Level of description
Digital object |
1 |
Friends of the Library Authors Event. Eric McCormack "Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast." |
File |
May 6, 1998 |
7 |
Friends of the Library Lecture. A public talk by Ken McLaughlin and launch of his new book. Out of the Shadow of Orthodoxy: Waterloo @50. |
File |
April 25, 2007 |
9 |
Book launch. John English. |
File |
2008 |
12 |
University of Waterloo Davis Centre Information Commons Concept Images. Prepared by Helena Vamberger, Rex Fang Xu. |
File |
2003 |
13 |
Friends of the Library Authors Event. Pamela Wallin. "A New Perspective: The Media is You." |
File |
May 9, 2001 |
7 |
LibQUAL: Survey. |
File |
2001 |
5 |
Mathematics: Examinations |
File |
1959 |
8 |
Psychology: Examinations |
File |
1959 |
11 |
Civil Engineering: Examinations |
File |
1960 |
16 |
Philosophy, Physics: Examinations |
File |
1960 |
17 |
Political Science, Psychology, Russian: Examinations |
File |
1960 |
19 |
Chemistry: Examinations |
File |
1961 |
20 |
Civil Engineering: Examinations |
File |
1961 |
27 |
Mechanical Engineering: Examinations |
File |
1961 |
28 |
Philosophy: Examinations |
File |
1961 |
29 |
Physics: Examinations |
File |
1961 |
34 |
Biology, Botany, Chemical Engineering: Examinations |
File |
1962 |
36 |
Civil Engineering: Examinations |
File |
1962 |
38 |
Electrical Engineering: Examinations |
File |
1962 |
41 |
German, Greek: Examinations |
File |
1962 |
43 |
Mathematics: Examinations |
File |
1962 |
53 |
Chemistry: Examinations |
File |
1963 |
57 |
English: Examinations |
File |
1963 |
59 |
Geography, Geology: Examinations |
File |
1963 |
64 |
Mechanical Engineering: Examinations |
File |
1963 |
65 |
Natural Science, Philosophy: Examinations |
File |
1963 |
69 |
Russian, Sociology, Spanish, Zoology: Examinations |
File |
1963 |
73 |
Classical Civilization, Economics: Examinations |
File |
1964 |
77 |
Geography, Geology: Examinations |
File |
1964 |
88 |
Religious Studies, Russian: Examinations |
File |
1964 |
101 |
History, Latin: Examinations |
File |
1965 |
103 |
Mathematics: Examinations |
File |
1965 |
105 |
Philosophy: Examinations |
File |
1965 |
108 |
Sociology, Ukrainian, Zoology: Examinations |
File |
1965 |
109 |
Biology: Examinations |
File |
1966 |
110 |
Chemcial Engineering: Examinations |
File |
1966 |
114 |
Electrical Engineering: Examinations |
File |
1966 |
122 |
Mathematics: Examinations |
File |
1966 |
123 |
Mathematics: Examinations |
File |
1966 |
126 |
Physics: Examinations |
File |
1966 |
128 |
Political Science: Examinations |
File |
1966 |
133 |
Mathematics: Examinations |
File |
1967 |
3 |
University of Waterloo Library Building for the Humanities and Social Sciences Brief to the Architects. |
File |
1962 |
11 |
Departmental Library Budgets. |
File |
1963-1967 |
26 |
Studies and Reports. |
File |
1960-1963 |
28 |
Library Areas: Plans. |
File |
[196-] |
34 |
Library Opening: Convocation. |
File |
October 23, 1965 |
35 |
Library Opening: Convocation. |
File |
October 23, 1965 |
37 |
Bursary Fund Contributions. |
File |
1962, 1964 |
2 |
Bladen Commission: Forecast of the Cost of Academic Library Services in Canada, 1965-1975. |
File |
1965 |
5 |
CACUL: Annual Meeting, Winnipeg. |
File |
1963 |
16 |
CACUL: Constitution. |
File |
1963 |
17 |
CACUL: Fringe Benefits. |
File |
1962, 1964 |
22 |
CACUL: Nominating Committee. |
File |
1963-1965 |
2017-01 |
University of Waterloo Libraries. Information Technology & Facilities Services. |
Accession |
1990-2005 |
2017-03 |
