Series 1946 - 1946 negatives

Lutheran clothing driveLutheran synod conventionLutherans to conventionMotz, JohnMunicipal chapter I. O. D. E. [Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire]New Dundee anniversary groupNew Hamburg derbyNew oil tank (Hogg)New water wellNorth Dumfries plowing matchBoy scouts chief scout visitBranch library openingNorth Waterloo Rehab. & Training Inst.Norwegian war brideNylon dayPan Politae Club YMCA (Y Men's Charter)Polish veterans arrivePolssonPoppy day LegionPost Office rush ChristmasPresent ship's bellPreston firePublic speaking champs (W. O. S. S. A.)KW Symphony OrchestraKitchener-Waterloo Hospital George BrownCanadian Institute of Blind Robinson & HewlettCarbert triplets ElmiraBandberg dedicationBarn lowering on Elmira highwayBaseball (Jr. UBA champs)Bears at Victoria ParkBlevins retiringBlind get deedBlue baby (Puztka)Bray, Col. G. MurrayBridgeport vets banquetCat & chickensApostolic church KitchenerBrown, Mayor J. G.Carter TwinsGranite curling matchGranite curling matchGundick, J. and flowerHaliman, Mrs. MyrtleHappy cousinsHauck, A. MHearing survey Sheppard SchoolIce, snowstormInternational plowing matchIODE newest charterIuvenes Hi/y club teaKarn familyFifth veterans banquetGaff 5 generationsGalt 94th annualGerman band WaterlooGovernor General visitGrand River floodChristmas KoppeserCircus tentsConestogo vetsCoulter, GeorgeJr. Chamber of CommerceKitchener school closingKitchener school playgroundKitchener sewage disposal plantKitchener summer playground openingKitchener swimming poolKiwanis Paradise Lake campKolb, GertrudeKW camp hospitalKW Collegiate additionKW Collegiate basketballKW Collegiate new student council presidentKW Collegiate night class openingKW hockey gameKW Kiwanis 25th anniversaryKW OrphanageLabor day paradeLegless veteran MacdonaldLehman carLetter to a Record boxLibrary floral displayLibrary story hourLinwood fireLinwood Fire Dept.Lishman coaches jr. ball clinicListowel Fall FairLong lost brothersMeeker-HammerMennonite shipmentMillbank antiqueMotorcycle hill climbNew Hamburg fairKitchener council inaugural

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1946 negatives

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Biographical history

The Kitchener-Waterloo Record began with the publication of the Daily News of Berlin on February 9, 1878 and was the first daily paper in the area. It was published by Peter Moyer. Over the years it had several names and publishers: in January of 1897 it ... »

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