Level of description
Digital object |
3 |
#5 : General information on sterilization. |
File |
[196-?] |
4 |
[#5] : Planned parenthood progress in Canada. |
File |
[196-?] |
7 |
#10 : Vasectomy : sterilization of the male. |
File |
[196-?] |
9 |
#15 : form letter : acknowledging request for information about vasectomy. |
File |
[196-?] |
22 |
#48 : H.L. Mencken, "Raid on Public health" (1940?) and "Utopia by Sterilization" (1935?). |
File |
[196-?] |
2 |
Forms, Publications : Unnumbered |
Series |
1969, 1976 |
29 |
Progress of Birth Control in Canada : address by A.R. Kaufman to Class on Contemporary Religious Issues, Waterloo Lutheran University, Dec. 2, 1969. |
File |
1969 |
35 |
Rex vs. Palmer |
File |
1943-1978 |
36 |
Kaufman, A.R. : biographical. |
File |
1962, 1977-1979 |
37 |
Kaufman, A.R. : Russian trip memories. |
File |
1958-1963 |
4 |
Correspondence |
Series |
1957-1980 |
40 |
Baird, Sandy : K-W Record. |
File |
1975 |
45a |
Brunelle, René. |
File |
1974 |
49 |
Crispo, John. |
File |
1975 |
51 |
Dodds, D.J. |
File |
1975 |
52 |
Ernst, David S. |
File |
1972 |
53 |
Evans, Gerard P.A. |
File |
1976 |
60 |
Liebbrandt, G. |
File |
1975-1977 |
70 |
Planned Parenthood, K-W. |
File |
1977 |
71 |
Planned Parenthood, Ontario. |
File |
1975-1977 |
72 |
Planned Parenthood, Toronto. |
File |
1975 |
75 |
Population Information Program, washington, Washington, D.C. |
File |
1975 |
78 |
Sanyal, R.K. |
File |
1974 |
80 |
Stortz, Gerald. |
File |
1977 |
5 |
Gerald Stortz Research Materials |
Series |
1977, 1981 |
92 |
Stortz research. |
File |
1977 |
1 |
Forms, Publications : Numbered Series |
Series |
[196-] |
1 |
Report No. 1 : Report on family planning activities and the Parents' Information Bureau |
File |
[196-?] |
2 |
No. 2 : Birth control methods, compiled by Parents' Information Bureau Ltd., 410 King St. West, Kitchener, Ont. |
File |
[196-?] |
5 |
#7: untitled form : vasectomy follow-up. |
File |
[196-?] |
6 |
#7A: untitled form : vasectomy follow-up. |
File |
[196-?] |
8 |
#11 : untitled form : consent for vasectomy. |
File |
[196-?] |
10 |
#16 : Application and history card. |
File |
[196-?] |
11 |
#17 : form letter : vasectomy information forwarded to surgeon. |
File |
[196-?] |
13 |
#20 : An alternative to female sterilization. |
File |
[196-?] |
19 |
#38 : Instructions for use of condom and jelly." |
File |
[196-?] |
23 |
# 54 : Contraceptive price list for "properly recommended people". |
File |
[19--?] |
25 |
#57 : Extract from address given by Dr. H.B. Attlee [missing]. |
File |
[19--?] |
31 |
Foam powder formulation and mixing instructions. |
File |
1976 |
32 |
Planned Parenthood dinner, Oct. 26, 1976, to honour A.R. Kaufman. |
File |
1976 |
33 |
Brief by A.R. Kaufman, read before the Ontario Cabinet at its meeting in Kitchener, Ont., June 11, 1975. |
File |
1975 |
38 |
Clippings. |
File |
1973, 1976 |
43 |
Bishop, Mary F. |
File |
1977-1980 |
46 |
Canadian Medical Association Journal. |
File |
1975 |
50 |
DePauli, Gale. |
File |
1975 |
55 |
Gray, Elizabeth. |
