1995 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
95-937 Fire St. Jacobs Stockyard - strawfire in the building File May 23, 1995
95-939 Fire - Thames Tire File January 09, 1995
95-947 Firefighters Muster - Doon Heritage Crossroads File May 28, 1995
95-963 Flynn, George - court story File February 08, 1995
95-964 Foerter, Ed - Air Support Military Books File September 15, 1995
95-967 Food Bank packing - Livingston & McNeil File October 10, 1995
95-968 Food Carts - pushing long line File July 13, 1995
95-970 Food Illustration - Asparagus File April 21, 1995
95-972 Food illustration - beef, snow peas, & wontons File November 20, 1995
95-974 Food - carrots, oranges, and broccoli dish File August 07, 1995
95-980 Food illustration - blueberry pasta salad File July 21, 1995
95-987 Food shoot - cranberry raisin onion mix File September 29, 1995
95-991 Food Illustration - Easter leftovers File April 13, 1995
95-999 Food Illustration - Pary Nibbles File May 27, 1995
95-1016 Food - xmas goodies: white chocolate and cookies File December 18, 1995
95-1019 Follies, Will Rogers - centre in square show File April 06, 1995
95-1026 Forwell, Susan - mayoralty candidate loser a year File November 10, 1995
95-1029 Forest Heights Drama - Breath of the Wolf File April 18, 1995
95-1032 Fox, Betty & Rolly - Kickoff for Terry Fox run File August 29, 1995
95-1035 Fox, Thomas - Catholicism - rel File September 25, 1995
95-1044 Freeman, Greg & megaphone - University of Waterloo varsity cup promo File October 17, 1995
95-1046 Freeport Hospital - Rumour Board File July 17, 1995
95-1048 Frederick Shannon - Charity Casino File March 25, 1995
95-1054 French, Jonathan - F.H.C.I. File May 30, 1995
95-1056 Frey, Adam with devil sticks File July 06, 1995
95-1058 Friedman, Jay File June 19, 1995
95-1061 Fritsch, Michael talks with task force member File January 30, 1995
95-1063 Froome, Don with pro Quebec sign File October 26, 1995
95-1064 Fryers and Gauthier - grandmother with scooter File September 03, 1995
95-1065 Fuentes, Sandra - Mexican ambassador to CDA File September 11, 1995
95-1071 Future shop & t.v.'s - power centre story File October 20, 1995
95-1072 Gary Bowen - hepatitus C - story Danard File April 24, 1995
95-1073 Gas Prices - Beaver Station File March 17, 1995
95-1075 Gatto, Jim - ice cream supreme File June 16, 1995
95-1087 Garner, Marilee - pain management program File May 31, 1995
95-1092 German Sheppard Show - dog obidience File September 14, 1995
95-1096 Gesza, Irene - wholelife magazine File June 14, 1995
95-1098 Gibson, Dan - 2nd opinion File May 18, 1995
95-1099 Gibson, Ben - Mohawk Corn File August 02, 1995
95-1102 Gibson, Stuart - Gibson TV, Waterloo File December 14, 1995
95-1103 Gildilevich, Bud & Barbara File May 24, 1995
95-1106 Gilbert & Sullivan Society - John Kerr & Donna Kuehl File September 20, 1995
95-1117 Gladney, Tom - Eatons exec. speaking at energy File April 05, 1995
95-1123 Godrich - tree planting by area municipal workers File October 25, 1995
95-1124 Goebel, George .. drug story - re: user fees for drugs File November 29, 1995
95-1125 Goetz, Julie - 6-9 art class at H. Watson Gallery File July 31, 1995
95-1132 Good, Joanne - Record Recap pod File November 20, 1995
95-1133 Good, Laurie - K.C.I. File May 30, 1995
95-1136 Gooding, Jason - Brantford red sox File August 15, 1995
95-1139 Goods Exchange Day - Boys carrying couch File May 13, 1995
95-1142 Gould Advertising billboard File October 05, 1995
