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Albert Gill and Lou Naunner [Dautner?]: Local 173, credit Gord Moore.
Amchitka demonstration, Toronto, no. 1. Credit: Gord Moore
Amchitka demonstration, Toronto, no. 2. Credit: Gord Moore
Back page, joke issue. Credit: Gord Moore
Back page"Amchitka". Credit: Gord Moore
Bess Hamilton and trilliums. Credit: G. Moore
Bill Wadge & faculty meeting, credit Gord Moore.
Burt Matthews press conference. Credit: Gord Moore
Campus Centre flea market. Credit: Gord Moore
Campus Centre Moratorium Day. Credit: Gord Moore
Campus Centre Moratorium Day. Credit: Gord Moore
Campus Centre Moratorium Day. Credit: Gord Moore
Dare strike, credit Gord Moore.
Fine Arts art exhibit in humanities bldg. [i.e. building], credit Gord [Moore].
Flea market & Milton. Credit: Gord Moore
Food centrespread. Credit: Gord Moore
Football: Wat 27 - York 0. Credit: Gord Moore
Forsey, senator Eugene Forsey, credit Gord Moore, early Dec. 1972.
Germaine Bree. Credit: Gord Moore
Indoor track meet, Maple Leaf Gardens, credit Gord Moore.
Jock collage, credit Gord Moore.
No. 1, in Diafine EI 2400 Tri-x, poverty lectures with Charles Hampden-Turner, credit Gord Moore.
No. 2, Tri-x at EI 2400 in D76, 16 1/2 min, poverty lectures with Charles Hampden-Turner, credit Gord Moore.
Olympic trials: Toronto, Birchmount Stadium, credit Gord Moore.
OUAA Track Championships at Western, credit Gord Moore.
Royal Winter Fair, animals & people. Credit: Gord Moore
Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. Credit: Gord Moore
Santa Claus parade no. 1. Credit: Gord Moore
Trudeau visit no. 2 (Inn of the Black Walnut), credit Gord Moore.
Under Attack and office pictures. Credit: Gord Moore, George Kaufman, Len Greener
WLU, new jock bldg. [i.e. building], credit Gord Moore.
Moore, Gord
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Moore, Gord
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Moore, Gord