1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-2172 Curling, Granite Club Record curling File January 12, 1978
78-2174 Curling, Granite curling winners File April 11, 1978
78-2177 Curling Westmount international mixed spiel winners File January 15, 1978
78-2180 Fencing feature at University of Waterloo File February 09, 1978
78-2183 Football, Eastwood takes on St. Jerome's File November 03, 1978
78-2190 Football, University of Waterloo vs WLU semi finals File October 28, 1978
78-2198 Football, WLU vs Western File October 07, 1978
78-2201 Football, highschool Cameron Heights vs KCI File October 01, 1978
78-2202 Football, Forest Heights vs Cameron Heights File September 22, 1978
78-2211 Football, KCI head shots senior team File October 04, 1978
78-2212 Football, Pickett twins playing for Bluevale File October 13, 1978
78-2215 Football head and shoulders WLU File October 25, 1978
78-2218 Golf, Budd Canada tournament winners File September 16, 1978
78-2219 Golf, CWOSSA championship at Doon Valley and head and shoulders of Danny Maue File September 28, 1978
78-2221 Golf, Oktoberfest pro am File October 05, 1978
78-2231 Golf, opening of Westmount golf course File April 17, 1978
78-2233 Guelph Centennial cup playoff finals File May 12, 1978
78-2241 Grand River Collegiate Hockey Team head and shoulders shots File February 28, 1978
78-2243 Glenview Park Collegiate Billy Graham File January 24, 1978
78-2244 Hockey, Rangers vs Oshawa action File February 03, 1978
78-2245 Hohl, Elmer, horseshoes File July 21, 1978
78-2251 Hockey, Rangers vs Peterborough File November 02, 1978
78-2252 Hockey, Forest Heights vs Grand River File December 05, 1978
78-2254 Hockey, Rangers trophy winners File April 06, 1978
78-2260 Hockey Rangers vs Toronto File September 22, 1978
78-2266 Hockey, junior, Canada vs Quebec File December 29, 1978
78-2270 High school athletes head and shoulders File January 25, 1978
78-2273 Guelph Holody Platers vs Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, centennial cup File May 10, 1978
78-2282 Hockey, Rangers vs London, playoffs File March 29, 1978
78-2288 Hockey, Waterloo minor hockey shootout File January 04, 1978
78-2294 Hockey, Southwood Collegiate Cambridge head and shoulders File January 16, 1978
78-2295 Hockey, OUAA playoff, WLU vs McMaster File February 25, 1978
78-2296 Hockey, Rangers vs Oshawa File February 24, 1978
78-2299 Hockey, WLU vs Western File February 28, 1978
78-2308 McKillop, Bob and John Weber File August 03, 1978
78-2317 Rockway golf, two hole in one players, Reesor and Knechtel File May 09, 1978
78-2319 Rugger feature File June 15, 1978
78-2324 Shooting, Alf Meyer File September 18, 1978
78-2326 Schrader, Larry, golf pro, Rockway File April 11, 1978
78-2328 Skiing, Coosje, Weber File February 15, 1978
78-2329 Skiing, cross country rally at Westmount File January 28, 1978
78-2332 Skiing, Todd Brooker File February 14, 1978
78-2335 Soccer, Eastwood vs Preston File October 31, 1978
78-2337 Soccer, Waterloo Pinto Ontario championships Mosquito girls soccer File October 11, 1978
78-2339 Soccer, Kitchener Collegiate Institute vs Eastwood File October 25, 1978
78-2340 Soccer, Twin city championships File October 01, 1978
78-2341 Soccer, Olympics vs Rangers File July 06, 1978
78-2343 Soccer, Eastwood vs Preston, final File November 02, 1978
78-2344 Kuzmanovic, Nick, for soccer feature File October 27, 1978
78-2355 Speedskaters, award winners File February 03, 1978
78-2359 Swimming, KW swimmers national trials File February 05, 1978
78-2363 Minor track and field association awards File November 24, 1978
78-1368 Luck, Angela, artist feature for entertainment File December 20, 1978
78-1369 Ludwit, Phyllis, senior citizens during bus strike, Sue Bradnam, KW Record File September 20, 1978
78-1378 Mackenzie King School, kids walking home after skating File March 07, 1978
78-1379 MacLean, Gerry, house decorating feature File May 10, 1978
78-1392 Mann, Paul, lawyer or insurance story File April 17, 1978
78-1396 Maple sap cans on trees File April 17, 1978
78-1401 Market flower File July 24, 1978
78-1402 Market Square bus station, strike File October 16, 1978
78-1404 Market Square disco dance for kids File April 15, 1978
78-1414 Matthews, Al, conservation re trees File October 31, 1978
78-1421 McIntosh, Bruce, amputee marches in Grey Cup parade, Puslinch File November 23, 1978
78-1426 Menno singers soloists rehearsal File April 19, 1978
78-1451 Miller, Butch, Santa Parade advance File November 14, 1978
78-1458 Milverton Sun, Fornier File February 21, 1978
78-1464 Miss KW teen File February 19, 1978
78-1475 Money belt File February 07, 1978
78-1476 Monroe, John, Cambridge File April 25, 1978
78-1477 Monster mania File October 28, 1978
78-1481 Morton, Douglas, University of Waterloo books File June 27, 1978
78-1482 Motorcyclists File 1978
78-1483 Motor home for Henry Koch File September 14, 1978
78-1485 Motorcycles on display in Waterloo File March 13, 1978
78-1489 Msgr. Gleason separate school, kindergarten school end party at Victoria Park File June 24, 1978
78-1496 Muskrat and kids on River Road swamp, winter File February 08, 1978
78-1497 Mutual life building old and new exteriors File October 28, 1978
78-1498 Mutual life fashion show, for KW regional cancer patients File March 07, 1978
78-1499 Myrtle beach promotion, girls in snow File March 01, 1978
78-1511 New Hamburg, harness races File August 08, 1978
78-1512 New Hamburg, junior agricuturist, Kathy Marks File July 26, 1978
78-1515 New Hamburg tiny tot skating File March 02, 1978
78-1523 Nightwatch dress rehearsal File April 24, 1978
78-1527 Notre Dame motherhouse, Waterdown, Sister Marc Ella Reitzel File July 05, 1978
78-1530 Oesch, Barbara, special course in fetal monitoring File April 13, 1978
78-1532 Oktoberfest barrel race File October 16, 1978
78-1534 Oktoberfest baton contest File October 07, 1978
78-1536 Oktoberfest bogen schuetzenfest and ice stock sliding File October 07, 1978
78-1540 Oktoberfest File 1978
78-1541 Oktoberfest donkey baseball File October 07, 1978
78-1543 Oktoberfest glockenspiel damage File October 12, 1978
78-1552 Oktoberfest office opening File September 18, 1978
78-1557 Old Landmark Inn, Conestogo, building addition File July 06, 1978
78-1560 O'Neill, Art and Mike, chicks File January 11, 1978
78-1562 OPC report, man on street interviews File December 06, 1978
78-1565 OPC Inquiry, Edward Martin and Andrew Kropf, Henchmen File June 14, 1978
78-1567 Ontario transport inspection station File July 06, 1978
78-1571 Owen Sound, Ingles Falls Conservation area File October 08, 1978
78-1576 Paris, log cabin builders File July 24, 1978
78-1594 Pierre's Steak House, Waterloo Advertisement File August 09, 1978
Results 1001 to 1100 of 3683