Level of description
Digital object |
207 |
Mrs. Hawkins, copy of grandson, Mar, 1980 |
File |
1980 |
216 |
Mrs. Hilda Leibig, Hoegler, copy of parents, wedding photograph, (Mr. and Mrs. Hoegler, May 19, 1981 |
File |
1981 |
219 |
Mrs. Katherine Horolett, copies, 744-6650, June 2, 1995 |
File |
1995 |
220 |
Mr. Jim Humphries, copies of children, Mar 24, 1977 |
File |
1977 |
230 |
Mrs. Janke, copy of parents, Mar 17, 1989 |
File |
1989 |
233 |
Shigura Igarashi, copy, Feb, 1999 |
File |
1999 |
237 |
K. W. Hospital, 1 copy of C. N. Weber, by Apr 24, 1978 for sure, Apr 3, 1978 |
File |
1978 |
240 |
K. W. Optical, new equipment, photos for press release, Apr 4, 1995 |
File |
1995 |
245 |
A. R. Kaufman, copy of Ashley and Crippen print, Apr, 1977 |
File |
1977 |
247 |
Mrs. Beth Kaufman, 886-8113, Oct 1999 |
File |
1999 |
249 |
Russell T. Kelley Co. Ltd., compressor at Joy Manufacturing Co., Galt, Sept 30, 1977 |
File |
1977 |
251 |
Mrs. Keir, copies of drawings, Mar 8, 1979 and Oct 23, 1979 |
File |
1979 |
253 |
Mr. Kier, copy of Varlay [Varley] painting, Aug 23, 1977 |
File |
1977 |
258 |
Mr. Carl Knell, copy of mother's family, June 12, 1977 |
File |
1977 |
260 |
Kitchener City Council, 1983, Dec 1982 |
File |
1982 |
263 |
Kitchener P. U. C. [Public Utilities Commission], Board of Commissioners, colour, Feb 24, 1971 |
File |
1971 |
266 |
Mrs. Kobashi, copy, July, 1999 |
File |
1999 |
268 |
Mrs. Marie Korditsch, copy, June 20, 1988 |
File |
1988 |
275 |
Dr. John Lackner, copy of son, father, grandfather, great grandfather and John Lackner, great grandfather's signature, Sept 3, 1996 |
File |
1996 |
278 |
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lo, children, colour, 885-0347 |
File |
no date |
279 |
Mrs. Lockington, copy, Aug, 1984 |
File |
1984 |
288 |
Dr. MacCon, copy, 745-0422, Aug 28, 1987 |
File |
1987 |
293 |
Harold MacKenzie, copy from colour print, Feb 22, 1993 |
File |
1993 |
298 |
Miss Malinowski, internegs from slides, Apr 8, 1976 |
File |
1976 |
304 |
Mrs. A. B. Martin, copies, Sept 19, 1989 |
File |
1989 |
305 |
Mischelle Martin, colour copy of grad photo, Aug, 1988 |
File |
1988 |
306 |
Mrs. Matlow, copies, Oct 3, 1980 |
File |
1980 |
313 |
Mrs. Melcher, copies |
File |
no date |
317 |
Mr. Don Middelton, R. R. #3, Bright, Ont., 684-7365, (photographing pots and copy), Jan 14, 1974 |
File |
1974 |
332 |
Suzanne Mulhall, copies, Oct 24, 1989 |
File |
1989 |
335 |
Mr. Joe Murray, copy, Apr 29, 1975 |
File |
1975 |
347 |
Mrs. O'Meara, copy of nephew and family, copy of priest, June 10, 1980 |
File |
1980 |
353 |
Mrs. Oyama with koto, Dec, 1985 |
File |
1985 |
355 |
Chas Packham, copy colour neg, May, 1978 |
File |
1978 |
362 |
Filander Perez, copy of parents, 579-9815, 57 Dunham Ave., Apt. #1, June 13, 1992 |
File |
1992 |
363 |
Mrs. Dan Perrin, copy of Mrs. Al Perrin (Dan's mother), Nov, 1983 |
File |
1983 |
369 |
Mr. Don Pirie, copy of father, Oct 24, 2001 |
File |
2001 |
372 |
Mrs. Purvis, 2 copies of parents, Dec, 1978 |
File |
1978 |
373 |
Colleen Pretty, copies, 744-3935, Oct 22 |
File |
1999 |
375 |
Pumps and Softeners Ltd., 680 Waterloo St., London, Ont., Mar 24, 1976 |
File |
1976 |
376 |
Mrs. Poth, copy, Jan, 1975 |
File |
1975 |
382 |
Mr. H. A. Ratz, copy, Dominion Tire Factory |
File |
no date |
386 |
Mr. Garfield Raymond, interior of St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo, Brox-Raymond wedding |
File |
no date |
398 |
Mr. Bob Reipert, for Rapid Grip and Batten, Mar 19, 1964 |
File |
1964 |
408 |
Rieder Hymmn [Hymmen], Art Centre model, 2 views, b&w, July 19, 1976 |
File |
1976 |
411 |
Miss Althea Riehm, copy of snapshot, July 12, 1974 |
File |
1974 |
414 |
Mrs. Pat Roberts, copies of family, Oct 22, 1988 |
File |
1988 |
418 |
Mrs. A. B. Robertson, photograph of sculptured plaques, Jan 9, 1953, Apr 15, 1953 |
File |
1953 |
429 |
Rotary Club, activities, 12 copy negatives, Apr 5, 1964 |
File |
1964 |
431 |
Rotary Club, horse show, May 1965 |
File |
1965 |
455 |
