1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-2584 Waterloo Library, separate school art display File June 15, 1978
78-2587 Waterloo Park File May 07, 1978
78-2591 Waterloo Motor Inn dining room File January 23, 1978
78-2596 Waterloo Park, new washrooms, zoo and ducks File May 01, 1978
78-2600 Waterloo Park play ground theater File July 25, 1978
78-2607 Waterloo Park, tennis practise File May 04, 1978
78-2608 Waterloo skating rink spray painters File March 27, 1978
78-2613 Waterloo Wellington hunt club, Anglestone farms File October 16, 1978
78-2618 Waterloo YWCA participation jog File March 06, 1978
78-2619 Waterlot, New Hamburg restaurant File June 18, 1978
78-2622 "We need jobs" girls carrying placards in downtown Kitchener File May 30, 1978
78-2623 Weather, blossoms in Preston Cambridge File June 09, 1978
78-2627 Weather, cyclist rides through puddle File March 13, 1978
78-2630 Weather, kids and umbrellas in rain File September 18, 1978
78-2636 Weather, kid in park with Grandfather, Elmira File July 06, 1978
78-2637 Weather, kids and dogs File August 15, 1978
78-2638 Weather, kids fishing Westmount and Ottawa File April 22, 1978
78-2650 Weather, flutists at rear of Galt Collegiate, Cambridge playing in the Indian summer File October 16, 1978
78-2652 Weather, horses, jogger, snow fences File April 25, 1978
78-2654 Weather, kid shovelling snow File November 28, 1978
78-2658 Weather, snow shovelling and cleaning off car windows File November 20, 1978
78-2671 Weather, kids sleigh riding Gzowski park File December 05, 1978
78-2675 Weather, scythe welder on Fairway Road File July 12, 1978
78-2679 Weather, Spring Street with tennis players File March 19, 1978
78-2680 Weather, spring, splashing cars File March 21, 1978
78-2683 Weather, winter, me and my shadow File February 07, 1978
78-2684 Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H., 65th anniversary File December 14, 1978
78-2694 Wellesley junior agriculturalist, Brian Uchida File July 26, 1978
78-2696 Wellesley apple butter festival advance File September 22, 1978
78-2697 Wellesley apple butter and cheese festival File September 30, 1978
78-2701 West Montrose covered bridge sign File September 28, 1978
78-2706 What they're building File December 08, 1978
78-2707 What's for sale, 549 Brookhaven, Waterloo File December 04, 1978
78-2729 What's for sale, 464 Manchester Road File August 29, 1978
78-2732 What they're building, 144 Angela Crescent, Galt, Cambridge File August 11, 1978
78-2736 Whelan, Eugene in Ayr File April 05, 1978
78-2737 Whelan, Eugene at Uniroyal farm north of Elmira File July 18, 1978
78-2738 White, Nancy, Boars Head dinner File December 04, 1978
78-2745 Wilson Avenue is closed... police barricade File December 28, 1978
78-2750 Wind Turbine Company, Elmira, 600 foot tower to Hong Kong File July 05, 1978
78-2754 Wine bottle for PULSE File January 16, 1978
78-2756 Wine making cover for PULSE File May 05, 1978
78-2757 Winterbourne Public School, kids at recess playing File April 12, 1978
78-2761 Wintario winners, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Funton File October 07, 1978
78-2767 Winterbourne, storm damage File August 16, 1978
78-2770 WLU building construction File December 04, 1978
78-2775 Wilfrid Laurier University, lonely student File December 04, 1978
78-2777 Wilfrid Laurier University, Huras and Lutheran conference File May 31, 1978
78-2787 Woodside Park historical site plaque File June 28, 1978
78-2794 Workman's Compensation Board feature, Toronto File February 01, 1978
78-2800 YMCA, new gym, testing equipment File February 17, 1978
78-2804 Young, Jack, retirement dinner File November 29, 1978
78-2809 YWCA panelists on women and human rights, Dawn Morse File April 26, 1978
78-2810 YWCA, yoga class on roof File May 31, 1978
78-2812 Zehrs recover stolen shopping carts File April 18, 1978
78-2827 Atto, Blake, high school, St. Jerome's File January 18, 1978
78-2829 Baas, Adrian, Royal Trust File June 25, 1978
78-2830 Babcock, Joan, athlete File June 22, 1978
78-2840 Ballin, Michael, Wilfrid Laurier witchcraft teacher File January 11, 1978
78-2845 Bajurny, Veronica File October 18, 1978
78-2850 Basse, Harold File August 22, 1978
78-2852 Batten, Florence File September 15, 1978
78-2855 Bauman, Gale File July 06, 1978
78-2857 Bayer, Paul File April 05, 1978
78-2864 Becker, Pat File June 06, 1978
78-2871 Beltrame, Julian, Record employee File July 06, 1978
78-3314 Moore, John File February 22, 1978
78-3315 Morgan, Sandy, Northfield Raquet Club File April 20, 1978
78-3318 Morrell, Herb File May 26, 1978
78-3320 Mosburger, Emma, lifestyle award File April 20, 1978
78-3323 Motts, Ken File March 14, 1978
78-3326 Moule, Gabrielle, safety chariman of Red Cross File June 27, 1978
78-3327 Moyer, Bill, Midwestern Regional Library System File January 25, 1978
78-3330 Murdock, Colin File January ?, 1978
78-3339 Neff, Doug, Olsen Real Estate File June 27, 1978
78-3342 Neuert, Dean, KPC File June 20, 1978
78-3343 Nicholls, Peter, pro-country stone? File September 28, 1978
78-3346 Olsen, Kurt File April 06, 1978
78-3353 Osburne, Gaulter File September 28, 1978
78-3362 Pasquino, Gunta, president Women's Teacher's Association File May 29, 1978
78-3376 Peters, Frank File June 27, 1978
78-3380 Pierce, Charles, executive director Waterloo Regional District Health Council File September 25, 1978
78-3389 Potter, Bev, Waterloo Oxford Secondary School File June 21, 1978
78-3390 Powell, Tom, Granite club File April 04, 1978
78-3394 Pugh, Paul, communist candidate File April 18, 1978
78-3401 Ray, Arthur, Olsen Real Estate File September 21, 1978
78-3402 Ray, Arthur, Olsen Real Estate File July 27, 1978
78-3408 Reid, John, Huras Real Estate File May 10, 1978
78-3417 Rich, Bruce File March 09, 1978
78-3422 Ridel, Elmer, Skovsgaard File March 27, 1978
78-3424 Rieck, Tom, Guelph hockey player File May 01, 1978
78-3428 Robinson, Eldine and Joe Dietrich, The Permanent File May 18, 1978
78-3429 Robinson, Eldiene, Century 21 File August 15, 1978
78-3430 Robson, Steve File May 29, 1978
78-3435 Rooney, Pat File July 11, 1978
78-3442 Ruppel, Rip File November 03, 1978
78-3448 Saltzman, Max, NDP candidate File April 19, 1978
78-3450 Sanders, Robert, Dubrick Real Estate File September 21, 1978
78-3451 Sandhack, Walter, Olsen Real Estate File May 18, 1978
78-3452a Sararas, Lynn, New Dundee File April 05, 1978
Results 1601 to 1700 of 3683