1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-95 Jewelery File August 16, 1978
78-98 Kaye Ford File September 07, 1978
78-99 Kaye Ford File September 26, 1978
78-102 Krazy Kelly's File July 27, 1978
78-104 KPC car winners, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wheeler File October? 04, 1978
78-120 Mueller, nursery, New Dundee File April 26, 1978
78-128 Shoppers Drug Mart File 1978
78-136 The Studio, lamps File November 02, 1978
78-139 Terminal Mens hair dressers File September 21, 1978
78-144 University Business park Sign File September 20, 1978
78-146 Walkwell Shoestore Interior File 1978
78-150 Weston Jewellers, rings File November 24, 1978
78-151 Wiebe Realty, 790 Glasgow Street, house File March 10, 1978
78-154 African Lion Safari, Bengal tiger kitten File November 22, 1978
78-166 Alma, fence feature File September 01, 1978
78-172 The Apple stylists, guy and 12 girls File May 06, 1978
78-174 Apprenticeship feature, Pacific Patterns File February 14, 1978
78-177 Arellano, Baldomero riding bicycle File October 18, 1978
78-180 A.R. Kaufman school, kids skipping File April 15, 1978
78-181 Armistice day, unveiling of cenotaph plaque File November 11, 1978
78-182 Arndt, Dave and 27 inch brown trout File May 14, 1978
78-183 Arnies restaurant for dining out File August 23, 1978
78-198 Bailey, Susan File December 28, 1978
78-205 Balloon, Wayne Mettler, Doon File November 11, 1978
78-208 Bank tellers illustration for story File February 11, 1978
78-209 Barbieri, Nick with brass bed File April 07, 1978
78-214 Baseball, minor league girls feature for PULSE File June 26, 1978
78-218 Bauman, Evelyn, Elmira District High School File December 15, 1978
78-225 Bechtel Park, Waterloo, lighting standards going up File June 20, 1978
78-241 Bergen, Bill and dog Duke in Midland Park File October 24, 1978
78-242 Berger, Stephen, Sunbeam resident winner of wheelchair race File October 26, 1978
78-246 Beta Sigma Phi sorority, women of the year File April 23, 1978
78-250 Bicycle tour of Conestoga File August 13, 1978
78-253 Bicycle car in Bright, Christensen File November 20, 1978
78-259 Birds at Waterloo Park, weather File November 15, 1978
78-263 Blackburn, Maurice, re Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital lousy food File September 07, 1978
78-267 Blair Road school Alan Bessey construction File August 28, 1978
78-272 Blind shufleboard at senior citizens center File April 29, 1978
78-275 Bloomingdale scouts halloween clean up File November 02, 1978
78-282 Bluevale Collegiate, Miss Oktoberfest, all guys File October 11, 1978
78-283 Bluevale Collegiate secretary school File May 27, 1978
78-284 Bobo the clown and wagon load of kids File August 14, 1978
78-289 Bouquet Garni Restaurant File July 21, 1978
78-291 Bowman, John, Credit Union Bureau computers File April 19, 1978
78-293 Boy Scouters Allen Family File February 17, 1978
78-298 Brantford art exhibit photo File August 17, 1978
78-305 Breslau Hotel, topless waitresses feature File August 16, 1978
78-306 Breslau Public School, Christmas caroling File December 19, 1978
78-307 Breslau sunbathing dog File April 17, 1978
78-308 Brethern Farm, Bright, Brother Alex and back massager File November 20, 1978
78-313 Bridgeport goat in front yard File August 24, 1978
78-317 Brighton School vandalism File September 14, 1978
78-318 Breithaupt Center old quilters File July 14, 1978
78-328 Brown, Syd File November 29, 1978
78-333 Brox's Old County Village Restaurant, Elmira File December 14, 1978
78-339 Budd employees changing shifts File August 23, 1978
78-340 Budd plant doctors tour File January 18, 1978
78-342 Buick, Jim, president Bruniwick Corporation (with 1978 photos) File July 18, 1983
78-355 Cambridge, Anthony Stapells, 12 year old printer and brother Chris, nine. Wright File September 29, 1978
78-359 Cambridge Central Library, The primary class theater File September 12, 1978
78-372 Cambridge, labor council, new help center File October 06, 1978
78-378 Cambridge signs on trees, Gerry Wright File October 19, 1978
78-385 Cambridge, weather shot, people in tee shirts under Christmas decorations File November 09, 1978
78-387 Cambridge weather shovelling snow File January 30, 1978
78-388 Cambridge family YMCA, elves and Christmas gifts for needy family File December 18, 1978
78-392 Cameron Heights Central Band playing in gym File May 09, 1978
78-396 Camper trailers for outdoor special File May 13, 1978
78-400 Canada Manpower banner, Waterloo-Wellington Airport File June 15, 1978
78-401 Canada Day cake at Holiday Inn File June 26, 1978
78-410 Cannon, Jim, bus driver speaking at Howard Robertson School File February 03, 1978
78-413 Cantonese students at Buchner optometrists File March 19, 1978
78-416 Carden Street Cafe in Guelph File January 06, 1978
78-422 Carmelite nuns selling wares at Stanley Park Mall craft fair File September 01, 1978
78-429 Catholic Women's League National Convention File June 03, 1978
78-430 Cattle struck by lightning File August 16, 1978
78-431 Caugt fish at Chicopee swimming hole File August 19, 1978
78-440 Central Meats, Debbie Manion and pork chops File February 17, 1978
78-451 Chicopee Hill, geese crossing File April 19, 1978
78-461 Christmas Bazaar, Afterglows, musical quartet association, Rockway Golf Course File November 18, 1978
78-462 Christmas, downtown deserted File December 25, 1978
78-463 Christmas gifts, Canadian Tire File December 20, 1978
78-464 Christmas church window File November 08, 1978
78-471 Christmas mail rush File December 19, 1978
78-472 Christmas lights File December 11, 1978
78-473 Christmas tree being erected at King and William Streets File December 19, 1978
78-478 Church, Jack, retiring at CN station File July 12, 1978
78-479 Churchill, Park in Cambridge water wheel and swans nesting File May 30, 1978
78-483 Circus at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File April 14, 1978
78-499 C.O.E. fashions File August 01, 1978
78-500 C.O.E. midway File August 27, 1978
78-501 C.O.E. night light File September 02, 1978
78-503 Crombie, David, opening C.O.E. at grandstand File August 29, 1978
78-506 Chances R restaurant for dining out File October 25, 1978
78-509 C.O.E. grandstand show, Elvis impersonator File August 29, 1978
78-511 Coleman farm equipment open house File March ?, 1978
78-513 Collin, Michael, potter feature File August 30, 1978
78-523 Comptuter show at Conestogo Inn, Radio Shack File October 05, 1978
78-525 Concordia club tent File September 04, 1978
78-526 Concordia farm, pioneerfest File June 10, 1978
78-530 Conestoga college spring thaw canoe race File April 15, 1978
Results 1901 to 2000 of 3683