Identity area
Type of entity
Authorized form of name
Pequegnat, Marcel
Description area
Dates of existence
Marcel Pequegnat was a civil engineer in Kitchener, Ontario, who spent his professional career with the Kitchener Water Commission as superintendent and consultant. He was also involved in the Grand River Conservation Commission and the Arthur Pequegnat ... »
Relationships area
Related entity
Pequegnat, Robert K. (1917-1993)
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Dates of relationship
Access points area
Place access points
Control area
Dates of creation, revision and deletion
June 2020: General clean up by DR.
- Varkaris, Jane and Costas, The Pequegnat story: the family and the clocks, Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1982. (G20402).
- Waterloo Region Hall of Fame Past and Present Inductees biography
- Marcel Pequegnat - Waterloo Region Generations