1969 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
69-1443 Trinity United Church, Parishioners Plan Sermon File February 25, 1969
69-1444 Trottier, Mrs. Alfred, Montreal Winner File June 13, 1969
69-1445 Truck Rodeo, Fairview File September 13, 1969
69-1452 United Church Conference, University of Waterloo, New Chairman File May 28, 1969
69-1455 United Church, New Presbytry File April 17, 1969
69-1457 University of Waterloo Art Gallery File November 27, 1969
69-1462 University of Waterloo Campus Center, Biafran Teach In File March 03, 1969
69-1463 University of Waterloo Chicago Transit Concert File September 13, 1969
69-1465 University of Waterloo Construction File December 27, 1969
69-1468 University of Waterloo Cop Talks To Students Re Drugs File December 05, 1969
69-1472 University of Waterloo Fall Convocation File October 24, 1969
69-1473 University of Waterloo FASS Night File February 06, 1969
69-1475 University of Waterloo, 4H Regional Conference File July 03, 1969
69-1478 University of Waterloo Library Construction File September 23, 1969
69-1479 University of Waterloo Library Study-In File March 07, 1969
69-1480 University of Waterloo Marketing Seminar File May 20, 1969
69-1481 University of Waterloo, Math Team Wins Second Place In North America File February 25, 1969
69-1486 University of Waterloo, Newspaper In the Classroom Group Shots File August 20, 1969
69-1489 University of Waterloo, Petch and Visiting Physicists File June 17, 1969
69-1491 University of Waterloo Quaker Choir File March 05, 1969
69-1492 University of Waterloo Registration Day Line Up File September 10, 1969
69-1493 University of Waterloo Recreation Seminar File February 26, 1969
69-1509 University of Waterloo Vanilla Fudge Concert File January 30, 1969
69-1514 Vaghy String Quartet File October 26, 1969
69-1515 Valentine, Miss Virginia, Centennial School File February 13, 1969
69-1521 Victoria Park, Fun Day File September 27, 1969
69-1523 Victoria Park, Kids Fishing File July 1, 1969 and September 09, 1969
69-1530 Viennese Ball, Bingeman Park File April 25, 1969
69-1539 Wapplers Music Store File March 28, 1969
69-1541 Washburns Mens Wear, White Shoes For Talking Business File July 25, 1969
69-1546 Waterloo Chamber of Commerce, Annual Meeting File February 05, 1969
69-1547 Waterloo Chamber of Commerce Meeting File November 10, 1969
69-1553 Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Dance File April 26, 1969
69-1554 Waterloo Collegiate Dress Rehearsal File January 30, 1969
69-1557 Waterloo Collegiate Student Planners File May 28, 1969
69-1558 Waterloo Concert Band, Married Couples In Band File November 30, 1969
69-1564 Waterloo County TB Association, Innaugural Meeting File May 22, 1969
69-1568 Waterloo County Tour #4 File June 24, 1969
69-1572 Waterloo County Under Magnifying Glass File December 16, 1969
69-1573 Waterloo Fire Department, Kids Fire Prevention Letter File October 03, 1969
69-1576 Waterloo, King and Herbert Demolition File March 12, 1969
69-1578 Waterloo Lions Club Cheque to YMCA File May 22, 1969
69-1579 Waterloo Lutheran Seminary File February 07, 1969
69-1581 Waterloo Park, Kids Feeding Santa's Reindeer File December 20, 1969
69-1592 Waterloo Park Ducks and Ducklings File June 09, 1969
69-1610 Waterloo Wellingtonn Airport Control Tower Opening File July 01, 1969
69-1612 Waterloo-Wellington Airport, New Tower File April 11, 1969
69-1619 Weather, Mennonites Under Moon File July 12, 1969
69-1623 Weather, Warm in the Country File July 02, 1969
69-1625 Weather, Winter, Pretty Picture in the Country File January 13, 1969
69-1633 West Montrose Covered Bridge, Film Making File September 04, 1969
69-1634 Western Ontario Newspaper Awards Dinner File April 19, 1969
69-1635 Westmount Place Shopping Center Construction File July 07, 1969
69-1639 Whitten, Dog and Butterfly File January 28, 1969
69-1642 Wilmot Center, EUB Church File January 16, 1969
69-1644 Window Washer File February 18, 1969
69-1646 Winter, Johnny, Singer File November 06, 1969
69-1647 Winter School Holiday Feature File March 17, 1969
69-1648 Winterfest, Building Ice Palace File January 15, 1969
69-1651 Winterfest, Go Kart Races At Victoria Park On Ice File January 22, 1969
69-1655 Winterfest, Night Street Dancing At Waterloo Square File January 21, 1969
69-1659 Winterfest, Queen and Princess File January 25, 1969
69-1661 Winterfest, Schnickelfritzes In Goodrich Competition File January 30, 1969
69-1662 Winterfest, Ski Jumping At Chicopee File January 19, 1969
69-1663 Winterfest Snow Sculptures File January 27, 1969
69-1672 WLU Boars Head Dinner File December 09, 1969
69-1676 WLU Constuction File April 01, 1969
69-1679 WLU, David DePoe File March 18, 1969
69-1685 WLU Music Seminar, Nievergelt and Hoeltry-Nickel File October 23, 1969
69-1696 WLU Senior Citizens of Ontario Convention File August 26, 1969
69-1700 WLU, Student Entertainment Conference File May 09, 1969
69-1709 Wooden Nickels File July 15, 1969
69-1710 Woods, Rick, Feature File December 07, 1969
69-1712 Woodside Park Pool Remodelling File July 02, 1969
69-1713 Woodside Pool, Start of Renovations File April 10, 1969
69-1715 Woodside Swimming Pool Renovations File May 16, 1969
69-2223 Haynes, J. Paul, For Talking Business File March 05, 1969
69-2224 Henderson, Mrs. Marjorie A. H&S File September 17, 1969
69-2225 Henderson, Terry, Advertisement For N. Smith Belting Works Ltd. File January 09, 1969
69-2241 Hunter, William, Federated Charities File March 18, 1969
69-2245 Ince, William, President, P.C. Association File April 26, 1969
69-2259 Karayanis, Plato File July 29, 1969
69-2260 Keener, Mrs. L.L. File October 09, 1969
69-2264 Kieffer, Reverend Michael File July 28, 1969
69-2268 Klager, Ann, Water Skiier File August 22, 1969
69-2269 Klasser, Harry, H&S File November 18, 1969
69-2274 Koch, Mrs. Lester File May 09, 1969
69-2275 Koebel, Howard, Advertisement for Hartleib the Mover File June 04, 1969
69-2281 Kravitz, Martin File June 09, 1969
69-2282 Kreutzweiser, Jean, President, KW Musical Productions File February 19, 1969
69-2284 Krueger, Gordon File October 08, 1969
69-2287 Kuyek, Mrs. Donald File November 19, 1969
69-2298 Laurence, Margaret, Author File October 21, 1969
69-2303 Lerette, Jean, Horticulturist File August 27, 1969
69-2305 Lieberman, Joseph, H&S File January 16, 1969
69-2309 Loisell, Robert, Advertisement For Kaye Ford File June 16, 1969
69-2311 Luft, Alfred, H&S, Record Employee File February 20, 1969
69-2314 Macintosh, Jim, Advertisement for Parkway Lumber File April 02, 1969
69-2316 MacMillan, Mrs. Ross File October 09, 1969
69-2321 Maroonio, Michael, Adam & Livio, Advertisement File October 06, 1969
Results 2501 to 2600 of 2942