1982 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
82-3467 Walters, Dyan, election File October 18, 1982
82-3468 Ward, Chris, advertisement, F.P.C. File April 22, 1982
82-3485 Wilson, Harry, election news only File October 18, 1982
82-3487 Wilson, Brenda, advertisement, Canada Trust File April 30, 1982
82-3496 Woods, Ted, advertisement, Golden Triangle Dodge boys File April 23, 1982
82-3497 Woods, Willis M., news use only File October 15, 1982
82-3505 Yates, Charles File October 25, 1982
82-3506 Yearwood, Dan, advertisement, Orr Auto File April 27, 1982
82-3516 Zinger, Joe, election news only File October 21, 1982
82-700 Electrician, in sign File December 22, 1982
82-703 Elmira Council meeting, re Martin Feed Mill File December 21, 1982
82-707 Elmira swim team, at Forest Heights pool File January 26, 1982
82-723 Emmanuel Bible College, family survey File February 4, 1982
82-731 Ethnic theme week, Grandview School, parade of flags File April 19, 1982
82-732 Evans, Betty, lawn ornaments File July 22, 1982
82-744 Fairbairn, Tom, swinging grandaughter Holly Dawson File October 14, 1982
82-745 Fairview Mall, Oktoberfest exhibits File October 2, 1982
82-747 Family Y, construction pictures, for creative department File April 20, 1982
82-750 Fashion, jeans File September 10, 1982
82-752 Fashion, bathing suits File January 25, 1982
82-754 Fashions, the Kettle Creek Canvas Company File October 20, 1982
82-757 Fashions for senior citizens, in studio File March 18, 1982
82-767 Fergus Highland Games, 37th annual File August 14, 1982
82-777 Fire department, dispatch File October 7, 1982
82-779 Fire, Elora Public School File May 29, 1982
82-780 Fire, Chaggares Restaurant File September 15, 1982
82-782 Fire and flood, on Wellington Street North File September 14, 1982
82-796 Fire, 688 King Street West, Kitchener, fireman with dog File April 3, 1982
82-803 Fire, Miller Sawmill, R.R. 2 Petersburg File July 19, 1982
82-814 Fishing, Columbia Lake, Waterloo File May 1, 1982
82-816 Five legged frog File June 8, 1982
82-822 Flooded basement, Victoria Park File August 5, 1982
82-824 Flooding, Cambridge, Briarwood Drive and Dunbar Road File August 25, 1982
82-828 Fly maker File October 15, 1982
82-829 Flying, across the Atlantic, Turnballs File June 25, 1982
82-832 Food, frozen and canned food, for Lifestyles File February 22, 1982
82-834 Ford, Rev. Iris, moderator of Waterloo Wellington Presbyterian Church File September 16, 1982
82-839 Foster, Earl, mailman bitten by dog File January 21, 1982
82-841 Founder's Day, celebrated at Our Lady of Lourdes School File May 27, 1982
82-847 Franken, Gerry, Waterloo celebration project File October 31, 1982
82-850 Frederick Street, snow covered sidewalks File February 15, 1982
82-861 Frisbee throwing demonstration, Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational School File February 24, 1982
82-862 Fritzsimmons, Katie and cousin, eating ice cream File February 20, 1982
82-866 Funeral for slain OPP officer, Mount Forest, 2 of 2 File May 12, 1982
82-869 Gage, Mr., Canada Housing and Mortgage File October 17, 1982
82-882 Gas coupons File September 1, 1982
82-884 Gas pipe sections, Ayr File August 12, 1982
82-893 Geese, at Riverside Park, Cambridge File May 5, 1982
82-897 German War Dead Memorial File November 14, 1982
82-900 Gilbert, Peter, of the Colorado Rockies, touring Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File February 11, 1982
82-901 Gilbert, Peter, owner of the Colorado Rockies NHL hockey team File February 11, 1982
