Publications Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
42 The professional practice of environmental management : correspondence. File 1989-1991
49 The professional practice of environmental management : People's Republic of China. File 1989
51 Trapping techniques and movements of banded ruffed grouse. File 1953
56 Wisconsin ruffled grouse 1949-1953. File 1954
57 Ruffled grouse bonus. File 1954
58 Sex and age characteristics of a declining ruffed grouse population. File 1955
69 Ronnel (trolene) as an anthelmintic in lambs. File 1959
70 Relation of weather, parasitic disease and hunting to Wisconsin Ruffed Grouse populations. File 1960
74 Coccidiosis in Wisconsin Cottontail Rabbits in winter. File 1962
77 Seasonal movements of Ruffed Grouse in Wisconsin. File 1963
80 Eimeria Tuscarorensis n. sp. (protozoa: Eimeriidae) and redescription of other Coccidia of the Woodchuck, Marmota Monax. File 1965
87 Suggested methods for integrating the US-IBP program with scientists and scientific institutions in Latin America. File 1966
95 Occurrence of Eimeria Tamiasciuri in Ontario Red Squirrels (Tamiascurus Hudsonicus). File 1969
103 Hilborn Conservation Area study: resource inventory, development and management of the site, Preston, Ontario. File 1971
107 Role of ecologists in urban design. File 1972
111 A comparison of two natural resource evaluation systems for regional planning purposes. File 1974
120 Incorporating the natural and historic environment into Canadian new town planning. File 1976
122 Biogeographic classification of an agrictultural-urban site region in Southern Ontario with an emphasis on the conceptual problems, ecological dynamics, and planing prospects of the urban ecosystem. File 1977
125 The mini ecosystem: a natural alternative to urban landscaping. File 1977
127 History of environmental sciences, and associated technical principles related to land-use planning and management. File 1978
129 Urban valleylands study of the City of Waterloo: experience 1978 report. File 1978
138 The ecology and management of disturbed urban land. File 1979
149 Commentaries on papers by Otto Pience, R. Affleck, P. Hall, A. Rapoport. File 1982
156 Anthropogenic landscape evolution: processes, dynamics, prospects in Southern Ontario. File 1983
157 A brief presented on behalf of the Ontario Society for Environmental Management regarding environmental assessment, to Hon. Alan Pope, Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources, Feb. 1, 1983. File 1983
160 Creating natural areas: a new focus for naturalists. File 1984
161 Critiqe of an article "structure of the urban forest" by R.A. Rowntree, for Urban Ecology. File 1984
163 Technological futures and human settlements: a paper based on phase one of technological change and human settlements, a study undertaken on behalf of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. File 1984
165 The urban ecosystem: its spatial structure, its scale relationships, and its subsystem attributes. File 1984
171 Return of the natives. File 1985
172 Urban agriculture in Southern Ontario: myths realities, options. File 1985
176 Effects of tree conservation in the urbanizing fringe of Southern Ontario cities, 1970-1984. File 1986
177 Environmental management as a means to sustain ecological processes and to achieve economic development. File 1986
180 Opening remarks session no. 2 planning for urban wildlife. File 1986
181 Planning, designing, and managing urban open space for multiple cultural benefits. File 1986
128 Philosophical and technical principles for identifying environmental planning and management strategies. File 1978
132 Evaluating existing, and reestablishing new natural vegetation for urban settings, rights-of-way and mining areas. File 1979
