1979 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
79-159 Washburns Mens Wear File May 23, 1979
79-162 Wesseling Audio, R-1070 stereo File November 13, 1979
79-163 Wesseling group of three people File March 12, 1979
79-171 Zehrs exterior, new store and copy of first store File June 1, 1979
79-172 Aerial, Kitchener downtown re 125 match up pictures File June 1, 1979
79-174 African Lion Safari, bird display File June 02, 1979
79-1649 Pioneer driving range, golfer File August 30, 1979
79-1651 Pioneer Sportsmen Club, muzzle loading shoot File August 6, 1979
79-1655 Plattsville flea market File July 29, 1979
79-1658 PLO protest march File May 26, 1979
79-1663 Police and dead badger File August 27, 1979
79-1664 Police demo at South Ridge School File June 16, 1979
79-1665 Policeman illustration File May 10, 1979
79-1666 Police on the beat, Preston, Cambridge, Mike Mann File April 8, 1979
79-1667 Police road block, OPP re bank robbery File February 16, 1979
79-1671 Police dog demonstration at Conestoga Mall File May 16, 1979
79-1673 Police practice for benefit hockey game File February 15, 1979
79-1676 Pollock, Sue, New Hamburg hat collector File January 24, 1979
79-1679 Portuguese Club parade File June 17, 1979
79-1686 Pretzel making at Oktoberfest YMCA party File October 13, 1979
79-1701 Prudential Assurance Centre, first concrete pour ceremony File October 10, 1979
79-1702 Prudential Life construction, Weber and Frederick Street, Kitchener File September 26, 1979
79-1703 PSB speakers, St. Jacobs File June 20, 1979
79-1710 Putman, Earl, in front of Walper Hotel, Walper Terrace Hotel File October 19, 1979
79-1711 Putnam, Earl, gives Homer Watson painting to Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery File October 27, 1979
79-1712 Queen Street roof top parking from old days File September 12, 1979
79-1713 Queensmount area, playground carnival File August 19, 1979
79-1718 Raising a tent, Marilyn Whetzel and Chris Squiers File July 5, 1979
79-1721 Reading machine, Waterloo Oxford District Secondary School File March 1, 1979
79-1729 Record, Award Presentation by Governor General Shrier, to Sandy Baird File [1979?]
79-1741 Record scrambler winner draw File March 30, 1979
79-1744 Reidel, Herbert, University of Waterloo environmentalist File September 21, 1979
79-1747 Religion, Calvin Presbyterian church, arabic service File February 04, 1979
79-1748 Religion feature, on backyard bible class in Waterloo File August 20, 1979
79-1752 Resende, Manuel, 57 [cents] robber with Beth Snyder of youth in conflict with the law File October 30, 1979
79-1753 Restaurant, food service, Bingeman's File September 18, 1979
79-1758 Right to live demonstration at Kitchener-Waterloo hospital File May 13, 1979
79-1759 Ringuette, Maurice and Gloria and dog File January 28, 1979
79-1760 Rink in the park Waterloo, women painting figurines for skating championships File November 07, 1979
79-1761 Rink in the park, band playing live music for skaters File December 14, 1979
79-1763 Riverside Park in Cambridge, geese crossing road File November 24, 1979
79-1765 Road hockey, Frederic Street, Kitchener File December 01, 1979
79-1769 Rockway Gardens bridge moved File July 2, 1979
79-1774 Rockway Centre pool players File November 02, 1979
79-1778 Rockwood Streetcar Museum File June 16, 1979
79-1780 Rodeo, Kitchener-Waterloo auditorium File May 12, 1979
79-1782 Rodonichich, Peter, bug expert with lady bugs File April 11, 1979
79-1793 Rotary Club exchange visitors at Ranger game File March 02, 1979
79-1794 Rotary fishing party at Holiday Inn File May 12, 1979
