Level of description
Digital object |
55 |
Moyer, Abraham Nash. |
File |
[18--] |
58 |
Moyer, Charlotte and Mary Elizabeth. |
File |
[189-?] |
60 |
Moyer, Edmund Warren. |
File |
1898 |
61 |
Moyer, Edna. |
File |
1902 |
64 |
Moyer family : Anna Tomlins Moyer and daughters. |
File |
[ca. 1903] |
78 |
Moyer, Jacob Nash. |
File |
[1879-1889] |
83 |
Moyer, Jesse Gross. |
File |
[before 1900] |
85 |
Moyer, John Matt. |
File |
[18--] |
87 |
Moyer, Levi Nash and Mollie. |
File |
February 1908 |
92 |
Moyer, Levi Nash. |
File |
March 1910 |
94 |
Moyer, Lillian M. |
File |
June 1895 |
95 |
Moyer, Louise. |
File |
[ca. 1890] |
99 |
Moyer, Maurice. |
File |
1899 |
100 |
Moyer, Mollie. |
File |
1898 |
101 |
Moyer, Theodore. |
File |
[ca. 1900] |
104 |
Nash, Henry. |
File |
1890 |
105 |
Piggott, Jennie. |
File |
[between 1898 and 1899] |
109 |
Schantz, Arthur : Alberta. |
File |
[19--] |
114 |
Schantz, Carrie Flagler and Worth. |
File |
August 1907 |
120 |
Schantz children. |
File |
1886 |
122 |
Schantz, Christian and family. |
File |
[189-?] |
123 |
Schantz cousins. |
File |
1934 |
132 |
Schantz family : 1913 family reunion. |
File |
1913 |
136 |
Shantz family. |
File |
[188-?] |
139 |
Schantz family. |
File |
[18--] |
140 |
Schantz family : Ruth Schantz and family. |
File |
[ca. 1928] |
142 |
Schantz/Flagler family. |
File |
[18--] |
147 |
Schantz, Florence. |
File |
[1921?] |
151 |
[Schantz home in Port Elgin, Ontario?]. |
File |
[189-] |
152 |
Shantz, James Robert and wife Elisabeth. |
File |
[between 1898 and 1905] |
153 |
Schantz, Joan Elizabeth. |
File |
June 1935 |
155 |
Schantz, Mary Moyer and Anna Moyer. |
File |
October 21, 1905 |
157 |
Schantz, Mary Moyer. |
File |
[1856?] |
161 |
Schantz, Orpheus Moyer and Ruth. |
File |
[ca. 1900] |
166 |
Schantz, Orpheus Moyer : Morton Park. |
File |
September 9, 1892 |
173 |
Schantz photographs : album page. |
File |
[19--] |
186 |
Schantz, Ruth. |
File |
[18--] |
201 |
Schantz, Worth. |
File |
[ca. 1920] |
203 |
Snyder, Urban. |
File |
[ca. 1896] |
204 |
Spelman, Walter and Margery. |
File |
[ca. 1916] |
210 |
Victoria School, Kitchener, Ont. : Class of 1915-1916. |
File |
[1915 or 1916] |
211 |
Welden Combination : staff. |
File |
January 1890 |
2 |
Windblown trees. |
Item |
July 12, 1949 |
4 |
Unidentified group along shoreline. |
Item |
July 12, 1949 |
1 |
Russell, Harold. |
Item |
ca. 1930s |
4 |
[Gross children] pulling lawn mower. |
Item |
ca. 1930s |
8 |
White, Dorothy with snowman and unidentifed Gross child. |
Item |
ca. 1930s |
215 |
White, Dorothy : family. |
File |
[193-] |
1 |
Russell, Harold and Dorothy White. |
Item |
[1935-1936] |
5 |
Russell, Harold and unidentified children |
Item |
[ca. 1947] |
219 |
White, Dorothy. |
File |
[ca. 1960] |
224 |
White, Dorothy. |
File |
[ca. 1905] |
227 |
White, Dorothy : Victory Bond parade. |
File |
1940 |
230 |
White, Ward Malott. |
File |
[between 1888 and 1891] |
8 |
Russell, Dorothy: Correspondence. |
Series |
1905-1923 |
238 |
Ephemera : Christmas lists. |
File |
1965-1969 |
239 |
Ephemera : negative envelopes. |
File |
[ca. 1934] |
246 |
Ephemera : business cards, external. |
File |
[189-] |
247 |
Ephemera : business cards, internal. |
File |
[before 1890] |
249 |
Ephemera : drawings. |
File |
[19--?] |
264 |
Ephemera : "The Deserted Village", pictures by Edwin A. Abbey. |
File |
1902 |
1 |
Schantz, Florence Annie Catherine. |
Series |
[18--]-1911 |
1 |
Ephemera: a forget-me-not. |
File |
[18--] |
3 |
Pressed flowers book. |
File |
1911 |
2 |
Schantz, Franklin Abram. |
Series |
[18--] |
7 |
Ephemera: Christmas card. |
File |
[18--] |
8 |
Ephemera: Christmas card. |
File |
[18--?] |
12 |
Ephemera: Easter card. |
File |
[189-?] |
4 |
Photographs. |
Series |
[18--]-[ca. 1900] |
2 |
Unidentified group. |
Item |
[ca. 1865-1885] |
3 |
Unidentified man. |
Item |
[18--] |
4 |
Flagler, William B. |
Item |
[ca. 1900] |
5 |
Unidentified couple. |
Item |
[ca. 1911-1915] |
11 |
School exercise books. |
File |
1891-1894 |
13 |
School exercise books. |
File |
1885-1896 |
20 |
Scrapbook 6. |
File |
[ca. 1900] |
26 |
Scrapbook clippings 4. |
File |
[ca. 1900] |
38 |
Pressed flowers. |
File |
[19--?] |
39 |
Pressed flowers. |
File |
1897 |
51 |
Kitchener and Waterloo Orphanage: canvass for maintenance no. 2. |
File |
1922 |
54 |
Kitchener and Waterloo Orphanage: canvass for maintenance no. 8. |
File |
1922 |
57 |
Kitchener and Waterloo Orphanage: canvass for maintenance no. 11. |
File |
1922 |
61 |
Kitchener and Waterloo Orphanage: canvass for maintenance no. 17. |
File |
1922 |
62 |
Kitchener and Waterloo Orphanage: canvass for maintenance no. 18. |
File |
1922 |
63 |
Kitchener and Waterloo Orphanage: canvass for maintenance no. 19. |
File |
1922 |
74 |
Property: Carstairs, Alberta. |
File |
1922, 1929 |
3 |
Schantz, Mary. |
Series |
1850-1885 |
84 |
Diaries: 1867. |
File |
1867-1889 |
90 |
Diaries: notebook. |
File |
1890-1891 |
92 |
Diaries: notebook. |
File |
1892-1893 |
93 |
Diaries: notebook. |
File |
1893 |
95 |
Diaries: notebook. |
File |
1894 |
101 |
Diaries: notebook. |
File |
1907 |
104 |
Eastman National Business College: diploma. |
File |
1864 |
107 |
Eastman National Business College: practice manuals. |
File |
1864 |
112 |
Ephemera: Scherenschnitte: Tobias Schantz geboren den 10 ten April 1842. |
File |
1842 |
114 |
House: 43 Schneider Ave.: planting records. |
File |
1915 |
117 |
Notebook: The Home Orchard. |
File |
1914 |
128 |
Ephemera: Borden's condensed milk advertisement. |
File |
[18--] |
129 |
Ephemera: Camden Cooperative Society stock receipts. |
File |
1867 |