Schneider Norman C. : Photographs. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
29 Church of the New Jerusalem. File [192-]
30 Church of the New Jerusalem. File [191-?]
31 Doon Pioneer Village: John Schneider Butcher Shop. File November 1965
42 Freeport cottage. File [193-]
43 Freeport cottage. File [193-]
48 Freeport cottage. File [194-?]
58 Freeport : Highwood. File 1991
59 Freeport : Highwood. File [195-?]
61 Freeport : Sunday School class. File [after 1949]
68 Keffer, Ivan W. and family. File [190-?]
2 Keffer, Ivan W. and Mary Louise. Item [after 1917]
71 Keffer, Ivan W. : Norman C. Schneider's visit to Berlin. File [1934]
75 Kitchener-Waterloo Rotary Club. File [1980?]
80 LeRoy car. File [195-]
81 LeRoy car. File [195-]
95 Royal visit : King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in Kitchener, Ont. File June 16, 1939
98 Schneider, Dave. File November 17, 1968
101 Schneider, Ethel. File April 6, 1983
102 Schneider, Ethel. File [195-?], [198-?]
2 Schneider, Herbert. Item [194-?]
107 Schneider, Herbert and bunkhouse mates. File [194-]
111 Schneider, Herbert. File [194-]
113 Schneider, Herbert and Howard. File [193-]
119 Schneider, Herbert, Howard and Brita. File [193-]
128 Schneider, Norman C. File [197-?]
129 Schneider, Norman C. File 1978
143 Schneider, Norman C. : in a deck chair. File [1936?]
145 Schneider, Norman C. : on an outing with friends. File [191-?]
146 Schneider, Norman C. : presentation of Salvation Army life membership. File [198-?]
147 Schneider, Norman C. : receiving honourary doctorate from Waterloo Lutheran University, 1966. File 1966
151 Schneider, Norman C. : snapshots. File [19--]
153 Schneider, Norman C. : trip snapshots. File [197-]
156 Schneider, Norman C. : unidentified group portrait. File [197-]
157 Schneider, Norman C. : visit to Nelson Schweitzer, California. File [195-?]
158 Schneider, Norman C. : visit to Nelson Schweitzer. File 1952
159 Schneider, Norman C. : with a group of boys, posed in front of a car. File [193-?]
167 Schneider, Norman C. : with Vera Koeple and her sister. File [193-?]
180 Schneider, Norman C. and Ethel : with Emma Siegner and Irmengarde Hagen. File July 1, 1983
182 Schneider, Norman C. and Ethel : with Virginia Echlin. File July 26, 1976
185 Shorewood Cottage, Honey Harbour, Ont. File [193-?]
192 Shorewood Cottage. File [195-?]
196 Skiing. File [193-]
204 Tuerk Gasoline Engine & Co. File [ca. 1905]
209 Unidentified man. File [19--]
1 Ahrens, Charles August and Emma. Item [1917?]
6 Schneider, Norman C. with Floss and Lottie Ahrens. Item [ca. 1910s]
8 Ahrens, Lottie, Marion Law, Floss Ahrens and Agnes Law. File [ca. 1910?]
12 Berlin streetcar. File [19--]
17 Cassell, Jakie : King of the high wire. File [19--?] (Originally created ca. 1900)
19 Chicopee : Rotary flag raising. File [193-]
20 Chicopee Ski Club. File 1939
22 Chicopee Ski Club. File February 1, 1970
27 Church of the Good Shepherd. File [193-?]
78 LeRoy car. File [196-]
2 Album #2. File [193-]
5 Ahrens cousins at Grand Bend. File [191-?]
2 Ahrens cousins. Item [ca. 1910]
4 Ahrens family. Item [ca. 1910s]
5 Ohio cottage. Item [ca. 1910s]
9 Anthes, Emmie : Emmie's Girls at Southampton. File [192-?]
1 Anthes, Emma with Pat and Herbert J. Schneider. Item [193-?]
3 Haist, Hilda and Evelyn. Item [193-?]-[194-?]
11 Berlin Street Railway. File [191-]
14 Board of Trade : Directors. File 1937
21 Chicopee Ski Club. File [1940?]
26 Church of the Good Shepherd. File [19--]
33 The Dutch Company at Limberlost, Huntsville. File [193-]
37 The Dutch Company at Limberlost, Huntsville. File 1939
38 Economical Mutual : Board of Directors. File [1971]
44 Freeport cottage. File [194-]
45 Freeport cottage. File [1936]
49 Freeport cottage. File [193-]
51 Freeport cottage. File [193-]
53 Freeport cottage. File [193-]
54 Freeport cottage. File [193-]
1 Braun, Charlotte and Ethel Schneider. Item June 6, 1923
64 Hackborn, Marg. File [196-?]
65 Hackborn, Rud and Evelyn. File 1978
67 Home at 76 Schneider Ave., Kitchener, Ont. File [194-]
3 Keffer, Ivan W. and Mary Jane. Item April 27, 1927
4 Keffer, Mary Jane. Item [ca. 1930]
69 Keffer, Ivan W. family visits to Kitchener. File February 1937
70 Keffer, Ivan W., General Manager, Woolworth's, Germany. File [193-]
72 Kerr, Muriel. File [191-?]
73 Kitchener Musical Society Band. File June 15, 1981
83 Little Pal. File [193-]
85 Ludi with pup Mitzi. File [195-?]
86 Old comrade's banquet. File January 16, 1932
87 Olympic Games, Berlin. File 1936
91 Punkey Doodle Cornerz [sic] Concert Co. File [195?]
93 Rotary International File [19--]
99 Schneider, Dave. File February 6-22, 1961
115 Schneider, Herbert and Howard. File 1938
122 Schneider, Howard. File February 1944
123 Schneider, Howard : school crossing guard. File [193-]
127 Schneider, Norman C. File [197-?]
132 Schneider, Norman C. : birthday, 80th. File December 9, 1968
133 Schneider, Norman C. : birthday, 96th. File December 9, 1984
137 Schneider, Norman C. : family outing : Doon pinnacle. File [193-]
141 Schneider, Norman C. : family outings. File [193-]
Results 1 to 100 of 237