133 Experience with environmental supervision of pipeline construction in Ontario. File 1979
135 Planning in the context of environmental management. File 1979
141 Environmental management of the urban ecosystem in Southern Ontario. File 1980
144 Final report. File 1980
158 Cost of woodland, lawn restoration and maintenance compared (Ontario). File 1983
166 Prospect: reclamation, sometimes the cure is as bad as the disease. File 1984
174 Bringing back wildlife to cities. File 1986
183 Ecological, design, and cost considerations for landscape rehabilitation in urbanizing regions. File 1987
184 The ecological rehabilitation and utilization of urban rights of way. File 1987
185 Environmental management: urban and regional problems and promises. File 1987
40 The professional practice of environmental management : bibliography. File 1988
41 The professional practice of environmental management : correspondence. File 1978-1989
43 The professional practice of environmental management : draft. File [198-?]
45 The professional practice of environmental management : draft. File 1986
48 The professional practice of environmental management : original art. File 1988-1989
52 Muskrat growth and litter produciton. File 1953
54 Problems in the analysis of ruffed grouse age ratios. File 1954
55 Ecology of marsh raccoons. File 1954
60 Trapping techniques for ruffed grouse. File 1956
62 Godfrey, John : how to find ruffed grouse. File 1956
66 Ruffed grouse roosts as a spring-census technique. File 1958
67 Relationship of ruffed grouse to forest cover types in Wisconsin. File 1959
71 Spring incidence of Ruffed Grouse blood parasites. File 1960
76 Helmith infections in wintering Cottontails. File 1963
86 Quantitative data on four species of Eimeria in Eastern Chipmunks and Red Squirrels. File 1966
89 Incidence, taxonomic relationships and development of Lewisi-like Trypanosomes in Wisconsin Sciuridae. File 1966
92 Geog 101 textbook. File 1968
93 Epizootiology of Trypanosomiasis in Red Squirrels and Eastern Chipmunks. File 1968
94 A helminthological survey of wild Mink in Wisonsin. File 1969
104 Ecological land use planning in Canada: issues methodology, public, professional and business interaction and a strategy for implementation. File 1972
110 Role of ecologists as consultants in urban planning and design. File 1973
113 Faculty of natural resources and higher technical school of natural resources: academic programme development. File 1975
119 The environmental managers role in decisions affecting environmental quality. File 1976
121 Urban design in the context of achieving environmental quality through ecosystem analysis. File 1976
124 Environmental assessment: the ecological dimensions. File 1977
44 The professional practice of environmental management : draft. File 1984
46 The professional practice of environmental management : draft. File 1986
50 Save the species: an emerging frontier for native plant conservation, File [19--]
61 Habitat quiz for grouse hunters. File 1956
64 Spring aging methods for ruffed grouse cocks. File 1957
65 An evaluation of ruffed grouse drumming counts. File 1958
72 Efficacy of Cyanacethhydrazide against swine lungworms. File 1960
73 Survey of the Coccidia of some Wisconsin Sciuridae with descriptions of three new species. File 1962
75 Coccidiosis: incidence, epizootiology in two Wisconsin Sciuidae. File 1963
83 Incidence of Botfly Larvae (Cuterbra Emasculator) in Chipmunk (Tamias Striatus) and Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus Hudsonicus) in Northern Wisconsin. File 1965
84 Management of the ecosystem: water, soil, wildlife and vegetation. File 1966
85 Manejo del ecosystema: agua, suelos, animales sylvestres y vegetacion [ translation of Management of the ecosystem: water, soil, wildlife and vegetation]. File 1966
88 A new method for sexing Ruffed Grouse in late summer. File 1966
90 Present status of existing and proposed national parks and national reserves in the Amazon Basin. File 1967
96 Ecoplanning: the contribution of ecology to the process of urban planning. File 1969
100 Eimeria Ontarioensis n. sp. E confusa Joseph 1969 and Eimeria p. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the Ontario Grey Squirrel Scirus Carolinensis. File 1970
101 Man-envinronment problems susceptible to an application of ecological concepts. File 1971
102 Rapporteur's report on the panel, land-use planning in Canada. File 1971
105 Ecology. File 1972
108 The ecological approach to planning. File 1973
112 Limnology of Dufferin Creek and the location of Century City. File 1974
114 Heritage gardening in the front lawn instead of pentunias. File 1975
115 Incorporating ecological concepts into planning with emphasis on the urban municipality. File 1975
123 Biophysical and cultural-historic land classification and mapping for Canadian urban and urbanizing land. File 1977
126 Planning for environmental quality in Canada: perspectives for the future. File 1977
130 Critique. File 1978
131 Development of landscape planning concepts and management strategies for an urbanizing agricultural region. File 1979
140 Ecosystem planning, analysis, and design in Ontario. File 1980
Results 1 to 100 of 144