Level of description
Digital object |
29 |
Church of the New Jerusalem. |
File |
[192-] |
30 |
Church of the New Jerusalem. |
File |
[191-?] |
31 |
Doon Pioneer Village: John Schneider Butcher Shop. |
File |
November 1965 |
42 |
Freeport cottage. |
File |
[193-] |
43 |
Freeport cottage. |
File |
[193-] |
48 |
Freeport cottage. |
File |
[194-?] |
58 |
Freeport : Highwood. |
File |
1991 |
59 |
Freeport : Highwood. |
File |
[195-?] |
61 |
Freeport : Sunday School class. |
File |
[after 1949] |
68 |
Keffer, Ivan W. and family. |
File |
[190-?] |
2 |
Keffer, Ivan W. and Mary Louise. |
Item |
[after 1917] |
71 |
Keffer, Ivan W. : Norman C. Schneider's visit to Berlin. |
File |
[1934] |
75 |
Kitchener-Waterloo Rotary Club. |
File |
[1980?] |
80 |
LeRoy car. |
File |
[195-] |
81 |
LeRoy car. |
File |
[195-] |
95 |
Royal visit : King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in Kitchener, Ont. |
File |
June 16, 1939 |
98 |
Schneider, Dave. |
File |
November 17, 1968 |
101 |
Schneider, Ethel. |
File |
April 6, 1983 |
102 |
Schneider, Ethel. |
File |
[195-?], [198-?] |
2 |
Schneider, Herbert. |
Item |
[194-?] |
107 |
Schneider, Herbert and bunkhouse mates. |
File |
[194-] |
111 |
Schneider, Herbert. |
File |
[194-] |
113 |
Schneider, Herbert and Howard. |
File |
[193-] |
119 |
Schneider, Herbert, Howard and Brita. |
File |
[193-] |
128 |
Schneider, Norman C. |
File |
[197-?] |
129 |
Schneider, Norman C. |
File |
1978 |
143 |
Schneider, Norman C. : in a deck chair. |
File |
[1936?] |
145 |
Schneider, Norman C. : on an outing with friends. |
File |
[191-?] |
146 |
Schneider, Norman C. : presentation of Salvation Army life membership. |
File |
[198-?] |
147 |
Schneider, Norman C. : receiving honourary doctorate from Waterloo Lutheran University, 1966. |
File |
1966 |
151 |
Schneider, Norman C. : snapshots. |
File |
[19--] |
153 |
Schneider, Norman C. : trip snapshots. |
File |
[197-] |
156 |
Schneider, Norman C. : unidentified group portrait. |
File |
[197-] |
157 |
Schneider, Norman C. : visit to Nelson Schweitzer, California. |
File |
[195-?] |
158 |
Schneider, Norman C. : visit to Nelson Schweitzer. |
File |
1952 |
159 |
Schneider, Norman C. : with a group of boys, posed in front of a car. |
File |
[193-?] |
167 |
Schneider, Norman C. : with Vera Koeple and her sister. |
File |
[193-?] |
180 |
Schneider, Norman C. and Ethel : with Emma Siegner and Irmengarde Hagen. |
File |
July 1, 1983 |
182 |
Schneider, Norman C. and Ethel : with Virginia Echlin. |
File |
July 26, 1976 |
185 |
Shorewood Cottage, Honey Harbour, Ont. |
File |
[193-?] |
192 |
Shorewood Cottage. |
File |
[195-?] |
196 |
Skiing. |
File |
[193-] |
204 |
Tuerk Gasoline Engine & Co. |
File |
[ca. 1905] |
209 |
Unidentified man. |
File |
[19--] |
1 |
Ahrens, Charles August and Emma. |
Item |
[1917?] |
6 |
Schneider, Norman C. with Floss and Lottie Ahrens. |
Item |
[ca. 1910s] |
8 |
