What they're building - Biehn Drive File November 13, 1995
95-3079 What's for sale - 129 Becker St. File July 24, 1995
95-3091 What's for sale - 226 Glenforest Rd., Hespeler File March 07, 1995
95-3092 What's for sale - Shea Cr. #1 File December 19, 1995
95-3094 What's for sale - Corfield Dr. #78, Kitchener File November 28, 1995
95-3096 What's for sale - Waterloo Calvington Pl. File April 03, 1995
95-3103 What's for sale - 632 Bayhampton Cr., Waterloo File July 31, 1995
95-3105 What's for sale - 16 Tagge St., Kitchener File May 31, 1995
95-3106 What's for sale - 1230 Ottawa St. S. Kitchener File May 16, 1995
95-3108 What's for sale - 117 Stirling Ave. N. File June 20, 1995
95-3121 What they're building - Cantanco Homes Model File June 06, 1995
95-3123 What they're building - Gregg Ct., Kitchener File August 04, 1995
95-3131 What they're building - Ivystone Homes, Dartmoor Cr. File February 8, 1995
95-3138 What they're building - Bankside Dr., Kitchener File March 14, 1995
95-3139 What they're building - Beechwood Dr. #701 File December 18, 1995
95-3143 What they're building - burning bush rd. File June 18, 1995
95-3151 What's for sale - A-8 233 Pioneer Dr., Kitchener File March 28, 1995
95-3152 1996 Acura 3.2 TL File October 03, 1995
95-3156 Column - Corvette, Excalibur, Ols Aurora File September 12, 1995
95-3159 Race car - ford monarch File May 31, 1995
95-3166 Mazda MPV 96 - Minivan Kieswetter Motors File December 29, 1995
95-3174 Toyota T-100 Pick-up File June 28, 1995
95-3181 White, Kevin - Juvenile diabetes / Tieri story File August 28, 1995
95-3182 1965 Beetle convertible File June 29, 1995
95-3189 Elizabeth Witmer and Jorma Saari File 1995
95-3195 Wilson, Liz - Record staff File March 11, 1995
95-3205 Williams, Yvonne birthday with friends / Voices column File March 04, 1995
95-3206 Williams, Amy & Arlyne playing basketball in driveway File April 16, 1995
95-3207 Willis, Marjorie - allergic to cold File January 31, 1995
95-3208 Williston, Anne - Record HR dept. File June 12, 1995
95-3212 Wismer and Rier - Mother and Daughter reunion File May 12, 1995
95-3214 Witmer, Liz - Waterloo North MPP File June 24, 1995
95-3215 Witmer - sign clean-up File June 09, 1995
95-3218 WLU Musicians posing with horns for benefit File September 26, 1995
95-3221 WLU protest re: code of conduct File December 04, 1995
95-3222 WLU science building official opening File January 23, 1995
Results 1601 to 1700 of 3560