95-1143 Goulden, Mia - petition File November 28, 1995
95-1144 Gowland, Dave proud of downtown - Thomspon File November 10, 1995
95-1146 Gran Folklorico - Mexican Group at Centre File October 31, 1995
95-1149 Grand River Collegiate Inst. File May 30, 1995
95-1150 Grand View P.S. Cambridge - kids playing pog game File April 10, 1995
95-1154 Grant, Reid - Women taking charge File October 21, 1995
95-1155 Grassfire - Kossut Road File April 16, 1995
95-1158 Greek Garden - restaurant mug shot File December 05, 1995
95-1171 Groff, Donna & kids Nicholas and Jaime File January 06, 1995
95-1177 Guelph civic museum - guy playing bagpipes File January, 1995
95-1178 Guelph University - studetns prepare for exams File April 21, 1995
95-1179 Guenther, Bill - country line dancing File September 14, 1995
95-1185 Gunn Call - Domestic - Wright Drive, Cambridge File March 21, 1995
95-1190 Gurd, Heather - Parent partnership with schools File March 23, 1995
95-1191 Guse Family - Waterloo Inn File March 19, 1995
95-1194 Gymnastics girls - Barista & O'Dell at FHCI File November 21, 1995
95-1212 Halbert, Alex - mail box File May 01, 1995
95-1215 Hallett, Doug - Eco logic, Rockwood File February 22, 1995
95-1217 Halliday, Grace .. small biz - sells police novelties File July 10, 1995
95-1223 Hamilton, Bernie - teaching about hunting File December 06, 1995
95-1226 Hammer, Shane & uncle Don in water fight File July 31, 1995
95-1230 Hancock, Chief Jom - kfd (with little bell) File June 12, 1995
95-1234 Hobson, Greg - 2nd opinion File September 12, 1995
95-1235 Harbin, Gary - Miniature Trains & Dollhouses File June 29, 1995
95-1236 Harbinger Gallery - Summer in the city File September 02, 1995
95-1239 Hardman, Judge Paddy at K-W Business Women File April 27, 1995
95-1247 Harris, Mike - Ontario Conservative leader File March 31, 1995
95-1250 Harris, Reverend - Trinity Village nursing home File October 11, 1995
95-1251 Harrison, Cheryl - Record Staff File March 02, 1995
95-1252 Hartstock, Fred - Nuclear Resonance Scanner File March 28, 1995
95-1254 Harvey, Dona - for the record File September 13, 1995
95-1263 Hawke, Trent -weather spec. File November 12, 1995
95-1267 Heaney, Jean .. taxi for kids - new service File July 17, 1995
95-1268 Heart & Stroke breakfast - Roy Cameron, Dr. Sclater / McKenzie File February 01, 1995
95-1270 Heatwave - swimming at Kawanis Park File July 30, 1995
95-1272 Hedley, Neil with YW Kids at Billboard File October 12, 1995
95-1273 Heide, Monica - prison for women story File March 01, 1995
95-1277 Helliwell, John - economist at Wilfred Laurier File November 07, 1995
95-1282 Henderson, Hazel - speaker at United Church conference / WLU File November 09, 1995
95-1288 Hepburn, Prof. John - UW Laser Research File March 13, 1995
95-1297 Hewitt, Chris - Southwood Secondary File May 30, 1995
95-1303 Highland Road, United Church - Easter Bunny Sale File March 15, 1995
95-1307 Hill, Terry - country singer File March 12, 1995
95-1308 Hill and Doherty - George Hill Cartage File January 27, 1995
95-1313 Hindu idol fed milk - Hindu temple, Lancaster Street File September 01, 1995
95-1314 Hinnigan, Karen & daughter - daycare worker facing pay cut File July 21, 1995
95-1319 Hockey Police - final at Kinsmen Arena File March 02, 1995
95-1326 Holley, Rhonda at Sheridan Nurseries File November 20, 1995
95-1328 Holzinger, Shari - one of the last regional police cadets File October 04, 1995
Results 1401 to 1500 of 3560