1969 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
69-255 Bell Telephone, George Leitch and Alex Adamson Retire File January 30, 1969
69-256 Bell Telephone, Retirement Presentation File September 5, 1969
69-259 Benton Street Baptist, Young People's Convention File April 3, 1969
69-269 Big Brother Feature File September 5, 1969
69-272 Birds Nesting at Rear of Simpson Sears File May 16, 1969
69-279 Bowman Funeral File July 15, 1969
69-281 Braden, Gary and Telephone Gadget File February 05, 1969
69-290 Bridgeport Bicycle Rodeo File June 21, 1969
69-297 Brinklow, Five Generation Family File July 11, 1969
69-300 Brubacker, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph File June 05, 1969
69-301 Budd Automotive Expansion Announcement File July 24, 1969
69-303 Burgess, Russ, ESP Lecture at University of Waterloo File January 8, 1969
69-307 Cadet Joint Inspection File May 17, 1969
69-309 Camera Column, Rushian Lens File November 10, 1969
69-312 Cameron Heights Collegiate Swimming Pool File June 04, 1969
69-321 Canadian Mental Health Association, Packing Christmas Boxes File December 01, 1969
69-332 Carter, Dr. Robert W., Speaking With Young People File November 09, 1969
69-334 Catholic Council of Men, Convention File September 21, 1969
69-341 Chamber of Commerce, Communications Seminar at Bingeman Park File September 23, 1969
69-342 Chamber of Commerce, Kitchener, Indian Delegation visit File August 14, 1969
69-351 Chicopee, New Ski Chalet File July 07, 1969
69-353 Chicopee Ski Club, Bikini Clad Skiier File March 20, 1969
69-358 Christian Church School Construction File April 24, 1969
69-364 Christmas Shoppers, Feature File November 14, 1969
69-367 Circus at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File May 30, 1969
69-369 Clay, Darwin (Dar Clay) Night, Oktoberfest File November 1969
69-372 COE Fairgrounds File August 25, 1969
69-383 Community Concert File February 12, 1969
69-384 Community Concert, Betty Allen File November 11, 1969
69-386 Concordia Club Folk Dancers File August 26, 1969
69-393 Conestoga College, Convocation File May 31, 1969
69-399 Conestoga Motel, Ontario Development Corp Seminar File February 27, 1969
69-403 Conestoga Towers, Views From Roof, Daylight File January 02, 1969
69-411 Courtland Avenue School, Performing Arts Play File March 06, 1969
69-414 Cressman Woods, Grade Five Students Visit File May 14, 1969
69-418 Crosswalk Signs File November 12, 1969
69-419 Crosswalk Signs at City Yards File December 23, 1969
69-442 Diet Foods, Mrs. John Gosen File October 22, 1969
69-447 Dogs, Basenji Owned By Mr. and Mrs. Abram Brubacher File July 20, 1969
69-451 Doon Pioneer Village, Antique Car Rally File September 14, 1969
69-458 Door to Door Salesman File July 22, 1969
69-469 Dundee Country Club, Silo Demolition File August 12, 1969
Results 2901 to 2942 of 2942