Series 1956 - 1956 negatives

Galt, Hospital Nurses CappingUntitledGerman TravellerGirl Guide MeetingGirls' Pipe BandLiberian MinisterLife UnderwritersLions Club District GovernorLippert FurnitureLippert FurnitureSchneider TeaTree Farm PresentationTricorn Hat, Johannes & KlieTricorn Hat, Johannes & KlieTrinity United Church, Repair ToysAdvertisement, Central Motors, Billy O'Conner, Kitchener Memorial AuditoriumApostolic Service at Kitchener Memorial AuditoriumApostolic Service at Kitchener Memorial AuditoriumAyr FloodAyr FloodAyr FloodAyr FloodAyr FloodCondemned Houses on Glen Rd.Condemned Houses on Glen Rd.Condemned Houses on Glen Rd.Fashion, Spring, Women'sFashion, Spring, Women'sFashion, Spring, Women'sFashion, Spring, Women'sFashion, Spring, Women'sFashion, Trinity Church GroupFashion, Trinity Church GroupFashion, Chez YFashion, Ellen MarshallFashion, Ellen MarshallFashion, Ellen MarshallKitchener Garrison InspectionKitchener Garrison InspectionKitchener Garrison InspectionKitchener Garrison InspectionKitchener Garrison InspectionKitchener Garrison Inspection

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Title proper

1956 negatives

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Biographical history

The Kitchener-Waterloo Record began with the publication of the Daily News of Berlin on February 9, 1878 and was the first daily paper in the area. It was published by Peter Moyer. Over the years it had several names and publishers: in January of 1897 it ... »

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