Series 1952 - 1952 negatives

Heller, OttHelm, JackHempel, Mrs. 90th BirthdayHesson R. C. [Roman Catholic] Church, Diamond JubileeHesson R. C. [Roman Catholic] Church, Diamond JubileeHesson R. C. [Roman Catholic] Church, Diamond JubileeHesson R. C. [Roman Catholic] Church, Diamond JubileeHewitt, James, InnerkipHigh School Girl to EuropeHiller-Kuller WeddingHiller-Kuller WeddingHiller-Kuller WeddingHinsberger House, St. ClementsHinsberger House, St. ClementsIODE [Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire] ConventionIODE [Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire] ConventionIODE [Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire] ConventionIODE [Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire] ConventionJanitors, RecordJanitors, RecordJanitors, RecordJanitors, RecordJanitors, RecordJanitors, RecordHall, ClaudetteHalloween StuffHalloween StuffHalloween StuffHalloween StuffHamilton Dr.Hammond, Keith, MoorefieldHammond, Keith, MoorefieldHannenberg, DarcyHarnock, Joe, BreslauHatch, Hospital AdministratorHatch, Hospital AdministratorHawkins, Dr. CarmenHawkins, Dr. S. J. and moneyHealth ClinicHeer, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.Heffron, FrankHeise, E. G., PrestonJanzen, ElizabethJanzen, ElizabethJanzen, ElizabethJanzen, ElizabethJanzen, ElizabethJanzen, Jno.Japanese War BrideJaycee BoardJeaters, Mrs. BeatriceJersey Ladies NightJet PlaneJet PlaneJet PlaneJet PlaneBeaver DamBeaver DamBeaver DamBeaver DamHolstein FairHolstein FairHolstein FairJr. Farmers Dance, C. DumfriesJr. Farmers Dance, C. DumfriesJr. Farmers Dance, C. DumfriesMartin, Amon (Maple Syrup)Martin, Amon (Maple Syrup)Martin, Amon (Maple Syrup)Martin, Amon (Maple Syrup)Martin, Amon (Maple Syrup)Marsland, StanleyMarsland, StanleyValentine SchoolValentine SchoolPotato Field Day, HespelerPotato Field Day, HespelerSnyder Potato FarmSnyder Potato FarmPotato Field Day, HespelerPotato Field Day, Hespeler

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1952 negatives

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Biographical history

The Kitchener-Waterloo Record began with the publication of the Daily News of Berlin on February 9, 1878 and was the first daily paper in the area. It was published by Peter Moyer. Over the years it had several names and publishers: in January of 1897 it ... »

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