Series 1948 - 1948 negatives

Presbyterian Church OrganizationPreston Dental SurveyPreston High SchoolPreston House MovingPreston LegionPreston Robbery, HicksPlattsville ArenaPlayground Hospital King EdwardPolice Association Waterloo CountyPolice AuctionPolice CrackupPolice Kitchener CruisersPolice Ontario ProvincialPolice SchoolPollock Radio Station Baden HillsHespeler ArenaHespeler ArenaSewage Disposal WaterlooShantz Park Lane Farm StrawberriesSheppard School New WingSkating Club Granite ClubSkelly, Mayor Wm. Of PrestonSlum HousingSmith, TerryKing St. dim outKW Orphanage Tricycles

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Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

1948 negatives

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


Archival description area

Name of creator

Biographical history

The Kitchener-Waterloo Record began with the publication of the Daily News of Berlin on February 9, 1878 and was the first daily paper in the area. It was published by Peter Moyer. Over the years it had several names and publishers: in January of 1897 it ... »

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