

Scope note(s)

  • Used and unused postcards

17 Archival description results for Postcards

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Correspondence : Bill.

File consists of one postcard addressed to Dana Porter from Bill [?] featuring a photo of an Atomic Detonation in Nevada.

Porter, Dana Harris

Loose postcards.

File consists of 212 loose postcards, including black and white and sepia-toned photographs, black and white and sepia-toned rotogravures, photochroms, and other colour prints. Postcards contain views of numerous European cities and landforms (including ... »

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur


File consists of two unused postcards showing Letchworth State Park in New York and the Administration Building of the State University Teacher's College in Geneseo, New York.

Innis family

Schneider, Herbert J. family.

Snapshots of Herb and Betty: skiing, fishing, hiking and sailing in New Zealand, Alaska, Austria, Switzerland and Georgian Bay. Includes two postcards, one to Herb from Carl Holman, head brewer for Carlsberg Beer.

Schneider family

Unidentified man.

Studio portrait postcard of an unidentified man in military uniform, seen smiling at camera, from the Bechler family photo album. Postcard made in the United States of America and bottom right corner of portrait signed Holloway.

Bechler family