1977 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
77-2420 Hockey, Jr. A, Rangers vs Sault Ste. Marie File February 27, 1977
77-2421 Hockey, Junior A playoffs File March 14, 1977
77-2425 Hockey, Collegiate Finals, Grand River Collegiate Institute vs Peterborough Petes File March 10, 1977
77-2428 Hockey, minor hockey tourney, Record trophy action shots File January 22, 1977 or 1976
77-2433 Hockey, Kitchener Rangers vs Niagara Falls Flyers File February 25, 1977
77-2434 Hockey, Rangers vs Oshawa File January 14, 1977 or 1976
77-2436 Hockey, Rangers vs Petes File January 07, 1977
77-2443 Hockey, Kitchener B vs Waterloo Siskins File February 01, 1977
77-2449 Hockey, Oktoberfest atom tournament File October 09, 1977
77-2453 Hockey, Rangers vs Windsor File October 21, 1977
77-2456 Hockey, Rangers vs Windsor File October 21, 1977
77-2461 Hockey, WLU vs Windsor File January 22, 1976 or 1977
77-2463 Hockey, Wilson Industrial league shootout File January 24, 1977
77-2464 Lacrosse Braves vs Etobicoke? File July 19, 1977
77-2473 Oktoberfest jog File October 15, 1977
77-2477 Reid, Jack, marathon runner File August 29, 1977
77-2480 Rugger, OUAA championships File November 12, 1977
77-2481 Shooting, Canadian national handgun championships at Pioneer Gun Club File August 15, 1977
77-2482 Scoopball at Canadian Martyrs School in Kitchener File April 12, 1977
77-2483 Skateboard competition at Fairview Mall File April 18, 1977
77-2485 Squash, country stones File October 16, 1977
77-2490 Soccer, highschool finals, Grandriver vs Eastwood File October 28, 1977
77-2498 Volleyball, senior girls finals at University of Waterloo File November 09, 1977
77-2503 Soccer, KDSL vs Ontario Selects, Centennial stadium File June 22, 1977
77-2506 Soccer, Ontario cup athletics vs Olympics File July 25, 1977
77-2508 Soccer Minor Championships File June 04, 1977
77-2512 Soccer, University of Waterloo vs Victoria File November 11, 1977
77-2513 Softball, Kieswetter vs? File June 28, 1977
77-2515 Softball, Kieswetter action File July 05, 1977
77-2524 Swimming, Twin City High School swimming championships File February 02, 1977
77-2525 Seagram stadium track and field File May 06, 1977
77-2526 T.Ball tournament, Forest Hill league File August 20, 1977
77-2540 Water polo with inner tubes File February 28, 1977
77-2546 Wrestling, high school, Eastwood File February 10, 1977
77-2548 Wrestling, OUAA at University of Waterloo File February 20, 1977
77-2552 St. Jerome's wrestling champions File May 30, 1977
77-2554 Waterloo Y joggers File November 08, 1977
77-2556 Alexander, Professor at University of Guelph File December 08, 1977
77-2561 Anderson, Marylin, Record Staff File June 23, 1977
77-2565 Anstett, Larry for column File February 22, 1977
77-2566 Archdekin, Dr. Fennel, regional coroner File March 10, 1977
77-2571 Aspenleiter, Anita, Advertisement, Central Meat Market File March 17, 1977
77-2573 Atwater, Ward File November 10, 1977
77-2580 Baird, Sandy's nephews photographs in studio File October 18, 1977
77-2582 Bajurny, Eugene, Canada Trust File December 16, 1977
77-2586 Baker, Sandy File March 11, 1977
77-2598 Bauman, Jim and three foot submarine sandwich File April 21, 1977
77-2600 Bear, Caroline and Colin File March 14, 1977
77-2602 Bechtel, Doug, Record Employee File April 25, 1977
77-2609 Bernier, Gina, Record Staff File April 15, 1977
77-2620 Borovilos, Andy, Manpower File October 20, 1977
77-2622A Boulden, John File October 25, 1977
77-2623 Boutette, Mike File October 26, 1977
77-2624 Bowman, Ida, 102 File March 30, 1977
77-2630 Brennan, Ric, Record File August 12, 1977
77-2631 Bricker, Cliff, Hall of Fame File February 03, 1977
77-2645 Brunton, Douglas, Advertisement, Breslau Hotel File February 04, 1977
77-2653 Bryant, Clifford, J.C. President File June 08, 1977
77-2657 Cadeau, Dianne, Szewczyk Real Estate File December 09, 1977
77-2659 Cameron, Gloria File May 20, 1977
77-2660 Campbell, Dorothea, president of the Migraine Foundation File November 30, 1977
77-2661 Campbell, Elsie File November 21, 1977
77-2664 Caron, Rio File May 09, 1977
77-2667 Chapple, Ross File February 07, 1977
77-2670 Chhatwal, Gina, The Permanent File December 07, 1977
77-2675 Clark, Bill, Record employee File June 03, 1977
77-2679 Clarke, Kay, president, Granite Club badminton File May 02, 1977
77-2681 Cline, W.H., for finance File September 06, 1977
77-2685 Collette, Winston, Advertisement, Kaye Ford File August 29, 1977
77-2700 Craig, Reverend David File November 18, 1977
77-2701 Craig, D., Advertisement Delicotte Haskine Sells File October 17, 1977
77-2703 Cressman, Cecil, Stevens Mercury File December 13, 1977
77-2704 Cronin, Claudia File March 09, 1977
77-2706 Crofton, Eric, National president of One Parent Families Association of Canada File July 08, 1977
77-2707 Crowley, Bill, advertisement, Kaye Ford File January 13, 1977
77-2710 Dakkak, Munif File April 28, 1977
77-2715 Davidson, UAW sector File September 13, 1977
77-2718 DeJong, Cathy, Canada Trust File December 19, 1977
77-2719 Demchuk, Dennis, Schueter Chev File March 16, 1977
77-2723 DAwson, Mrs. J., Gary Dines File May 20, 1977
77-2728 Diakunyk, Alex File March 14, 1977
77-2732 Diver, John File March 30, 1977
77-2743 Dwyer, Paul, Commerical Hotel File February 28, 1977
77-2748 Eber, Helmut File August 18, 1977
77-2750 Eby, Arthur, Breslau File September 19, 1977
77-2755 Egers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Wiebe Real Estate File May 11, 1977
77-2758 Ellis, Larry File November 10, 1977
77-2761 English, Dr. John File January 26, 1977
77-2763 Epp, Dr. Frank File December 06, 1977
77-3365 Shirley, Ron, Kitchener Panthers File May 16, 1977
77-3373 Simpson, Colleen File June 07, 1977
77-3375 Sisk, Dorothy File October 26, 1977
77-3378 Slattery, Bob, purchasing agents association File May 11, 1977
77-3386 Snider, Russ, Cambridge Y lottery File May 12, 1977
77-3388 Sparrow, Roy, Shriner File March 31, 1977
77-3390 Stephens, John File June 16, 1977
77-3395 Skrypnyk, John, Record Staff File March 15, 1977
77-3397 Sokolowski, Revan, Rubin, advertisement Breslau Hotel File February 04, 1977
77-3400 Spurgeon, Chuck, Kaye Ford File September 08, 1977
77-3401 St. Clair, Ross, Skovsgaard Realty File August 16, 1977
Results 1101 to 1200 of 3394