University of Waterloo Libraries. Information Services and Resources. |
Accession |
1989-2007 |
2017-04 |
University of Waterloo Libraries. Circulation Services. |
Accession |
1979-2007 |
2015-02 |
University of Waterloo Libraries. Library Communications and Web Management. |
Accession |
1961-2014 |
1 |
Report on the Installation of an Automated Circulation System. |
File |
1979 |
5 |
User Services Assessment Group. |
File |
2002-2003 |
6 |
User Services Assessment Group. |
File |
2002-2003 |
78-0009 |
University of Waterloo Libraries. University of Waterloo examinations. |
Accession |
1959-1967 |
2 |
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. |
File |
1965-1966 |
15 |
Canadian Library Association. |
File |
1964-1967 |
16 |
Canadian Library Association. |
File |
1970, 1975-1976 |
19 |
Canadian Library Association. |
File |
1968-1970 |
23 |
Colloquium: Talk by Doris Lewis. |
File |
November 20, 1969 |
26 |
Committee of Presidents of Universities of Ontario: Spinks Report and Related Material |
File |
1966-1967 |
30 |
Conference on Library Surveys. |
File |
June 14-June 17, 1965 |
36 |
Ontario Association of College and University Libraries: Report of the Committee to Study the Role of OACUL. |
File |
[196-] |
42 |
Ontario Council of University Librarians. |
File |
1964-1967 |
45 |
Ontario Council of University Librarians. |
File |
1972-1973 |
47 |
Ontario Council of University Librarians. |
File |
1972 |
58 |
University of Waterloo: Committees, External. |
File |
1974 |
59 |
University of Waterloo: Counselling Library. |
File |
1965-1969 |
62 |
University of Waterloo: Library Building. |
File |
1961-1970 |
68 |
University of Waterloo: University Archives Advisory Group. |
File |
1971-1974 |
7 |
Bibliography compiled for Review of Higher Education in Canada : list of publications about University of Waterloo. |
File |
[1969-1976?] |
8 |
Calendar pads. |
File |
1970-1977 |
5 |
University of Waterloo Library public access catalogue. |
File |
1990 |
3 |
University of Waterloo Annual Report of the University Librarian. |
File |
July 1966 - June 1967 |
1 |
Internet Resources Committee: annual reports and supporting material. |
File |
1994-1998 |
3 |
University Map and Design Library Advisory Committee: terms of reference. |
File |
May 1995 |
5 |
Dana Porter Library Coffee Shop Group: food and drink in the library committee report. |
File |
September 14, 2000 |
8 |
Architecture Library Task Group: meeting minutes and supporting material. |
File |
2001-2004 |
9 |
Staff Web Review Group: meeting minutes and supporting material. |
File |
2001-2007 |
2 |
Friends of the Library. Christine Cheng "Transforming Technology: A Social Dilemma." |
File |
May 8, 2002 |
4 |
Friends of the Library lecture. Prem Watsa on Fair, Friendly Acquisitions...The Fairfax Story. |
File |
April 20, 2009 |
14 |
Alumni. |
File |
October 2009 |
16 |
University of Waterloo Library event photographs. |
File |
2007 |
3 |
LibQUAL: Set 3 Regular Dana Porter/Davis Users Frequencies. |
File |
1994 |
4 |
Cheque Authorization Vouchers. |
File |
1964-1966 |
6 |
Circulation Department. |
File |
1964-1965, 1967-1968 |
8 |
Engineering and Science Library. |
File |
1961-1966 |
13 |
Memos, Minutes, Gifts. |
File |
1961-1964 |
14 |
Memos to and from Doris E. Lewis. |
File |
1962-1968 |
16 |
Personnel. |
File |
1963, 1965-1968 |
20 |
Travel Vouchers. |
File |
1966-1968 |
23 |
Furnishings and Equipment for the Arts Library. |
File |
1962-1965 |
24 |
Library Move. |
File |
1963-1965 |