Level of description
Digital object |
69-2110 |
Constant, Jeremy, Violinist |
File |
February 12, 1969 |
69-2112 |
Craig, Terry, Assistant Agent, Rep., Waterloo County |
File |
March 11, 1969 |
69-2119 |
Curnew, Al |
File |
November 14, 1969 |
69-2123 |
Davenport, Cheryle, Advertisement |
File |
January 16, 1969 |
69-2124 |
Davenport, Cheryle, Advertisement for Tress Beauty Salon |
File |
March 26, 1969 |
69-2130 |
Deichert, Miss Margaret, President, Ontario Dental Nurses |
File |
July 04, 1969 |
69-2134 |
Dietrich, Biff |
File |
September 10, 1969 |
69-2139 |
Doherty, Dawn, Advertisement, Centennial Plus One |
File |
January 13, 1969 |
69-2144 |
Dudgeon, Wayne, Advertisement, Jackson Motors, Forsyth, Dave, Huggins, Norm |
File |
April 08, 1969 |
69-2146 |
Dunker, William |
File |
March 01, 1969 |
69-2154 |
Englisch, Norbert, H&S, KW Kickers Coach |
File |
March 26, 1969 |
69-2155 |
English, Edward |
File |
February 19, 1969 |
69-2163 |
Evans, Reverend A.L. |
File |
September 24, 1969 |
69-2166 |
Farrow, Ron, H&S, (1966 photo) |
File |
December 13, 1969 |
69-2174 |
Filsinger, Elmer |
File |
January 14, 1969 |
69-2176 |
Fisken, Phyllis, Federated Charities |
File |
February 26, 1969 |
69-2177 |
Fleming, Don, For Entertainment Column |
File |
September 17, 1969 |
69-2178 |
Fleming, Mary, Waterloo Collegiate School Daze, Reporter |
File |
November 08, 1969 |
69-2180 |
Flynn, James P., For Finance |
File |
August 18, 1969 |
69-2188 |
Gallagher, Walter |
File |
November 20, 1969 |
69-2193 |
Gascho, Roy, Advertisement, Gascho Motors |
File |
May 28, 1969 |
69-2198 |
Gies, Leo, Advertisement, Nu-Softeners |
File |
February 21, 1969 |
69-2212 |
Hagey, Jerry, University of Waterloo President |
File |
January 16, 1969 |
69-2214 |
Halpern, Reuben |
File |
December 3, 1969 |
69-2215 |
Halpern, Reuben |
File |
December 03, 1969 |
69-2217 |
Harrold, Don, For Sports |
File |
April 21, 1969 |
69-2218 |
Hartleib, Wilfred |
File |
May 28, 1969 |
69-244 |
Barthel, Mrs. G.F., Knitting |
File |
January 28, 1969 |
69-245 |
Baton Twirlers, Tryouts at KCK |
File |
March 1, 1969 |
69-247 |
Battle of Britain Parade |
File |
September 11, 1969 |
69-254 |
Beef, Cost of Feature |
File |
August 21, 1969 |
69-257 |
Benny, Roloff, Exhibit at Kitchener Library |
File |
May 22, 1969 |
69-258 |
Benson, Edgar, Finance Minister at Waterloo County Underwriters Dinner |
File |
April 2, 1969 |
69-265 |
Bible School, First Mennonite and Sterling Avenue Mennonite |
File |
July 8, 1969 |
69-266 |
Bicycle Club Touring Country |
File |
July 26, 1969 |
69-271 |
Bikeathon |
File |
October 25, 1969 |
69-273 |
Blacktop Paving Open New Plant |
File |
July 17, 1969 |
69-274 |
Blair, Village Scenes |
File |
June 5, 1969 |
69-276 |
Borden Avenue, House Removal |
File |
September 03, 1969 |
69-280 |
Boy Scout Apple Day Promotion |
File |
October 16, 1969 |
69-284 |
Brauer, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig, 65th Wedding Anniversary |
File |
April 14, 1969 |
69-294 |
Bridgeport Library |
File |
October 30, 1969 |
69-296 |
Brighton School, Kids First Day |
File |
September 02, 1969 |
69-299 |
Brownsberger, Mr. and Mrs. Stan and Stamps |
File |
February 12, 1969 |
69-310 |
Cameron Heights Collegiate Feature |
File |
September 30, 1969 |
69-313 |
Cameron Heights Student Council |
File |
October 24, 1969 |
69-322 |
Canadian Refrigeration, Engineers Sign Posting |
File |
March 28, 1969 |
69-324 |
Canbar Huge Tank |
File |
November 26, 1969 |
69-330 |
Carl's Auction Center, Town Choir Rock Group |
File |
September 24, 1969 |
69-333 |
Cassanell, Shane, Selling Dandelions |
File |
May 04, 1969 |
69-336 |
