Rienzi Crusz fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
110 Formulas of love for the wind. File [before 1989]
113 Francis of Assisi. File [before 1989]
120 Ghetto soul. File [before 1989]
122 The gift of music. File [before 1989]
123 God's hiding place. File [before 1989]
126 Graveyard reflections. File [before 1989]
127 Graveyard of the elephants. File [before 1989]
138 How the sun-man introduced himself to the girl in the wired world. File [before 1989]
141 I am now balancing on ice with more poems in my hand. File [before 1989]
142 I, Icarus. File [before 1989]
152 Unused number. File [before 1989]
155 Integration of a kind. File [before 1989]
156 The interview. File [before 1989]
165 Last stanza for the cactus man. File [before 1989]
170 Little brown boy. File [before 1989]
174 Love poem for Anne #3. File [before 1989]
175 Maelstrom. File [before 1989]
179 Man without seasons. File [before 1989]
180 The mathematical lesson. File [before 1989]
181 Mayaro sea sculpture. File [before 1989]
189 Nellie and the disenchanted child. File [before 1989]
192 Night train through the tunnel. File [before 1989]
196 O Canada. File [before 1989]
199 Of liars and kings. File [before 1989]
202 On talking to oneself. File [before 1989]
205 One moment of silence. File [before 1989]
212 Parenthesis. File [before 1989]
213 Peggy. File [before 1989]
219 Poem in peacock blue. File [before 1989]
224 Poetics. File [before 1989]
234 Ramon. File [before 1989]
242 Ritual at dawn. File [before 1989]
243 Robi. File [before 1989]
246 Running the blockade. File [before 1989]
250 The sandwich-maker. File [before 1989]
254 The seed. File [before 1989]
259 Sermon in the forest. File [before 1989]
260 Shane. File [before 1989]
262 The small sceptic. File [before 1989]
263 Solitude. File [before 1989]
271 Standing by your headstone. File [before 1989]
281 Sun-man in suburbia. File [before 1989]
295 Teats. File [before 1989]
300 3 other ways of asking 'where's the beef?' File [before 1989]
304 A touch of imperfection. File [before 1989]
307 Trinidad style for carnival. File [before 1989]
309 The trouble with growing old. File [before 1989]
312 The unhappy cataloguer. File [before 1989]
314 The upside-down elephant who was a poet. File [before 1989]
320 Visiting hours: 6:00-8:00 p.m. File [before 1989]
322 Waif. File [before 1989]
326 Walking in the sun-man's shoes. File [before 1989]
333 What if. File [before 1989]
335 When searching for the sun-man. File [before 1989]
347 You were dead. File [before 1989]
351 Cinnabar of sun. File [1979]
353 Elephant and ice. File 1980
355 Little brown boy. File 1967-1968
2 Abstraction. File [before 1989]
4 After dinner sequences. File [before 1989]
6 Aftermath. File [before 1989]
9 Anatomy of fear. File [before 1989]
18 At Chalkie's calypso tent. File [before 1989]
21 Baby photo inc. vs. Michael Egerton Crusz. File [before 1989]
23 Before the great flood. File [before 1989]
24 Behind the red door. File [before 1989]
27 Biography of an elusive cat. File [before 1989]
29 Black on green. File [before 1989]
30 Blind jack. File [before 1989]
34 The bull shows its true colors. File [before 1989]
40 Christmas flies. File [before 1989]
42 Civilization. File [before 1989]
46 Come take the shy man by his third ear. File [before 1989]
50 The continuing story of Eden Place. File [before 1989]
52 Corbeaux. File [before 1989]
53 A cosmic loving. File [before 1989]
56 Crow visits the sun-man. File [before 1989]
57 The crucifixion--Salvadore Dali (1951). File [before 1989]
72 Dream for the sun-man's birthday. File [before 1989]
81 Elegy for the sun-man's children going. File [before 1989]
82 Elegy for the sun-man's father. File [before 1989]
84 Elegy #2. File [before 1989]
90 Etiquette for an exotic night. File [before 1989]
104 For Daphne. File [before 1989]
112 Fragments from Michael's sex-education class. File [before 1989]
114 Fresh cut flowers. File [before 1989]
116 From shovel to self-propelled snow-blower/the immigrant's progress. File [before 1989]
118 The gardener. File [before 1989]
119 The genetics of language. File [before 1989]
125 Government by soother. File [before 1989]
128 Growing old together in love. File [before 1989]
129 Guardian angel. File [before 1989]
131 Hanging on to your leg-roots like the good earth. File [before 1989]
146 Immigrant. File [before 1989]
153 Inheritance. File [before 1989]
154 An inquiry into the precise wavelength of the wired word. File [before 1989]
157 Interviewing the victor. File [before 1989]
159 Journey for man and boy. File [before 1989]
160 Kamala. File [before 1989]
161 Karma. File [before 1989]
Results 301 to 400 of 476