1956 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
56-8348 Benninger, Mr. and Mrs. Frank File August 29, 1956
56-8350 Bestpipe Co. Feature File August 09, 1956
56-8353 Bingeman, M. O. File November 24, 1956
56-8355 Black, Barbara File June 01, 1956
56-8364 Boothby, Royal Queen Elizabeth School Principal File May 07, 1956
56-8365 Bos, Elsie, Breslau File 1956
56-8371 Boy Scout, Apple Day File October 19, 1956
56-8375 Braun, Henriet Mrs. File March 23, 1956
56-8382 Bridgeport, Flood File 1956
56-8390 Brown, Judson File 1956
56-8395 Buck, Mrs. George File December 03, 1956
56-8397 Building Edition, Homes File September 11, 1956
56-8406 Canadian Club, Past Presidents File April 11, 1956
56-8412 Captain Ball Champs, Victoria School File March 13, 1956
56-8415 Carmichael, Reunion File March 31, 1956
56-8418 Case, Dr. A. A. File January 26, 1956
56-8424 Centreville WMS, Mrs. Feasby, R. Hendry, E. Brown File April 10, 1956
56-8429 Children's Aid Society, Estelle Knipfel File February 17, 1956
56-8431 Chrevette, Helen File January 19, 1956
56-8432 Christ Anglican Church, Sod Turning File March 25, 1956
56-8442 Church Survey File November 27, 1956
56-8445 Civic Inspection by Aldermen File January 18, 1956
56-8457 Coleman, Ruth, Plattsville File 1956
56-8458 Collegiate, Cadet Inspection File May 07, 1956
56-8461 Collegiate, Driver Training File November 08, 1956
56-8472 Conestogo Dam Aerials File August 13, 1956
56-8473 Conner, Jesse, 92-year old Tailor File July 25, 1956
56-8478 Correspondents Meeting File November 10, 1956
56-8479 Council of Churches File November 14, 1956
56-8484 County Roads Feature File 1956
56-8486 Courtland School, Closing Party File June 15, 1956
56-8491 Crosshill, Triplet Calves File July 09, 1956
56-8495 Curling, Granite, Fraser Bonspiel File January 11, 1956
56-8496 Curling, Granite, Record Trophy File February 03, 1956
56-8499 Curling, Schoolboys File February 03, 1956
56-8506 Dehler, Consecration Bishop File March 19, 1956
56-8508 Detweiler, Mrs. H. File April 21, 1956
56-8509 Dickson Presentation to M. Fred File June 07, 1956
56-8510 Diefenbacher, Clarence, Floradale File 1956
56-8512 Doctors' Convention File October 31, 1956
56-8513 Doctors' Meeting Freeport File March 21, 1956
56-8525 Dorschel, John File 1956
56-8532 Duench, Miss [D?] File October 05, 1956
56-8535 Dunham, Mabel File May 27, 1956
56-8543 Dutchmen, Return File February 10, 1956
56-8546 Easter File March 25, 1956
56-8554 Electrohome, Union Contract Signing File September 13, 1956
56-8563 English Classes at YWCA File November 27, 1956
56-8564 Enumerators, Wagner File April 19, 1956
56-8569 Eye Testing Machine and Dow Kingsbeer File June 14, 1956
56-8570 Faith and Hope Twins, Preston File July 26, 1956
56-8574 Farnham, Sgt. Cecil "Tiny" File April 19, 1956
56-8575 Farrell, Mrs. Peter File June 27, 1956
56-8580 Fashion, Chez Y File April 10, 1956
56-8581_001 Fashion, Ellen Marshall Item November 13, 1956
56-8581_002 Fashion, Ellen Marshall Item November 13, 1956
56-8581_003 Fashion, Ellen Marshall Item November 13, 1956
56-8582_004 Fashion, Spring, Women's Item March 16, 1956
56-8582_005 Fashion, Spring, Women's Item March 16, 1956
56-8583 Fashion, Trinity Church Group File October 09, 1956
56-8589 Federated Charities, YWCA File March 01, 1956
56-8601 Fire Department, New Pumper Demonstration, Kitchener File July 23, 1956
56-8609 Fire, Barclay Street File July 01, 1956
56-8616 Fire, Doon School File January 08, 1956
56-8618 Fire, Maryhill File May 08, 1956
56-8628 Firefighter Retires File October 25, 1956
56-8631 Firemen, Atomic Tests File November 22, 1956
56-8640 Flood File May 12, 1956
56-8642 Flying Cadets, Waterloo-Wellington Airport File July 04, 1956
56-8645 Football, Dutchmen Action File September 07, 1956
56-8646 Football, Dutchmen, Argos File August 02, 1956
56-8651 Football, High School All Star Individuals File November 15, 1956
56-8653 Football, Junior ORFU File August 28, 1956
56-8658 Football, Waterloo College File September 28, 1956
56-8660 Foresters File January 27, 1956
56-8661 Foster, Mr. and Mrs. James File November 10, 1956
56-8667 Freeport Sanatorium Records File May 25, 1956
56-8671 Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Chester G., Galt File December 15, 1956
56-8672 Fulton, James Funeral File September 03, 1956
56-8677_001 Galt, Hospital Nurses Capping Item February 24, 1956
56-8680 Gay, Mary, Field Day, Westmount Golf Club File July 31, 1956
56-8685 Gibb, Annie, Galt File May 09, 1956
56-8690 Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch, Anniv. File December 20, 1956
56-8691 Gingerich, Mrs. Lorne and Family File February 22, 1956
56-8692 Girl Guide Gold Cord, Pat Lorentz File May 14, 1956
56-8694_001 Girls' Pipe Band Item May 25, 1956
56-8695 Glebe, Rev. Delton File June 25, 1956
56-8697 Gnus, Alfons and Theresa, Receive Donation from Polish People File June 17, 1956
56-8698 Gnus, Theresa File May 18, 1956
56-8700 Golf Feature, Clifton and Guelph St. File July 19, 1956
56-8703 Golf, Rockway Ladies Invitation File August 21, 1956
56-8708 Goodwill Crop Tour to East File 1956
56-8719 Granite, Badminton File April 07, 1956
56-8720 Granite, Bridge Tea File November 10, 1956
56-8721 Granite, Curling International File April 07, 1956
56-8723 Granite, Life Membership File April 16, 1956
56-8730 Grey, Jr. Fr. Field Day File 1956
56-8735 Guides, Gold Cord File November 08, 1956
56-8737 Hagen, Irmengard File September 21, 1956
56-8744 Hallman, Morris File July 26, 1956
Results 401 to 500 of 1492