79-1796 Rothmans' Inuit art, Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Alan Hanlon, Rothmans' art director File November 29, 1979
79-1799 Rudy, Ron, Tavistock policeman with shoulder flash collection File April 19, 1979
79-1803 St. Agnes School had Hong Kong visitor for two weeks File October 12, 1979
79-1813 St. Clement Public School winter carnival File February 6, 1979
79-1825 St. Jerome's High School, Jesus Christ Superstar File March 19, 1979
79-1834 St. Mary's Hospital, Prueter School kids donate toys File November 13, 1979
79-1839 Sabot Mrs. and lost dog returned File January 23, 1979
79-1841 Sailsurfing, Laurel Creek File July 28, 1979
79-1843 Sali, Marie with whalebone sculpture File January 17, 1979
79-1845 Sam, sad beagle on gloomy day in doghouse File September 30, 1979
79-1862 School, return to September 04, Howard Robertson File September 03, 1979
79-1865 Schneider, Linda, Cambridge Central Library File November 13, 1979
79-1867 Schwirtlich, Peter, grass skiing at Chicopee File September 04, 1979
79-1871 Schneider, Frank with candycanes, in between, also see in colour File November 04, 1979
79-1881 Scenic pictures of Grand River with Galt, Cambridge in background File June 05, 1979
79-1884 Sertoma Club, youth service award File March 17, 1979
79-1885 Service station now closed File March 27, 1979
79-1890 Shattered glass, women and family File June 29, 1979
79-1896 Shopping carts, Peter LeBlanc takes carts back for money, Sue Bradman File September 12, 1979
79-1897 Shopping cart riders, Fairview Park Mall File December 30, 1979
79-1900 Shuffleboard championships at Polish Legion File February 04, 1979
79-1902 Silvester, Ken, househusband File May 23, 1979
79-1904 Simpson's Arcade Restaurant, dining out File January 12, 1979
79-1905 Sinclair, Brian, old fashioned pictures at Doon File August 24, 1979
79-1906 Sinclair, Dennis, boat builder File September 21, 1979
79-1909 Sitler reunion File July 28, 1979
79-1916 Skaters File March 31, 1979
79-1919 Skiers, Westmount golf course File January 06, 1979
79-1924 Snapping turtle caught in Grand River File April 25, 1979
79-1934 Solitary boy in room, Raymond Butler, 15 File September 11, 1979
79-1937 Southridge School, heart tree File February 23, 1979
79-1943 Spring, lion and flower, buggy shopper, Waterloo Park File March 07, 1979
79-1945 Spring weather File February 27, 1979
79-1946 Spring weather, man on railroad track, kid in jacket, mom and girl with purses File April 04, 1979
79-1948 Stahle, Jim and credit card company File May 17, 1979
79-1949 Stanfield, Robert, election visit File May 17, 1979
79-1950 Stanley Park School, walking the plank File February 06, 1979
79-1955 Steffler, Laurie, Waterloo artist in front of Labatts house File August 28, 1979
79-1957 Stevens, Susan, Conestoga College, Doon File November 13, 1979
79-1959 Stewart, Jean, Simpsons manager File March 29, 1979
79-1964 Stop sign in middle of field File January 03, 1979
79-1970 Strawberry Social at Victoria Park File June 30, 1979
79-1976 Studebaker car show, Waterloo Park File August 18, 1979
79-1978 Students on roof at Sunnyside Place File June 15, 1979
79-1980 Suetta, Jason and adopted bird File May 26, 1979
79-1983 Sullivan, Sister Joan, St. Mary's Hospital File June 20, 1979
79-1994 Sunnyside Home, sports day File June 05, 1979
79-1998 Supertramp lineup for tickets, Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File June 16, 1979
79-2000 Supertramp show, Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File July 14, 1979
79-2013 Tavistock, Stockton, Jennie turns 104 File August 28, 1979
79-2019 Taylor, Micheal and 15 inch telescope, Guelph File June 21, 1979
Results 701 to 800 of 3482