Rieder, Martha family. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
5 Unidentified child. Item [before 1915]
17 Unidentified group of children Item [19--]
23 T.H.R. Item [190-?]
29 Nurse with infant. Item [19--]
45 Unidentified nurse. Item October 1916
55 Rieders + HMC Port Dalhousie. Item [191-]
59 Penetang 1919. Item 1919
60 Aunt Lou EAC Grandma A. Item 1919
67 Rieder family with Lydia Anthes. Item [1919-1921]
71 Rieder, Martha. Item [191-]
75 58 Roy Street. Item [1915-1916]
109 Rieder, Martha. Item [192-]
134 Unidentified dog. Item
145 Unidentified infant seated on sandy beach. Item [19--]
148 Southampton. Item [192-?]
150 Chantry Lighthouse. Item [192-?]
6 Anthes and Breithaupt families at cottage. Item [ca.1910]
10 Laurine Augustine. Item [191-?]
13 Rowing race. Item [19--]
14 Moon Falls. Item [19--]
16 Rocky landscape with waterfall. Item [19--]
19 Rocky landscape. Item [19--]
22 Lake surrounded by trees. Item [19--]
30 Nurse with infant. Item [19--]
31 Port [Dalhousie]. Item [1911-1912]
32 3 Rieders. Item [ca. 1915]
34 Montréal. Item August 30, 1914
35 Lucknow. Item 1915
36 Lucknow. Item 1915
39 Aunt Eva, Helen, Marnie. Item [1915-1916]
46 Unidentified nurse reading on steps. Item October 1916
50 May be Penetang. Item [1914-1916]
51 Helen, Eddie?, Marnie, Dolph, ? Item [1914-1915]
56 Looks like Grand B. Item August 23, 1918
65 THR family + HMC? Item [ca. 1921]
69 Sunset Hotel Goderich. Item 1921
76 Anthes family. Item [1915-1916]
78 Cook, Ella. Item [19--]
82 Aunt Emma Wilkin (Simpson). Item [1923]
100 Group on stairs of cottage. Item [1925-1930]
114 Edward. Item [192-?]
116 The Chandler. Item [192-]
131 View of cottage from water. Item [19--]
153 Rieder children and [Edward Kabel]. Item [1914-1915]
1 Unidentified group. Item [ca. 1900]
9 Mother and aunt Caroline. Item [before 1923]
15 Unidentified adult in automobile Item [1920s]
18 Bay [Fishing]. Item [19--]
24 F.F. Fish and Saw Club. Item [19--]
25 Unidentified group portrait. Item August 24, 1910
26 Do not tease us. Item August 25, 1910
37 Helen in carriage, Aunt May R, Grandma R and Paul. Item [ca. 1916]
38 Eva Rieder? Item [1915-1916]
42 [Rieder, Paul] Item [1914-1916]
43 Rieder children. Item [1913-1915]
44 Rieder and Cook familes. Item [1913-1914]
47 Rieder, Talmon with childen and the Kabels. Item [1914-1915]
48 Rieder, Martha and Paul with [Sarah Kabel?]. Item [1914-1915]
49 Rieder, Talmon and Edward Kabel. Item [1914-1915]
52 ALB Breithaupts, Rieders, Gram A. Item [1916-1918]
58 Crabtree Mills. Item April 24, 1918
62 Rieder, Edward and Paul. Item [ca. 1920]
66 Rieder family with Lydia Anthes. Item [1919-1921]
68 Grandma A - MMR. Item [1919-1921]
70 Ankerman Cottage Item 1921 or 1922
73 Rieder, Martha. Item [191-]
74 Rieder, Martha. Item [191-]
91 HMCook Item
92 July 1925. Item July 1925
101 Helen Esther Marnie Frieda. Item [192-?]
102 Group at fire pit. Item [1925-1930]
104 Lake scene. Item [192-?]
120 July 11 - 1933. Item July 11, 1933
124 HPRieder 21 yrs 1935. Item 1935
125 Rieder, Paul. Item [194-?]
133 Unidentified adult. Item [19--]
149 Southampton. Item [192-?]
2 Ontario Ladies' College students. Item 1900
3 MMR's Tricyle. Item [19--]
4 Unidentified group of children. Item [19--]
7 Anthes, John and Lydia with Marnie Rieder. Item [before 1915]
8 Rieder, Talmon, Margaret and Martha. Item [1906]
11 Rieder, Emeline. Item [192-?]
12 Army tents. Item [19--]
20 Unidentified children with wooden structures. Item [19--]
21 1st car. Item [1920s]
27 Helen R. Item [ca. 1915]
28 Nurse with infant. Item [19--]
33 THR, MMR, EAC, 2 Rieder kids. Item [ca. 1912]
40 Aunt Eva, Helen, Marnie. Item [1915-1916]
41 Children on a beach. Item [191-]
53 Rieder cousins in row boat. Item [1916-1918]
54 ALB family, Rieder family, Grandma A. Item [1916-1918]
57 Bullock, Domm and Fitzpatrick. Item 1918
61 Probably trip to Berlin via Ottawa. Item [before 1920]
63 Rieder children. Item [ca. 1920]
64 Rieder family Geo Bay? Item ca. 1921
72 Rieder, Martha. Item [191-]
77 Rieder, Paul. Item [1915-1916]
90 Rieder, Helen with unidentified group. Item [1925-1930]
Results 1 to 100 of 104