File |
1975 |
56 |
Greenland, Cyril. |
File |
1976 |
58 |
Johnson, Nancy. |
File |
1975 |
62 |
Maclellan, M.E. : Canadian Committee on the Status of Women. |
File |
1975 |
63 |
Metro Toronto Dept. of Social Services. |
File |
1975 |
64 |
Murthy, P.G. Krishna. |
File |
1976 |
74 |
Population Dynamics. |
File |
1977 |
76 |
Reader's Digest. |
File |
1976 |
77 |
Rintoul, Elizabeth. |
File |
1974 |
79 |
Schlesinger, Benjamin. |
File |
1976 |
85 |
World Vision of Canada. |
File |
1976 |
89 |
Parents' Information Bureau : Miscellaneous. |
File |
1961-1978 |
15 |
#23 : form letter : confirming appointments for preliminary examination and for operation [vasectomy]. |
File |
[196-?] |
16 |
#25 : form letter to doctor re vasectomy request. |
File |
[196-?] |
17 |
#31 : form letter to "registered mothers" re EMKO foam. |
File |
[196-?] |
18 |
#37 : Instructions for use of pessary and jelly." |
File |
[196-?] |
20 |
#44 : form re request for intrauterine device. |
File |
[196-?] |
24 |
#55 : Price list for mothers. |
File |
[19--?] |
26 |
Statement #58, Sept. 1976 by A.R. Kaufman. |
File |
[196-?] |
28 |
# 61 : Untitled poem re vasectomy. |
File |
[19--?] |
34 |
Ortho Museum opening. |
File |
1972, 1978 |
39 |
Alderman, Philip M. |
File |
1975 |
41 |
Bates, Robert : Toronto Sick Children's Hospital. |
File |
1975 |
45b |
Cadbury, G.W., Mr. and Mrs. |
File |
1974 |
48 |
Children's Aid Society : Ottawa, Regional Municipality of Waterloo. |
File |
1964, 1975 |
54 |
Gardom, Garde. |
File |
1976 |
57 |
Ianni, Mary. |
File |
1977 |
59 |
Koya, Tomohiko. |
File |
1975 |
61 |
McClure, Robert B. : moderator, United Church of Canada. |
File |
1973-1975 |
66 |
Newman, David A. : National Film Board of Canada. |
File |
1972-1973 |
67 |
Oxfam of canada. |
File |
1972 |
73 |
Planned Parenthood World Population Inc. |
File |
1957-1972 |
91 |
Stortz interview. |
File |
1977 |
12 |
#18 : form letter : acknowledging request for information about birth control information. |
File |
[196-?] |
14 |
#21 : RE: legality of sterilization. |
File |
[196-?] |
21 |
# 46 : Sterilization advocated by Magone Commission [missing]. |
File |
[19--?] |
27 |
# 60 : The hand that rocks the cradle from May 1943 issue of New Generation. |
File |
[19--?] |
30 |
A.R. Kaufman's experience and observations in doing social work, Dec. 1976. |
File |
1976 |
3 |
General Files |
Series |
1943-1976 |
42 |
Birch, Margaret. |
File |
1977 |
44 |
Black, D.P. |
File |
1976 |
47 |
Chandrasekhar, S. |
File |
1979 |
68 |
Planned Parenthood, America. |
File |
1973 |
69 |
Planned Parenthood, London, Ont. |
File |
1974 |
81 |
Stoskopf, N.C. |
File |
1975 |
82 |
United Church Observer. |
File |
1976-1977 |
83 |
University of Waterloo. |
File |
1966-1971 |
84 |
Winnipeg Centennial Symposium Committee. |
File |
1974 |
86 |
Yacowar, H.N. |
File |
1976 |
87 |
Young, Leontine : Child Services Association, Newark, N.J. |
File |
1975 |
88 |
Zero Population Growth. |
File |
1970-1975 |
90 |
Correspondence : Stortz-Kaufman. |
File |
1977, 1981 |