Level of description
Digital object |
79-2831 |
Kiertscher, Ruth, Kaye |
File |
March 01, 1979 |
79-2832 |
Kieswetter, Bob |
File |
January 30, 1979 |
79-2844 |
Koch, Jean, Hurricane Hazel witness |
File |
October 12, 1979 |
79-2850 |
Kribbs, Bob, Ridgehill Ford |
File |
January 03, 1979 |
79-2851 |
Kroisenbrunner, Sonja, staff |
File |
May 26, 1979 |
79-2857 |
Kumornick, Kumornik, John, Canada Trust Waterloo |
File |
February 06, 1979 |
79-2863 |
Lamberton, Rob, Focus |
File |
February 14, 1979 |
79-2865 |
Laros, Brenda, staff |
File |
October 11, 1979 |
79-2866 |
LaRose, Claude, Royal Trust Real Estate |
File |
May 25, 1979 |
79-2866a |
Larsen, John |
File |
May 3, 1979 |
79-2868 |
Lauer, Bob, Olsen Real Estate |
File |
May 01, 1979 |
79-2869 |
Lavallee, George, Forest Heights Real Estate |
File |
January 17, 1979 |
79-2881 |
Leonard, Dave, Kaye Ford |
File |
October 09, 1979 |
79-2887 |
Lobsinger, Dave, Wendell |
File |
October 16, 1979 |
79-2893 |
Lockington, Jim, permanent |
File |
February 22, 1979 |
79-2901 |
MacDonald, Andrea, Signet employee |
File |
November 23, 1979 |
79-2902 |
MacDonald, Bishop James |
File |
March 17, 1979 |
79-2905 |
MacFadgen MacFadden, Jean, for focus |
File |
October 30, 1979 |
79-2906 |
MacFarlane, Doug, president Conestoga Craftsman Club |
File |
September 04, 1979 |
79-2910 |
MacSwenn, Dan, Rich Hill Ford |
File |
October 16, 1979 |
79-2912 |
Machel, Norm, Dubrick Real Estate |
File |
August 16, 1979 |
79-2918 |
Malleck, Bonnie, latest for column? |
File |
February 27, 1979 |
79-2925 |
Marklevitz, Terry |
File |
March 21, 1979 |
79-2926 |
Marshall, Wynn, Fitzgerald Brothers |
File |
February 07, 1979 |
79-2930 |
Martz, Carl, Amble-In Real Estate |
File |
May 17, 1979 |
79-2932 |
Matlow, Eli Ely, Matlow Real Estate |
File |
February 28, 1979 |
79-2940 |
McClure, Hugh, Tri-County Welding |
File |
January 26, 1979 |
79-2946 |
McDermat, Bill, Kitchener Datsun |
File |
July 11, 1979 |
79-2948 |
McGough, Peter, Steven's Mercury |
File |
April 11, 1979 |
79-2950 |
McIntyre, Ian, advertisement, Fischers Mens Wear |
File |
December 03, 1979 |
79-2955 |
McLean, Walter, Waterloo riding |
File |
April 25, 1979 |
79-2960 |
McNeilly, Anne, staff |
File |
January 03, 1979 |
79-2961 |
McQueen, Ken |
File |
January 10, 1979 |
79-2962 |
McWilliam, Fiona, The Unisex 3 |
File |
October 12, 1979 |
79-2965 |
Mercer, Ruby |
File |
November 04, 1979 |
79-2967 |
Miatello, Bruce, Northfield raquet winner |
File |
February 11, 1979 |
79-2970 |
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, 60th anniversary |
File |
November 21, 1979 |
79-2975 |
Moore, Mrs. John, president South Waterloo District Women's Institute |
File |
May 18, 1979 |
79-2984 |
Murray, Al |
File |
September 10, 1979 |
79-2987 |
Murauskas, Joe, Waterloo Mortgage Real Estate |
File |
May 16, 1979 |
79-2991 |
Nicholson, Bruce, advertisement, Wolle Real Estate |
File |
December 10, 1979 |
79-2993 |
Norman, Richard, focus |
File |
April 17, 1979 |
79-2998 |
Oldfield, Bill |
File |
October 05, 1979 |
79-3006 |
Pawelko, Dave, advertisement, Wendell |
File |
December 18, 1979 |
79-3007 |
Payne, Kathy, staff |
File |
January 22, 1979 |
79-3009 |
Peper, Heinz |
File |
February 07, 1979 |
79-3010 |
Perkins, Syd |
File |
May 24, 1979 |
79-3014 |
Phillips, Dave, Newtex prefered |
File |
June 07, 1979 |
79-3015 |
Phillips, Dave, Newtex |
File |
June 01, 1979 |
79-3016 |
Piekarski, Hala |
File |
November 28, 1979 |
79-3020 |
Poos, John, Heffner Motors |
File |
February 19, 1979 |
79-3022 |
Posma, Bonne W., election candidate |