Coote, Shannon, portrait, Rotary "Tammy", 1984-85, Dec 8, 1984 |
File |
1984 |
456 |
Durst, Louise [?], portrait, Rotary Club "Tammy" 1987, Renny McNicar, Jan 8, 1987 |
File |
1987 |
458 |
Harnock, Katie, portrait, Rotary Tammy, 1993, 668-8838, Barb Stevens, Feb 25, 1993 |
File |
1993 |
463 |
Blundon, Christopher, portrait, Kitchener Rotary Club, for Rotary "Timmy" 1988, Dec 15, 1987 |
File |
1987 |
466 |
Kirkland, Ronny, Rotary Timmy 1992, Jan, 1992 |
File |
1992 |
467 |
Caric [?], Bojan, Rotary Club Timmy 1994, May 12, 1994 |
File |
1994 |
468 |
Greschner, Mallisa, Rotary Timmy 1995, mother Sue, 894-8726, Feb 25, 1995 |
File |
1995 |
469 |
Koehler, Jason [?], Rotary Club Timmy, 742-0516, 1996 |
File |
1996 |
470 |
Miss Rauston, copy |
File |
no date |
471 |
Mr. Rowland, Elmira District High School, copy of principal |
File |
no date |
479 |
Rumanian Church group, Nov 4, 1967 |
File |
1967 |
483 |
Copies of past pastors of St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo, for 150th anniversary, Mar 16, 1987 |
File |
1987 |
485 |
St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo, copy of pastor, Jan, 2000 |
File |
2000 |
495 |
St. Peter's, confirmation class, 12 students, Oct 24, 1991 |
File |
1991 |
500 |
Kitchener Fire Department 1928, for Ed Scharlock, copy, Dec, 1998 |
File |
1998 |
502 |
Miss Betty Schlichter, copy of mother and father's wedding, Sept 17, 1976 |
File |
1976 |
505 |
Miss Peggy Schott, 742-1919, July 2, 1975 |
File |
1975 |
509 |
Rev. John Schneider, copy of photograph taken on 50th anniversary at St. Matthews Church, Mar, 1976 |
File |
1976 |
511 |
Mrs. William Scott, copy of Bill, July 19, 1974 |
File |
1974 |
519 |
Mrs. Sill, interneg and print, 742-1436, Jan 21, 1981 |
File |
1981 |
523 |
Mr. Sorensen, copy |
File |
no date |
525 |
Mr. Sorensen, copy, Oct 2, 2000 |
File |
2000 |
530 |
Keith Staebler, copy of late wife, Oct 7, 1981 |
File |
1981 |
534 |
Stone and Hand Inc., attn: Mr. Tom Wharton, photograph at Arrow Shirt of Mr. Don Bannon at desk, April 3, 1978 |
File |
1978 |
536 |
Ms. Pam Swartz, flower arrangements, Jan, 1996 |
File |
1996 |
537 |
Miss Sykes, copy of grandmother, Sept, 1984 |
File |
1984 |
538 |
Mrs. Julia Szeghalmi, 812 King St. W., 743, copy, Oct 21, 1977 |
File |
1977 |
540 |
Mr. Tassoni, copy, Oct, 2003 |
File |
2003 |
544 |
Miss Lena Thiessen, 121 Massey Ave., Kitchener, 742-4844, Oct 23, 1976 |
File |
1976 |
546 |
Mr. Thompson, copy of painting of father, colour, Nov, 1973 |
File |
1973 |
547 |
Mrs. Johnstone, copies, new name, Jennifer Thrasher, Oct 27, 1979 |
File |
1979 |
548 |
Karen Tilt, copies, Feb, 2003 |
File |
2003 |
553 |
Bernice Uhrig, copy, Aug 21, 1993 |
File |
1993 |
556 |
Lloyd Uhrig, copy of photograph as a child, Mar, 1976 |
File |
1976 |
558 |
Mr. Eric Von Milke, copy of coat of arms, Apr 2, 1973 |
File |
1973 |
571 |
Joe Walton, copy, 5 generations, Oct 26, 1990 |
File |
1990 |
572 |
Mrs. Woud, copies, 885-6036, Oct 3, 1977 |
File |
1977 |
574 |
Waterloo Band, copy, for Mr. Chris Jacob, 746-0364, July, 1994 |
File |
1994 |
577 |
Waterloo Lutheran University, copy of Dr. Leupald, Apr, 1971 |
File |
1971 |
578 |
Waterloo Regional Credit Union Ltd., 168 King St. S., Waterloo, board of directors group, staff group, Jan 26, 1982 |
File |
1982 |
588 |
Dr. Glen McFadden, and child, and mother child, for Wesmount Golf Club, Aug, 1980 |
File |
1980 |
589 |
Westmount Golf, presenting award to Dr. Ty Gordon, Sept 29, 1988 |
File |
1988 |
591 |
Westmount Golf, plaque presentation, Gus Maue and Bob Warren, Oct 15, 1989 |
File |
1989 |
594 |
Westmount Golf Club, Jack Forbes presentation, Sept, 1998 |
File |
1998 |
599 |
Miss Wiebe, copy, mother and Abe, Aug 27, 1968 |
File |
1968 |
606 |
Mrs. Barbara Wingert, 578-2874, copies, Feb 10, 1987 |
File |
1987 |
611 |
Miss Jane Young, copy |
File |
no date |
35 |
Bench Craft Leather Products, Jan 13, 1993 |
File |
1993 |
41 |
Ezra Bender, copy of father, Feb 21, 1981 |
File |
1981 |
46 |
Mrs. Bent, colour negs for prints, Apr 13, 1973 |
File |
1973 |