1977 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
77-3106 Lehman, Doug File June 20, 1977
77-3111 Leonard, Helen File February 03, 1977
77-3118 Liefeld, Dr. John, University of Guelph File June 28, 1977
77-3128 Lohmer, Shirly, Szewczyk File April 04, 1977
77-3130 Losee, Fred File January 26, 1977
77-3131 Lowe, Grace, Ruth and Ginger hairstyling File November 07, 1977
77-3139 MacDonald, Ross, Doon Valley Pro File April 15, 1977
77-3140 Mackie, Susan File September 07, 1977
77-3142 MacKenzie, Sheila File February 03, 1977
77-3146 Maier, Fred, the Permanent File December 07, 1977
77-3148 Mangat, Harjit, Haji, Dubrick File March 31, 1977
77-3153 Maue, Danny File 1977
77-3154 Maue, Gus File 1977
77-3156 Mausberg, Dr. Lionel, president KW Medical Academy? File June 08, 1977
77-3158 Mair, Bob, Canada Permanent Trust File February 09, 1977
77-3169 McCowan, Nancy, passport File January 19, 1977
77-3170 McDonald, Laird File February 23, 1977
77-3171 MacDonald, Peter, Royal Trust File April 25, 1977
77-3172 McKay, Reverend Dr. Eoin File April 17, 1977
77-3176 McLaughlin, Murray, Canada Trust File December 16, 1977
77-3177 McLean, Patterson File July 20, 1977
77-3182 McIntyre, Arnold, Wellington County warden File September 15, 1977
77-3185 Menoutis, Gus, Rich Hill Ford File October 31, 1977
77-3186 Mewhinney, M.J., alderman File May 03, 1977
77-3196 Moogk, Dr. D.H., Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital File April 22, 1977
77-3197 Monteith, Neville B., Monty File January 21, 1977
77-3200 Morgan, Reverend Frank File February 08, 1977
77-3204 Morgenroth, Janice File April 23, 1977
77-3208 Mota, Del File March 16, 1977
77-3213 Murphy, Hersh File April 01, 1977
77-3215 Murray, Dennis File October 06, 1977
77-3217 Mutton, Marion File February 11, 1977
77-3222 Newell, William File November 25, 1977
77-3225 Norris, Bob File June 06, 1977
77-3228 O'Brian, Colin File November 17, 1977
77-3229 O'Brien, Colin File March 18, 1977
77-3232 Ostrander, Eric File June 10, 1977
77-3242 Parker, John, Royal Trust File November 10, 1977
77-3248 Patterson, Joan K-W Gallery File May 31, 1977
77-3255 Peppler, Larry, K-W skating club president File May 13, 1977
77-3260 Petersen, Heinz File March 26, 1977
77-3261 Picket, Tim, Kitchener Panthers File May 16, 1977
77-3271 Pryse, Penry, advertisement, Washerama File February 16, 1977
77-3275 Quarry, Claudette, Cambridge Y lottery File May 12, 1977
77-3289 Reimer, John, PC candidate File September 15, 1977
77-3294 Rennie, Geo, Shriner File March 30, 1977
77-3303 Ries, Rich, Record Staff File February 11, 1977
77-3304 Riley, Marianne, Wiebe File January 21, 1977
77-3307 Ritz, Edward, Ed File June 27, 1977
77-3311 Roemer, George, Szewczyk File April 14, 1977
77-3316 Rosenberg, Hugh, advertisement, Wendell Motors File June 16, 1977
77-3319 Roy, Dr. David File May 12, 1977
77-3320 Ruetz, Harold, advertisement File June 24, 1977
77-3327 Sanders, Robert, advertisement, MSM Electroplating File August 31, 1977
77-3346 Schular, Bev, dieters queen File May 13, 1977
77-3350 Scott, Bill File April 28, 1977
77-3355 Senyshen, Rudy File November 30, 1977
77-3361 Sheehey, Glen File April 01, 1977
77-2264 Zacks fashion, Sunday File January 16, 1977
77-2267 Zeigler, George, plaque dedication File June 01, 1977
77-2268 Zupan, Mrs. Julian, truck crash into bedroom File February 22, 1977
77-2269 Baseball, Panthers vs St. Thomas File September 03, 1977
77-2270 Badminton, Granite club File February 11, 1977
77-2271 Athletic champs city of Kitchener File April 27, 1977
77-2272 Duplicate of #77-2271 File 1977
77-2275 Badminton, Granite club invitational File December 11, 1977
77-2278 Baseball, midget tourney File August 01, 1977
77-2289 Basketball, highschool championship File December 03, 1977
77-2296 Basketball, South Waterloo High school all stars File March 02, 1977
77-2301 Basketball, Waterloo Vikings vs Grand River High school, semi-finals File February 21, 1977
77-2302 Basketball, Waterloo vs McMaster File January 21, 1977
77-2304 Basketball, Western Region basketball playoffs, Windsor vs Guelph File March 12, 1977
77-2305 Basketball, WLU vs Brock File January 05, 1977
77-2307 Basketball, University of Waterloo vs Eastonia File April 28, 1977
77-2309 Basketball, University of Waterloo vs Laurentian OUAA Championship File February 27, 1977
77-2312 Basketball, University of Waterloo vs McMaster File January 09, 1977
77-2316 Basketball, WLU vs University of Waterloo File January 15, 1977
77-2320 Basketball, National girls team File June 19, 1977
77-2321 Baseball, Pee Wee tourney major File July 29, 1977
77-2324 Fastball, Evergreens, Head and shoulders File June 29, 1977
77-2327 Softball, Evergreens opener File May 18, 1977
77-2339 Baseball, CHYM vs Stratford File May 25, 1977
77-2340 Baseball, Panthers vs London Majors File May 29, 1977
77-2345 Curling, Consuls playdowns at Galt Country Club File January 9, 1977
77-2346 Curling Granite Club business girls File January 07, 1977
77-2355 Curling, K-W Granite Record Trophy File January 13, 1977
77-2359 Curling, Westmount winners File January 15, 1977
77-2366 Football, Eastwood vs Cameron Heights File November 04, 1977
77-2372 Football, Southwood vs Waterloo Oxford File November 04, 1977
77-2381 Golf, warm spring at Brookfield File April 09, 1977
77-2383 Golf, Oktoberfest Pro Am tourney File October 06, 1977
77-2392 Golf, KW Junior golf winners File August 08, 1977
77-2393 Gymnastics, Canada vs Switzerland File July 13, 1977
77-2397 Head and shoulders shot of Kitchener Rangers, Brian Cross, Wally Baumg, Fraser File January 13, 1977
77-2399 Hockey action exhibition Leafs vs Red Wings File September 22, 1977
77-2403 Wilson Industrial League awards dinner at Schwaben Club File April 29, 1977
77-2405 Hockey, Grand River vs KCI File December 02, 1977
77-2407 Hockey, GRCI vs St. Jerome's File March 02, 1977
77-2410 Hockey, KCI vs St. Jerome's File December 21, 1977
77-2412 Hockey, Rangers, head and shoulders File November 24, 1977
Results 1001 to 1100 of 3394