File |
April 09, 1979 |
79-3028 |
Quaiser, Harry, Steven's Mercury |
File |
October 05, 1979 |
79-3033 |
Ranney, Don, University of Waterloo |
File |
September 10, 1979 |
79-3034 |
Rayner, Janis, Olsen Real Estate |
File |
April 05, 1979 |
79-3035 |
Rayner, Leo, Kaye |
File |
March 01, 1979 |
79-3038 |
Rees, Elaine, liberal organizer |
File |
December 31, 1979 |
79-3041 |
Reidegeld, Jos, owner of Frederick St. Plaza |
File |
November 29, 1979 |
79-3042 |
Reinhardt, Steve, staff |
File |
April 20, 1979 |
79-3045 |
Renwick, Ruth, advertisement Nel Sedman Travel |
File |
December 06, 1979 |
79-3054 |
Roberts, Allan, Wiebe Real Estate |
File |
February 08, 1979 |
79-3056 |
Rooymans, John, Kitchener-Waterloo Naval Association |
File |
July 17, 1979 |
79-3061 |
Rudrum, Virginia, advertisement, professional weight control |
File |
November 14, 1979 |
79-3063 |
Ruppe, Ed, chef at Walper Hotel |
File |
October 21, 1979 |
79-3064 |
Rush, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin, 50th anniversary |
File |
March 28, 1979 |
79-3068 |
Sajkowski, Ted, Steven's Mercury |
File |
September 25, 1979 |
79-3069 |
Sakerak, Hank, Kaye |
File |
March 01, 1979 |
79-3070 |
Salhany, Roger, judge |
File |
January 19, 1979 |
79-3072 |
Sandhack, Walter, advertisement |
File |
February 08, 1979 |
79-3083 |
Schieckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, 50th anniversary |
File |
June 26, 1979 |
79-3086 |
Schill, Rob |
File |
September 08, 1979 |
79-3094 |
Sellner, Vic |
File |
August 17, 1979 |
79-3096 |
Shantz, Larry, staff |
File |
December 20, 1979 |
79-3098 |
Shane, Ron, president Granite curling club |
File |
April 03, 1979 |
79-3103 |
Shiell, Don, Dalton Howell Real Estate |
File |
January 11, 1979 |
79-3106 |
Silverthorne, Dr. Nelles |
File |
May 29, 1979 |
79-3111 |
Singleton, Rosemary, staff |
File |
January 1979 |
79-3117 |
Sloan, Kay, of Cancer Society |
File |
November 01, 1979 |
79-3118 |
Smith, Alex, staff |
File |
January 08, 1979 |
79-3122 |
Smith, Dwight, Royal Trust Real Estate |
File |
May 25, 1979 |
79-3131 |
Spencer, Paul, Olsen Real Estate |
File |
February 28, 1979 |
79-3135 |
Stanson, Ed, advertisement National Trust |
File |
February 07, 1979 |
79-3138 |
Stedelbauer, Albert, new president Orr Auto |
File |
November 01, 1979 |
79-3141 |
Steiler, Earle |
File |
December 14, 1979 |
79-3142 |
Stevens, Greg, Steven's Mercury |
File |
April 11, 1979 |
79-3143 |
Stewart, Bob, Steve's TV |
File |
May 10, 1979 |
79-3146 |
Stoody, Bill, passport |
File |
January 26, 1979 |
79-3148 |
Stott, Harold, Kitchener-Waterloo Power Squadron |
File |
April 24, 1979 |
79-3152 |
Struck, Frances, Kitchener-Waterloo Sweet Adelaine of the Year |
File |
May 15, 1979 |
79-3166 |
Teeter, Doug, Skovsgaard, Real Estate |
File |
April 19, 1979 |
79-3170 |
Thomas, Danel Daniel |
File |
May 23, 1979 |
79-3173 |
Thompson, Oscar, Olsen Real Estate |
File |
September 26, 1979 |
79-3176 |
Tilt, Milicent, Doon land owner |
File |
October 23, 1979 |
79-3181 |
Trobridge, Ken, transplant seminar, Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital |
File |
September 30, 1979 |
79-3182 |
Tucker, Terry, advertisement Riordans |
File |
October 26, 1979 |
79-3183 |
Turnbull, Doug |
File |
December 13, 1979 |
79-182 |
Airline Jazz Group at Lancaser Hotel |
File |
January 11, 1979 |
79-188 |
Allen Park, windpowered home equipped with solar heating |
File |
June 05, 1979 |
79-193 |
Andras, Robert, election visit |
File |
May 11, 1979 |
79-195 |
Angie's Kitchen, St. Agatha |
File |
June 14, 1979 |