Centennial School Play Preparation |
File |
November 21, 1969 |
69-337 |
Central Park Lodge, Advance For Bazaar |
File |
November 05, 1969 |
69-338 |
Central Park Lodge, Birthday Party |
File |
April 26, 1969 |
69-339 |
Central School, Galt, Exterior |
File |
October 20, 1969 |
69-340 |
Chamber of Commerce, Kitchener, Feat |
File |
May 14, 1969 |
69-343 |
Chamber of Commerce, Presentation to James Steele |
File |
March 26, 1969 |
69-344 |
Chamber of Commerce, Quebec COC Visitors, Aerial Tour of City |
File |
August 02, 1969 |
69-347 |
Cherry Taylor Flours Mills, Preston, Feature |
File |
June 04, 1969 |
69-348 |
Chesnut Feature |
File |
October 11, 1969 |
69-352 |
Chicopee, Night Skiing |
File |
December 17, 1969 |
69-354 |
Chicopee Ski Club, Night Shot |
File |
January 16, 1969 |
69-355 |
Children's International Summer Village, Counsellors |
File |
August 07, 1969 |
69-360 |
Christian Young Mens' Convention, Opening |
File |
October 03, 1969 |
69-363 |
Christmas Lights |
File |
December 16, 1969 |
69-365 |
Church of the Good Shepherd, Christmas Gifts |
File |
December 14, 1969 |
69-371 |
CNIB, Picnic at Bingeman |
File |
July 09, 1969 |
69-373 |
COE, Labor Day Activities |
File |
September 01, 1969 |
69-382 |
Colonial Acres, Water Supply Meeting |
File |
October 08, 1969 |
69-385 |
Community Leaders, "Get Acquainted" Luncheon |
File |
July 15, 1969 |
69-387 |
Concordia Club Mardi Gras, Civic Reception |
File |
January 09, 1969 |
69-391 |
Conestoga College, Miss CC Crowning |
File |
December 05, 1969 |
69-398 |
Conestoga Fire Hall, Official Opening |
File |
October 10, 1969 |
69-400 |
Conestoga Parkway, Construction |
File |
July 28, 1969 |
69-401 |
Conestoga Sailing Regatta |
File |
June 7, 1969 |
69-402 |
Conestoga Towers, Service Store |
File |
February 20, 1969 |
69-404 |
Conrad Family, Three Generations of Music |
File |
July 21, 1969 |
69-405 |
Conrad Grebel College, Twilight Auction Rehearsal |
File |
March 12, 1969 |
69-407 |
Construction, Weber and Ottawa Intersection, Traffic |
File |
June 11, 1969 |
69-409 |
Copper Penny at Auditorium |
File |
November 04, 1969 |
69-410 |
Court House Interior For OP ED |
File |
September 19, 1969 |
69-413 |
Cressman Mennonite Church, Antiques |
File |
February 03 1969 |
69-420 |
Crowd Shot, Seagram Stadium, Evening Football |
File |
September 22, 1969 |
69-428 |
Czech Refugees Present Scroll to Hymmen |
File |
1969 |
69-433 |
Day, Mrs. Bonnie |
File |
November 11, 1969 |
69-435 |
Daylight Saving Feature |
File |
April 23, 1969 |
69-443 |
Dietrich Girl Shot in St. Clements |
File |
June 09, 1969 |
69-454 |
Doon Pioneer Village, Opening Day, Miniature Train |
File |
May 03, 1969 |
69-459 |
Dornoff, James E. , Sales Rally |
File |
October 29, 1969 |
69-460 |
Dorsch, Reverend Emerson Receives Blood Donor Scroll |
File |
June 23, 1969 |
69-463 |
Downtown Kitchener, ZOOM |
File |
April 16, 1969 |
69-466 |
Drum Corps, Championships Ontario '69 |
File |
August 23, 1969 |
69-467 |
Dry Cleaners Association |
File |
February 15, 1969 |
69-471 |
Dunnette, Murray, With Girl and Diamond For Fiance |
File |
December 08, 1969 |
69-472 |
Dutch Elm Disease |
File |
February 19, 1969 |
69-478 |
Eastwood Collegiate, Grade 11 Tour of B.F. Goodrich |
File |
February 06, 1969 |
69-479 |
Eastwood Collegiate, Graffitti Day |
File |
October 10, 1969 |
69-482 |
Eaton, Cyrus, Arrives in Kitchener for University of Waterloo Convocation |
File |
May 30, 1969 |
69-484 |
Education Week |
File |
March 06, 1969 |
69-486 |
Election, Civic Kitchener, New Aldermen |
File |
December 01, 1969 |
69-492 |
Electrohome, Peruvians Tour for Finance |
File |
June 17, 1969 |