1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-3169 Kotur, William, Hiway Market File August 25, 1978
78-3176 Kowalski, Edita File February 21, 1978
78-3182 Kunkle, Clare File August 02, 1978
78-3184 Lako, Ivan, Kaye Ford File September 13, 1978
78-3195 Laurinaitis, Wendy, Olsen Real Estate McIsaac File October 06, 1978
78-3209 Lewis, Mrs. W.A., chairman, hospital auxiliary association File September 22, 1978
78-3212 Lincoln, Shirley, deputy sherrif File March 29, 1978
78-3217 Long, John File March 03, 1978
78-3218 Lovely, Suzie, Canada Trust Real Estate File May 18, 1978
78-3219 Lowe, Gary, electrohome File August 08, 1978
78-3229 Macdonald, Dave for audio store File October 29, 1978
78-3230 MacDonald, James, Reverend and Bishop, Hamilton Diocese File May 06, 1978
78-3232 MacKinnon, Gordon File September 25, 1978
78-3238 Mair, Bill, Canada Permanent File September 15, 1978
78-3240 Makie, Susan File March 28, 1978
78-3245 Markowicz, Murray, film director File August 29, 1978
78-3254 Mason, Dave, Century 21 File August 15, 1978
78-3269 McEwen, Angela, Hair'm Place File May 08, 1978
78-3272 McFadden, J.J., TINY File May 19, 1978
78-3276 McKinney, Debbie, Royal Trust File June 25, 1978
78-3278 McLaughlin, Wayne, J.H. Ryder File March 08, 1978
78-3279 McLean, Glen, Skovsgaard File June 12, 1978
78-3280 McLean, Walter File September 13, 1978
78-3287 McQueen, Ken File March 23, 1978
78-3291 Meffan, Dennis, B&G Auto File September 22, 1978
78-3292 Melichercik, Dr. John, FCS Family and Children's Services? File May 23, 1978
78-3300 Mikloska, Hermine, The Permanent File March 16, 1978
78-1873 Sea cadet, winter exercise, Conestoga Lake File February 05, 1978
78-1878 Seegmiller auction File December 14, 1978
78-1885 Seratoma club, awards at Bingeman Park File March 07, 1978
78-1887 Sesame street characters at downtown Kitchener Mall File 1978
78-1891 Shantz Park, kids fishing in the creek File July 17, 1978
78-1892 Sharp, Andrew in wine store File October 05, 1978
78-1895 Shepherd, Craig, one legged soccer player File July 26, 1978
78-1896 Sherban, Kyle with letter File July 08, 1978
78-1906 Singles club interviews File June 28, 1978
78-1921 Smith, Reverend Martha, Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church File February 22, 1978
78-1929 Snarling dog, Human Society File June 20, 1978
78-1931 Snow plow near Bellwood Lake File December 04, 1978
78-1935 Soapbox derby File 1978
78-1936 Soap box derby, Breslau boys club File September 23, 1978
78-1945 South Waterloo Hospital, Grand side entrance File October 22, 1978
78-1947 South Waterloo Memorial Hospital old fashion show File May 10, 1978
78-1958 Sports Day, trainable retarded, Breithaupt Park File June 01, 1978
78-1960 Spring kids feature File April 06, 1978
78-1961 Spring Valley trout farm for family outing in PULSE File July 08, 1978
78-1963 Snow fencing, installing near St. Clements File November 06, 1978
78-1964 Summerville, Mr. and Mrs. Pat, Valentine Day layout File February 13, 1978
78-1965 St. Agatha Children's Village, playground model File October 27, 1978
78-1974 St. Clement's kids in wading pool File May 30, 1978
78-1977 St. Clements, man who hit wife with hammer File July 12, 1978
78-1979 St. David's school starvathon File March 04, 1978
78-1981 St. Francis school kindergarden kids learning to skate File December 01, 1978
78-1982 St. Francis school play day File June 16, 1978
78-1994 St. John's Lutheran coach house File January 16, 1978
78-1995 St. Mary's high school car wash File April 18, 1978
78-1996 St. Mary's high school, houses being demolished for new addition File July 19, 1978
78-1998 St. Mary's school joggers in Victoria Park File October 01, 1978
78-2002 St. Mary's school students, community service program File March 17, 1978
78-2006 St. Mary's hospital new heart monitors File June 14, 1978
78-2009 St. Peter's Church, ? parade, Sunday school kids File August 19, 1978
78-2015 Stanley park plaza advertising shot of 10th birthday winners File September 20, 1978
78-2026 Stemmler, Del and Ian with Overland Tansport File July 10, 1978
78-2041 Storm, cops on the beat during storm File January 10, 1978
78-2048 Stratford Festival Opening File June 05, 1978
78-2049 Stratford, Foster Dempsey and bus driver sleeping File May 23, 1978
78-2056 Strike, pickets at Waterloo Metal Stamping File February 06, 1978
78-2060 Student parliament at University of Waterloo File December 13, 1978
78-2066 Sturgeon, Lorne and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus File December 21, 1978
78-2067 Suddaby School, principal at dangerous school crossing File December 20, 1978
78-2073 Sunnyside home, old gentlemen checker players File November 15, 1978
78-2074 Sunbeam Home bake-a-thon File November 08, 1978
78-2075 Sunbeam Home, senior citizen volunteers File January 20, 1978
78-2082 Swimming pool Cambridge File December 05, 1978
78-2083 Swimmer, scenic File July 18, 1978
78-2092 Badminton, Grand River Collegiate Institute Ontario champs File May 16, 1978
78-2095 Ball hockey feature at Queensmount arena File May 23, 1978
78-2099 Baseball Expos head and shoulders File May 31, 1978
78-2100 Baseball, Panthers head and shoulders File May 03, 1978
78-2103 Baseball, Bluejays open season against Detroit File May 10, 1978
78-2104 Baseball, Evergreens vs Oshawa File June 15, 1978
78-2109 Baseball, action, Panthers vs Toronto, opener File May 25, 1978
78-2112 Baseball, Tigers vs Panthers File July 02, 1978
78-2116 Basketball, Galt Collegiate vs Glenview Park File January 24, 1978
78-2117 Waterloo tigers, headshots and Chris Ebel wearing mask File 1978
78-2121 Basketball, Southwood vs Waterloo Oxford File January 18, 1978
78-2126 Basketball, Preston High School, Cambridge, 2 all stars File March 16, 1978
78-2130 High School, Basketball, Galt Collegiate vs Preston File November 10, 1978
78-2131 Basketball, Bluevale vs St. Jerome's File December 14, 1978
78-2135 Basketball, St. Jerome's vs WCI File February 28, 1978
78-2137 Basketball, Omega Tourney Forest Heights File February 18, 1978
78-2143 Basketball, WLU team returns from tourney win File January 05, 1978
78-2144 Basketball, Senior girls Eastwood vs Forest Heights File January 06, 1978
78-2145 Basketball, WLU vs Guelph File January 11, 1978
78-2154 Basketball, WLU vs University of Waterloo File February 01, 1978
78-2155 Basketball, University of Waterloo vs WLU final game File March 03, 1978
78-2158 Bowling, family outing for PULSE File March 19, 1978
78-2163 Campbell, Marg, track star File July 11, 1978
78-2166 Curling, Mutual Life bonspiel at Granite Club File November 21, 1978
78-2167 Curling, Mutual Life bonspiel winners File November 27, 1978
Results 901 to 1000 of 3683