Series 1953 - 1953 negatives

Air Raid Drill, QE SchoolAir Raid Drill, QE SchoolAir Raid Drill, QE SchoolAlischer, Pte. AndrewAnderson, Florence, WashingtonAnderson, Florence, WashingtonArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubDoctors' Clinic DayHockey, Dutchmen Team PixHockey, Dutchmen, Smiths FallsHockey, Dutchmen, Smiths FallsHockey, Dutchmen, Smiths FallsHockey, Dutchmen, Smiths FallsHockey, Dutchmen, Smiths FallsNatchez SchoolNatchez SchoolNatchez SchoolNatchez SchoolRed Cross, KitchenerRadunski, Cat and DuckRadunski, Cat and DuckRitzer ColtRitzer ColtRockway SafeRural and Urban TrusteesSalvation Army BannerSalvation Army BannerArmy, Navy Vet Flag DedicationArmy, Navy Vet Flag DedicationAuditorium, Cleanup FeatureAuditorium, Cleanup FeatureAuditorium, Cleanup FeatureAuditorium, Cleanup FeatureAuditorium, Cleanup FeatureAuditorium, Cleanup FeatureAuditorium, Cleanup FeatureAuditorium, Cleanup FeatureAuditorium, Ticket Line UpBandmasters' ConventionBandmasters' ConventionBandmasters' ConventionBandmasters' ConventionBaseball, Kvasnak, GallingerBasketball, Action Y BluesBasketball, Action Y BluesBasketball, Action Y BluesBasketball, Action Y BluesBasketball, Action Y BluesBenton Baptist CornerstoneBenton Baptist CornerstoneBenton Baptist CornerstoneBinder, ElectrocutionAustralians with Cathy ErbAustrian FamilyAustrian FamilyJaycee ConventionJaycee ConventionJaycee ConventionBingo Winner, CarBingo Winner, CarBingo Winner, Kinsmen NewspaperBlood Donor ClinicBookmobile OpeningBookmobile OpeningBookmobile OpeningBookmobile OpeningCentral School DemolitionCentral School DemolitionCentral School DemolitionChamber of Commerce MeetingChamber of Commerce MeetingChamber of Commerce OfficesChamber of Commerce OfficesChamber of Commerce OfficesCouncil of Friendship, International Cafe pr.23-53Council of Friendship, International Cafe pr.23-53Council of Friendship, International Cafe pr.23-53Council of Friendship, International Cafe pr.23-53Council of Friendship, International Cafe pr.23-53Court StenographerDick, JacobSt. Agatha OrphanageSt. Agatha OrphanageSt. Agatha OrphanageSt. Agatha OrphanageSt. Agatha OrphanageSt. Agatha OrphanageSt. Agatha OrphanageSt. Agatha OrphanageSt. Agatha OrphanageBallantyne, Bob, AtwoodBallet, Winnipeg TroupeBallet, Winnipeg TroupeBallet, Winnipeg TroupeBreithaupt Wading PoolBrenneman, Mr. and Mrs. J. R., Cassel
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1953 negatives

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Biographical history

The Kitchener-Waterloo Record began with the publication of the Daily News of Berlin on February 9, 1878 and was the first daily paper in the area. It was published by Peter Moyer. Over the years it had several names and publishers: in January of 1897 it ... »

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