Ahrens, Lottie, Marion Law, Floss Ahrens and Agnes Law. |
File |
[ca. 1910?] |
12 |
Berlin streetcar. |
File |
[19--] |
17 |
Cassell, Jakie : King of the high wire. |
File |
[19--?] (Originally created ca. 1900) |
19 |
Chicopee : Rotary flag raising. |
File |
[193-] |
20 |
Chicopee Ski Club. |
File |
1939 |
22 |
Chicopee Ski Club. |
File |
February 1, 1970 |
27 |
Church of the Good Shepherd. |
File |
[193-?] |
78 |
LeRoy car. |
File |
[196-] |
2 |
Album #2. |
File |
[193-] |
5 |
Ahrens cousins at Grand Bend. |
File |
[191-?] |
2 |
Ahrens cousins. |
Item |
[ca. 1910] |
4 |
Ahrens family. |
Item |
[ca. 1910s] |
5 |
Ohio cottage. |
Item |
[ca. 1910s] |
9 |
Anthes, Emmie : Emmie's Girls at Southampton. |
File |
[192-?] |
1 |
Anthes, Emma with Pat and Herbert J. Schneider. |
Item |
[193-?] |
3 |
Haist, Hilda and Evelyn. |
Item |
[193-?]-[194-?] |
11 |
Berlin Street Railway. |
File |
[191-] |
14 |
Board of Trade : Directors. |
File |
1937 |
21 |
Chicopee Ski Club. |
File |
[1940?] |
26 |
Church of the Good Shepherd. |
File |
[19--] |
33 |
The Dutch Company at Limberlost, Huntsville. |
File |
[193-] |
37 |
The Dutch Company at Limberlost, Huntsville. |
File |
1939 |
38 |
Economical Mutual : Board of Directors. |
File |
[1971] |
44 |
Freeport cottage. |
File |
[194-] |
45 |
Freeport cottage. |
File |
[1936] |
49 |
Freeport cottage. |
File |
[193-] |
51 |
Freeport cottage. |
File |
[193-] |
53 |
Freeport cottage. |
File |
[193-] |
54 |
Freeport cottage. |
File |
[193-] |
1 |
Braun, Charlotte and Ethel Schneider. |
Item |
June 6, 1923 |
64 |
Hackborn, Marg. |
File |
[196-?] |
65 |
Hackborn, Rud and Evelyn. |
File |
1978 |
67 |
Home at 76 Schneider Ave., Kitchener, Ont. |
File |
[194-] |
3 |
Keffer, Ivan W. and Mary Jane. |
Item |
April 27, 1927 |
4 |
Keffer, Mary Jane. |
Item |
[ca. 1930] |
69 |
Keffer, Ivan W. family visits to Kitchener. |
File |
February 1937 |
70 |
Keffer, Ivan W., General Manager, Woolworth's, Germany. |
File |
[193-] |
72 |
Kerr, Muriel. |
File |
[191-?] |
73 |
Kitchener Musical Society Band. |
File |
June 15, 1981 |
83 |
Little Pal. |
File |
[193-] |
85 |
Ludi with pup Mitzi. |
File |
[195-?] |
86 |
Old comrade's banquet. |
File |
January 16, 1932 |
87 |
Olympic Games, Berlin. |
File |
1936 |
91 |
Punkey Doodle Cornerz [sic] Concert Co. |
File |
[195?] |
93 |
Rotary International |
File |
[19--] |
99 |
Schneider, Dave. |
File |
February 6-22, 1961 |
115 |
Schneider, Herbert and Howard. |
File |
1938 |
122 |
Schneider, Howard. |
File |
February 1944 |
123 |
Schneider, Howard : school crossing guard. |
File |
[193-] |
127 |
Schneider, Norman C. |
File |
[197-?] |
132 |
Schneider, Norman C. : birthday, 80th. |
File |
December 9, 1968 |
133 |
Schneider, Norman C. : birthday, 96th. |
File |
December 9, 1984 |
137 |
Schneider, Norman C. : family outing : Doon pinnacle. |
File |
[193-] |
141 |
Schneider, Norman C. : family outings. |
File |
[193-] |