1979 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
79-956 Godfrey, Vicky and son File August 21, 1979
79-967 Goudie, Eventide Home craft sale promo shots File May 2, 1979
79-979 Grand River Conservation Authority Laurel Creek Nature Center, winter weekend File January 14, 1979
79-981 Grand River marathon teeter totter File February 17, 1979
79-983 Grand Valley industrial management, Walter Long and Robert Vaughn File November 1, 1979
79-988 Graveyard, Kitchener Waterloo with fence that divides it File May 23, 1979
79-990 Great Dane dogs and two children File April 25, 1979
79-991 Great Skate Place, opening File September 22, 1979
79-998 Grice, Beverly and 25 toe cat File January 19, 1979
79-999 Grieco, Paul, medical data bureau File March 7, 1979
79-1000 Griff, Debbie and Jackie Freebury for FOCUS File December 4, 1979
79-1004 Guelph Air Show advance File October 4, 1979
79-1041 Hadassah Wizzo Bazaar advance File October 17, 1979
79-1042 Hagedorn, Carolyn and Paul MacNaughton, National Youth Orchestra File February 13, 1979
79-1043 Hagey, Ralph, holding seance for Hughie the pig File April 24, 1979
79-1049 Halloween mask shot File October 28, 1979
79-1050 Halloween prank, wood in front of door 18 Pinedale Court File November 1, 1979
79-1056 Hamilton, Nadene, writes letters for Santa File December 4, 1979
79-1058 Hand puppet at Sunbeam Home File December 10, 1979
79-1067 Harper, Steve File October 30, 1979
79-1069 Hawk in flight File 1979?
79-1074 Healey, Dr. Basil, WLU economist File February 26, 1979
79-1081 Henrys Restaurant, Dining Out File November 15, 1979
79-1083 Hespeler Public School, Cambridge File October 18, 1979
79-1097 Hipel, Keith, computer researcher, Univeristy of Waterloo File December 10, 1979
79-1105 Hoffarth, Jean, Record driver for Focus File May 22, 1979
79-1106 Hofstetter, John and Karen Fletcher, artist File June 15, 1979
79-1109 Holidays at Killbear Park File August 7, 1979
79-1111 Home Hardware fall markets show File April 24, 1979
79-1112 Home of the week feature in Arkell File February 2, 1979
79-1113 Home Show, model home of Kitchener File October 22, 1979
79-1120 Horseshoe pitching File July 2, 1979
79-1125 House of Friendship packing Christmas Hampers File December 19, 1979
79-1126 House husband feature File May 31, 1979
79-1130 House of the week, unit 41 of 46 Cedarwoods Crescent File February 13, 1979
79-1131 House of the week, Mayfield Avenue, the Imperial or Imperoyal? File April 25, 1979
79-1136 Hueck, Eduardo, immigration File April 3, 1979
79-1138 Hull, Steve, University of Waterloo trivia nut File March 16, 1979
79-1139 Hulme, Peter, quadriplegic File April 16, 1979
79-1141 Humphrey, George, for finance File January 19, 1979
79-1143 Huronia, historic jail in Goderich File August 21, 1979
79-1145 Hydro anniversary, 100th anniversary PUC File October 17, 1979
79-1147 Hydro crews install new line to Ennotville near Guelph File February 19, 1979
79-1148 Hymers, Mary and boarder, Listowel File February 21, 1979
79-1151 Ice fishing Lake Simcoe File February 10, 1979
79-1158 Irwin, Fred, re burst pipes File February 19, 1979
79-1161 James, Cecil, president of Waterloo region File July 14, 1979
79-1169 Johnson family with two different voter signs File May 12, 1979
79-1180 KCI initiation File September 14, 1979
79-1181 KCI students work on Oktoberfest parade float File October 10, 1979
79-1182 KCI premier and deputy, Rob Anagnostopoulos and Pam Hill File May 14, 1979
79-1184 KCI anniversary staff File November 1, 1979
79-1186 KW Art Gallery Party File October 27, 1979
79-1187 KW Art Gallery, Christmas decorations File December 1, 1979
79-1189 KW Art Gallery, students sorting slides File June 25, 1979
79-1192 KW Art Gallery, "Very Red, Very Blue" File September 15, 1979
79-1193 KW Bilingual School, mock election File May 17, 1979
79-1196 KW Drive-in Theatre, Bridgeport, aerial File October 16, 1979
79-1199 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital auxiliary, sale advance File April 12, 1979
79-1203 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital psychiatry clinic File February 12, 1979
79-1204 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, X-Ray lab File May 31, 1979
79-1206 KW Little Theatre costume workshop File January 4, 1979
79-1213 Kitchener Waterloo Little Theatre, Move over Mrs. Markham File May 7, 1979
79-1219 KW Sea Cadet inspection at Navy Club in Waterloo File June 5, 1979
79-1220 Kitchener Waterloo stockyards, the chicken and bird sections File November 22, 1979
79-1223 KW Symphony, group on Canada Works grant File May 31, 1979
79-1226 KW Symphony, piano sextet File May 20, 1979
79-1228 Kalbfleisch, Mr. and Mrs. Norman, 65th wedding anniversary File July 26, 1979
79-1242 Kids learning to skate while skipping File February 14, 1979
79-1243 Kids on inner tube at Chicopee File August 28, 1979
79-1245 Kid walking big dog, Waterloo File December 11, 1979
79-1252 Kids with dandelions File May, 1979
79-1253 Kiltie band, Galt, Cambridge in Santa Claus parade File November 24, 1979
79-1254 Kimona Institute, lady visiting Kitchener File April 20, 1979
79-1267 Kipp, Cheryl File May 1979
79-1275 Kitchener's birthday celebrations parade and Victoria Park bonfire File January 16, 1979
79-1278 Kitchener Council, delegation re Homer Watson, Belmont extension File February 19, 1979
79-1281 Kitchener farmer's art market, glass maker File December 16, 1979
79-1283 Kitchener jail File December 17, 1979
79-1285 Kitchener jail and Wackenhut guard File January 18, 1979
79-1297 Kitchener 125th drum and bugle show File June 20, 1979
79-1303 Kitchener pot holes File March 1, 1979
79-1306 Kitchener stockyards in the rain File November 22, 1979
79-1307 Kitchener water tower, King Street File June 2, 1979
79-1312 Kite, kid flying, Tim Hughs, A.R. Kaufman School File April 28, 1979
79-1325 Koegler, Arno, retiring homeopathic doctor File October 23, 1979
79-1339 Krug, Hartman in front of Doon Twines File May 30, 1979
79-1342 Kunkle, Claire, acting chief of police for a year File January 29, 1979
79-1355 Lansby, Ellen, crosswalk supporter File February 7, 1979
79-1357 Laurel Creek Conservation Area, class looks at the leaves File October 13, 1979
79-1359 Laurel Creek, maple syrup time, students from St. Teresa File March 15, 1979
79-1363 Laurel Creek students haying File July 16, 1979
79-1367 Lefcourt, Dr. Herb adn playboy philosophy File September 12, 1979
79-1369 Libraries, Kitchener and Waterloo library features File December 14, 1979
79-1373 Lichty, Del, dairy farmer winner of several awards for cleanliness File May 5, 1979
79-1378 Listowel paddyfest advance File March 17, 1979
79-1379 Laotian family for religion feature File December 16, 1979
79-1381 Log cabin renovated by Brown brothers File October 13, 1979
79-1387 Lough, Mark boy with kite File November 19, 1979
79-1390 Lyle, Dr. William, optometry school File August 1, 1979
Results 501 to 600 of 3482