1982 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
82-553 Connally, Dan, Scots comedian File April 5, 1982
82-554 Conrad Grebel College, protesting military display, at Westmount Place File March 18, 1982
82-556 Constitutional patriation party, at Dr. Kerr Banduk's residence File October 24, 1982
82-567 Corcoran, Mike, Creative Playground, dispute File June 3, 1982
82-574 Cow show, at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File October 20, 1982
82-579 Cressman, Ron, steel rigger File January 15, 1982
82-591 Cummins, Jim, Sally Ann pantry, Guelph File January 7, 1982
82-601 Danchenko, Victor, violinist File November 13, 1982
82-607 Davison, Shawn, ready for camping trip File August 8, 1982
82-609 Dawson, Ross, shooting victim, on Homer Watson Boulevard, grader operator File March 1, 1982
82-612 Dead body, woodlot at St. Leger Street and Louisa Street File April 25, 1982
82-615 Debus, Blaine, fire in Maryhill File July 25, 1982
82-618 DeLong, Fred, St. Jacobs File December 6, 1982
82-619 Denbok, Kevin, and guitar, outside and studio File September 8, 1982
82-624 Dickie Dee, sales girl File July 22, 1982
82-627 Dingfeld, Karen, Ideal Pizza, belly up File March 23, 1982
82-630 Dish antenna, at Conestoga College File December 2, 1982
82-632 Dismantling antenna File June 5, 1982
82-633 Do, Tuan, is reunited with family, after 7 years File May 10, 1982
82-634 Doctors Ontario Medical Association, protest meeting File February 18, 1982
82-651 Douglas, Sherri, and two boys tugging her, Guelph File January 6, 1982
82-660 Drowning, Conestogo River File July 9, 1982
82-666 Dubey, Sangita, winner, of year 5 Waterloo County English awards File May 13, 1982
82-676 Dykstra, Mark File September 17, 1982
82-681 Eat 'n Putt, demolition File December 29, 1982
82-682 Eat 'n Putt File August 16, 1982
82-687 Education week, 1982 File April 27, 1982
82-690 Egg babysitting, as part of family studies class, at Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary File March 3, 1982
82-695 Election 1982, Waterloo File November 8, 1982
82-700 Electrician, in sign File December 22, 1982
82-703 Elmira Council meeting, re Martin Feed Mill File December 21, 1982
82-707 Elmira swim team, at Forest Heights pool File January 26, 1982
82-723 Emmanuel Bible College, family survey File February 4, 1982
82-731 Ethnic theme week, Grandview School, parade of flags File April 19, 1982
82-732 Evans, Betty, lawn ornaments File July 22, 1982
82-744 Fairbairn, Tom, swinging grandaughter Holly Dawson File October 14, 1982
82-745 Fairview Mall, Oktoberfest exhibits File October 2, 1982
82-747 Family Y, construction pictures, for creative department File April 20, 1982
82-750 Fashion, jeans File September 10, 1982
82-752 Fashion, bathing suits File January 25, 1982
82-754 Fashions, the Kettle Creek Canvas Company File October 20, 1982
82-757 Fashions for senior citizens, in studio File March 18, 1982
82-767 Fergus Highland Games, 37th annual File August 14, 1982
82-777 Fire department, dispatch File October 7, 1982
82-779 Fire, Elora Public School File May 29, 1982
82-780 Fire, Chaggares Restaurant File September 15, 1982
82-782 Fire and flood, on Wellington Street North File September 14, 1982
82-796 Fire, 688 King Street West, Kitchener, fireman with dog File April 3, 1982
82-803 Fire, Miller Sawmill, R.R. 2 Petersburg File July 19, 1982
82-814 Fishing, Columbia Lake, Waterloo File May 1, 1982
82-816 Five legged frog File June 8, 1982
82-822 Flooded basement, Victoria Park File August 5, 1982
82-824 Flooding, Cambridge, Briarwood Drive and Dunbar Road File August 25, 1982
82-828 Fly maker File October 15, 1982
82-829 Flying, across the Atlantic, Turnballs File June 25, 1982
82-832 Food, frozen and canned food, for Lifestyles File February 22, 1982
82-834 Ford, Rev. Iris, moderator of Waterloo Wellington Presbyterian Church File September 16, 1982
82-839 Foster, Earl, mailman bitten by dog File January 21, 1982
82-841 Founder's Day, celebrated at Our Lady of Lourdes School File May 27, 1982
82-847 Franken, Gerry, Waterloo celebration project File October 31, 1982
82-850 Frederick Street, snow covered sidewalks File February 15, 1982
82-861 Frisbee throwing demonstration, Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational School File February 24, 1982
82-862 Fritzsimmons, Katie and cousin, eating ice cream File February 20, 1982
82-866 Funeral for slain OPP officer, Mount Forest, 2 of 2 File May 12, 1982
82-2870 Cardillo, Dom File September 7, 1982
82-2873 Chamberlin, Freda, advertisement Canada Trust File June 2, 1982
82-2875 Chapman, Harold, for mayor File September 13, 1982
82-2879 Chisholm, John, Royal City Chrysler File July 13, 1982
82-2884 Clark, Dennis, advertisement Wendell File November 25, 1982
82-2893 Cockburn, Donna, staff File June 22, 1982
82-2904 Crawley, Bernard File December 1, 1982
82-2909 Cybulski, Sivie, advertisement Mahlers Pharmacy File February 24, 1982
82-2917 Demerling, Dennis, advertisement, Stevens Mercury File November 15, 1982
82-2928 Diebolt, Janis, hat picture, Koch File March 19, 1982
82-2930 Doerr, Don, advertisement, F.P.C. File April 22, 1982
82-2936 Donnelly, Jerry, advertisement, Rich's Shoes File November 16, 1982
82-2937 Donovan, Kay, advertisement File October 18, 1982
82-2938 Donovan, Kay, election news only File October 18, 1982
82-2943 Dreger, Margit, advertisement, Amble-In Real Estate File January 8, 1982
82-2945 Dutner, Kurt File October 27, 1982
82-2951 Enns, John, election news only File October 25, 1982
82-2952 Epp, Jane File June 1, 1982
82-2960 Evens, Caleb File June 14, 1982
82-2971 Fisher, Annie, advertisement, Imagery in Hair File January 14, 1982
82-2972 Fittante, Joseph, news use only File October 18, 1982
82-2973 Fleisher, Pat File September 27, 1982
82-2979 Fogle, Louis File May 21, 1982
82-2980 Follings, Harry, election news only File October 20, 1982
82-2981 Forden, Harley G., election news only File October 19, 1982
82-2986 Fournier, Lew, staff File September 7, 1982
82-2988 Fox, Sam, Canadian Co-director, ACTWU File June 17, 1982
82-2989 Freeborn, Roger File August 17, 1982
82-2991 Froese, Rev. Jim File March 30, 1982
82-2995 Gascho, Carl, advertisement File August 20, 1982
82-2999 Gefucia, Jim, advertisment, Canada Trust File January 7, 1982
82-3000 Geiger, Arlen, Shriner File February 18, 1982
82-3001 Genereux, Mary Ellen, Fairway Press File August 24, 1982
82-3008 Gibel, Joe, C of C, advertisement File October 12, 1982
82-3010 Gilder, Bruce, K-W Kiwanis File October 13, 1982
82-3015 Good, Terry, advertisement Dubrick Real Estate File October 7, 1982
Results 401 to 500 of 3525