- SCA138-GA111-1-36
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39 postcards, 1 pamphlet with views of locations in England.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
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39 postcards, 1 pamphlet with views of locations in England.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Gofton, Alf, Mechanical Transport, overseas.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Group portrait of Alf Gofton (back row, far right) and unidentified friends, partially in uniform, standing on a muddy wooden staircase.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Gofton, Alf, Mechanical Transport, overseas.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Photograph of (left to right) C. Sutherland, M. McDonald, S. Smith, J. MacKenzie and Alf Gofton seated on and standing next to two Kelly Trucks.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Suffragette postcard collection.
Postcard with photograph of Christobel Pankhurst and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence seen looking at camera and wearing "Votes of Women" sashes taken of at Hyde Park demonstration. The pair is standing in front of a display with a "Votes for Women" banner and ... »
London : Franco-British Exhibition.
File consists of four picture postcards, col.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
File consists of one envelope of 3 black-and-white souvenir postcards (originally contained 24 postcards.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Louis Jacob Breithaupt: European trip album.
Albums contains photographs and postcards recording a trip to Europe made by Louis Jacob Breithaupt in 1900. Some items have manuscript identifications. One photograph is a photomontage of images of Berlin, Ontario., including an aerial view, industries, ... »
Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family
Part of Suffragette postcard collection.
Postcard with photograph of Flora Drummond standing, at right, with right arm in air. Other women and men on the boat are seen holding large signs that read "Votes for Women," "Hyde Park Sunday June 21," and "Cabinet Ministers Specially Invited". Caption ... »
Part of Suffragette postcard collection.
Postcard with studio portrait of Christobel Pankhurst taken by Martin Jacolette, South Kensington. Caption under portrait reads: "Mrs. Pankhurst. Hon. Secretary, National Women's Social & Political Union. 4, Clement's Inn, W.C."
Photograph album 5 : trip to England and Scotland.
Album containing snapshots and souvenir postcards from a trip to England and Scotland. The trip was probably taken by Margaret (Wilson) More and her husband William More [?], Richard S. Wilson, and other members of the Wilson family. Album also includes ... »
Martin, John Gartshore
Part of Suffragette postcard collection.
Illustrated postcard featuring a procession of suffragists marching in a line with mouths open and arms outstretched, many with umbrellas in hand. The woman at the front of the line is holding a sign that reads: "Down with the Men and Up with the Women". ... »
Rosa M.H. Clark: European trip album.
Album contains postcards and photographs documenting a trip made May 24 to July 31, 1960 by Rosa and Spencer Clark to Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, England and Scotland. Many items are accompanied by ... »
Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family
Part of Suffragette postcard collection.
Illustrated postcard of a man kneeling in front of a stove, cooking something on a long fork, in a messy kitchen while holding a crying baby. In the background is a woman yelling from an open door with a "Votes for Women" poster visible at left. ... »
Part of Suffragette postcard collection.
Illustrated postcard of a police office with a gesturing suffragette holding a "Votes for Women" poster thrown over his shoulder. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Are we downhearted? No!"
Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard ... »
Part of Suffragette postcard collection.
Illustrated postcard of a woman lying in bed, turned to yell at an unhappy man seated at right, presumably her husband, who holding two crying babies. Caption on postcard reads: "The Suffragist at home. We don't know what we want, but we'll get it."
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