82-903 Gingerbread baking, Baden File December 9, 1982
82-910 Girls, doing homework on curbside File June 16, 1982
82-913 Glass worker, fell off scaffold, Duke and Westminster Streets, Cambridge File June 16, 1982
82-916 Goalie, street hockey, weather shot File April 12, 1982
82-917 Goat File October 12, 1982
82-920 Goldschmidt, Nicholas, conductor, for Upbeat cover File April 6, 1982
82-924 Goodliffe, Jim, hunting fish with bow and arrow, on old King Street bridge File May 11, 1982
82-926 Goodwin, Carol, immigration story File December 14, 1982
82-927 Gorden, Dr. Sol File May 12, 1982
82-928 Gore, Frederick T., director, St. Jude's School File June 21, 1982
82-936 Grandy, Jim, manager of Grandy Food Market File February 17, 1982
82-940 Gravestone dug up, 1482 Wildren Place, Cambridge File July 6, 1982
82-943 Greenspan, Ed, in court with dancers, Provincial Court File September 1, 1982
82-945 Gregoul, Jim, of Twin City Auto Parts File August 26, 1982
82-948 Gross, Carl, swimming in Moses Springer pool File June 24, 1982
82-949 Grossman, Danny, dance company File October 14, 1982
82-959 Guelph, Italian Canadian's parade over soccer win File July 8, 1982
82-962 Guelph, St. George's Square, crown inlay File September 8, 1982
82-963 Guelph, St. George's Square File June 23, 1982
82-964 Guelph, street troubadors, John and Lindon Stone File June 17, 1982
82-966 Guelph water tower, sandblasting File October 9, 1982
82-968 Guelph and district, Multicultural Festival File June 21, 1982
82-969 Guenther, Lee, downtown Waterloo apartment File January 18, 1982
82-973 Gun auction, Phillipsburg File September 11, 1982
82-983 Hadassah-Wizo Bazaar, Brandy Smalley, looking at merchandise File October 27, 1982
82-988 Hair analysis, University of Guelph, Professor Rosalind Gibson File January 22, 1982
82-989 Hair fashion File April 22, 1982
82-992 Hallock, Roy, Plattsville Public School File January 25, 1982
82-998 Hampson, Bill, Walkerton File September 23, 1982
82-1002 Handley, Peggy, with 17 year old terrier called Sassy File August 5, 1982
82-1004 Hanna, Dan and Ida, CB radio File May 2, 1982
82-1005 Harassed couple, 241 Weber Street File September 14, 1982
82-1007 Harley Davidson, most expensive thing, Tourglide Classic File September 1, 1982
82-1024 Hay cutting, for the third time File September 10, 1982
82-1026 Hayes, Lance and Miles, brothers, frame 21 is Miles, frame 22 is Lance File September 1, 1982
82-1034 Heise, Fred, construction of new barn File May 19, 1982
82-1036 Helicopter, radio controlled File June 9, 1982
82-1039 Eisold, Helmut, Manfred and Werner, three brothers reunited File August 19, 1982
82-1044 Heritage Place, Weber Street, Waterloo File February 26, 1982
82-1055 Old Hesepler School House, demolition File November 4, 1982
82-1057 Hett, Dorothy and Jim, old house File March 9, 1982
82-1059 Hiebert, Carl, rehabilitation centre, Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital File February 1, 1982
82-1062 High school, presidents and vice-presidents, group shot File April 6, 1982
82-1066 Highway 401 ramp from Highway 8, crumbling File February 23, 1982
82-1070 Hill, Dan, performing at Centre in the Square File March 9, 1982
82-1076 Historical Atlas of Perth County, Bob Rose and Barb Filshie File May 11, 1982
82-1081 Hoch, Rev. Dale, International Gospel Centre File March 16, 1982
82-1083 Hollinger, Christine and Kelly, eating apple fritters, Wellesley Apple Cheese Festival File September 25, 1982
82-1092 Horning, Gerald, re pawn shop File July 6, 1982
Results 1 to 100 of 3525