1969 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
69-1368 Stanley Park Church Bible School Parade File August 14, 1969
69-1371 Steed, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, 50th Anniversary and Don Messer File June 18, 1969
69-1377 Stormes, Everek and Religous Newspapers File August 01, 1969
69-1379 Strassburg Road Landfill Site Car Crusher File September 24, 1969
69-1383 Student Players Perform At Rockway Mennonite School File August 22, 1969
69-1385 Students, Young Voyagers Leave For Calgary File July 30, 1969
69-1387 Suddbly School Visit Sugar Bush File March 26, 1969
69-1389 Summer Camps, Camp Columbia At University of Waterloo File July 16, 1969
69-1391 Summer Camps, Paradise Lake and Optimists File July 07, 1969
69-1392 Summer Playground, Kids At Pioneer Village File July 10, 1969
69-1413 Teachers At Elora Gorge Park File November 08, 1969
69-1418 Temp Theater File November 21, 1969
69-1420 Temp Theater Play Rehearsal File October 20, 1969
69-1424 Thompson, Robert and Christian Businessmen File March 04, 1969
69-1435 Trees and Stumps, Various Downtown Streets File May 27, 1969
69-1436 Tree, Discarded From Christmas File March 24, 1969
69-1441 Trinity United Church, Communion Picture File January 07, 1969
69-1449 Uniroyal Factory, Interior and Exterior, Breithaupt Street File November 12, 1969
69-1451 United Breathern Missionary Society, New Executive File April 02, 1969
69-1453 United Church, Hamilton Diocese Conference at University of Waterloo File May 27, 1969
69-1458 University of Waterloo Art Show File January 09, 1969
69-1464 University of Waterloo College Entertainment Conference File May 08, 1969
69-1477 University of Waterloo, Library Building File September 04, 1969
69-1483 University of Waterloo, New Theater In Humanities Building File December 05, 1969
69-1487 University of Waterloo, Optometry Dames Donate Furniture File May 05, 1969
69-1490 University of Waterloo, Physicists Seminar File June 26, 1969
69-1500 University of Waterloo, Student Council Election Voting File January 27, 1969
69-1501 University of Waterloo Student Housing Units File July 29, 1969
69-1511 University of Waterloo, Winter Carnival Weekend, Tiny Tim, et.al. File February 1, 1969 to February 2, 1969
69-1512 UP With People Concert File March 17, 1969
69-1513 Up With People Promotion File March 10, 1969
69-1517 Victoria Day File May 19, 1969
69-1518 Victoria Park, Canoeing File August 19, 1969
69-1522 Victoria Park, Hansel and Gretel File August 06, 1969
69-1525 Victoria Park, Trees Cut Down File April 15, 1969
69-1532 Village Road Creek File February 04, 1969
69-1533 VON Amalgamation File January 14, 1969
69-1535 Walker, Reverend Gordon, With Bill Lewis File April 10, 1969
69-1536 Wall Collapse, Old Canadian Tire Store In Waterloo File October 31, 1969
69-1537 Walper Hotel, Exterior File February 21, 1969
69-1540 Ward, Wendy, Accordian Winner File March 26, 1969
69-1543 Wasp Nest File September 22, 1969
69-1544 Waterloo Arena, Staff Clearing Up Empty Bottles After University of Waterloo Hockey Game File January 30, 1969
69-1545 Waterloo Centennial Park, Alladin's Lamp File July 17, 1969
69-1548 Waterloo Clare Creek File April 10, 1969
69-1549 Water Commission Cleaning Sewers File July 24, 1969
69-1550 Waterloo City Hall Clean Up Attic File July 21, 1969
69-1552 Waterloo City Hall, Waterloo Square File September 22, 1969
69-1555 Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Geography Students Survey File March 12, 1969
69-1566 Waterloo County Tour #2, Ken File June 02, 1969
69-1569 Waterloo County Board of Education, Salary Meeting File September 18, 1969
69-1571 Waterloo County Public School Board, Morley Rosenberg File September 11, 1969
69-1575 Waterloo Jolly Oldsters Mock Wedding File June 18, 1969
69-1580 Waterloo Park, Kids and Geese, Ducks, etc. File June 10, 1969
69-1582 Waterloo Park, Kids Skiing File December 31, 1969
69-1583 Waterloo Metal Stamping File May 13, 1969
69-1589 Waterloo Oxford School Choir File November 25, 1969
69-1595 Wateloo Pedestrian Counters File July 17, 1969
69-1598 Karayanis, Plato File July 29, 1969
69-1603 Waterloo Recreation Display In Waterloo Arena File September 20, 1969
69-1604 Water Resources Tour By Aircraft File October 06, 1969
69-1611 Waterloo-Wellington Airport, Jamieson Opens Control Tower File September 25, 1969
69-1615 Waterloo Wellington Flying Club, Wings Parade File May 30, 1969
69-1628 Welker Industries, Welker Family With Die File October 06, 1969
69-1631 Welwood, Kitchener Band, Family File August 15, 1969
69-1640 Wilkerson, Donald and Book File November 21, 1969
69-1641 Williams, Captain J.D. and Airplane File October 10, 1969
69-1643 Windmill, 80 Seagram Drive File April 25, 1969
69-1656 Winterfest Parade File January 25, 1969
69-1657 Winterfest, Powder Puff Log Sawing Contest File January 22, 1969
69-1658 Winterfest, Princesses and Queens, Finalists File January 17, 1969
69-1666 Winterfest Toboggan Races File January 25, 1969
69-1669 Wiskstrom, Frithjof, Manager of Hotel Kitchener File February 20, 1969
69-1682 WLU, Lutheran Conference File June 04, 1969
69-1683 WLU, Marshall Lauren, President, Student Council File February 21, 1969
69-1689 WLU, PC Liquor Law Reform Panel File February 08, 1969
69-1690 WLU, Dr. Peters and Russian Churchers File June 28, 1969
69-1691 WLU, Picture Presented to President Peters File March 01, 1969
69-1693 WLU, Robert McClure, Taping Under Attack File October 01, 1969
69-1697 WLU Shinerama File September 11, 1969
69-1706 WLU, Winter Carnival Gymcanna For Cars File January 25, 1969
69-1714 Woodside Swimming Pool File July 24, 1969
69-1717 Yantz, Jack, Breslau General Store File June 14, 1969
69-1718 YMCA Boys Activities Feature File April 19, 1969
69-316 Canada Manpower Center, Guidance Counsellors Training File July 09, 1969
69-317 Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Transport and General Worker's Conference, at the Coronet File January 30, 1969
69-318 Canadian Industrial Management Meeting File June 21, 1969
69-319 Canadian Martyrs School, Grades 4 and 5 visit Farm File February 25, 1969
69-320 Canadian Mental Association Workshop, at Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital File April 17, 1969
69-323 Canadian Restaurant Association Meeting File November 11, 1969
69-326 Canopy at A&W Rootbeer File February 07, 1969
69-327 Car Crunching Bulldozer File January 20, 1969
69-328 Car, Winter Care Specialist File October 22, 1969
69-329 Caretaker Improvement Day, Cameron Heights School File August 26, 1969
69-345 Chamber of Commerce Regional Meeting File February 18, 1969
69-346 Chamber of Commerce, Smoker Transportation File May 02, 1969
69-349 Chestnut Feature File September 24, 1969
69-350 Chicopee, Crowded File December 26, 1969
69-357 China Kitchener Restaurant File September 26, 1969
69-359 Christian Endeavor, Union Planning Conference File April 21, 1969
Results 1601 to 1700 of 2942