London, England



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London, England

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London, England

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London, England

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London, England

26 Archival description results for London, England

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Illustrated postcard of a man kneeling in front of a stove, cooking something on a long fork, in a messy kitchen while holding a crying baby. In the background is a woman yelling from an open door with a "Votes for Women" poster visible at left. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Ours is a happy home!"

Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard was published by E.S., London.


Illustrated postcard of a police office with a gesturing suffragette holding a "Votes for Women" poster thrown over his shoulder. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Are we downhearted? No!"

Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard was published by E.S., London.

Seagram, William Ballard.

Full length studio portrait of William Ballard Seagram looking off camera standing with right hand in pocket and holding a top hat in his left hand.

Seagram Family

Royal Air Forces Ex-P.O.W. Association reunion : programme and press clipping.

A programme outlining the events and activities of the Royal Air Forces Ex-P.O.W. Association international reunion for kriegies held in London, England from May 13-16, 1977. The programme belonged to Cameron Hill who attended the reunion.

Also includes one press clipping from an unknown publication describing a dinner held during the reunion where attendees, including more than 300 Canadians, dined with Prince Philip, consort of Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain.

Hill, Cameron Clare

Projection Systems application photographs.

File consists of photographs, transparencies, and slides depicting Electrohome Projection Systems products and their applications in various corporations and organizations. Applications pictured include: CSX Transportation Control Center (Jacksonville, FL), Canadian Embassy (Tokyo, Japan), Rochester Gas and Electric (Rochester, NY), Thames River Water System (London, UK), National Bowling Stadium (Reno, NV), the Barcelona Stock Exchange (Spain), and others.


Mrs. Pankhurst.

Postcard with studio portrait of Christobel Pankhurst taken by Martin Jacolette, South Kensington. Caption under portrait reads: "Mrs. Pankhurst. Hon. Secretary, National Women's Social & Political Union. 4, Clement's Inn, W.C."

Mrs. Drummond.

Postcard with photograph of Flora Drummond standing, at right, with right arm in air. Other women and men on the boat are seen holding large signs that read "Votes for Women," "Hyde Park Sunday June 21," and "Cabinet Ministers Specially Invited". Caption at bottom of postcard reads: "Mrs. Dummond opposite the terrace of the House of Commons addressing M.P.'s, inviting them to the Hyde Park demonstration.'

The post card was published by Sandle Brothers, Empire House, Paternoster Row, London EC and identified as No. 103, Photo, Half Tones.

London, England local government scrapbook.

  • SCA18-GA10
  • Collection
  • 1886-1892

Scrapbook of manuscript notes, clippings, leaflets, handbills and other ephemera concerning the local government in London, England, from 1886 to 1892. Some of the clippings are accompanied by handwritten annotations. The scrapbook has a front pocket that holds several loose-leaf notes, clippings, and pamphlets.

Clippings cover a wide range of topics concerning the London County Council and Kensington Parliament such as meetings, motions, tax reforms, public addresses, as well as news about the law and parliamentary committees.


Silver shilling from London (England) showing on the obverse the bust of Charles I, the king of England, Scotland and Ireland. The reverse shows the British coat of arms.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver light groat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward IV and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfgroat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry V and the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Aethelred II and on the reverse the hand of God.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Carausius and on the reverse Pax walking holding branch and sceptre.

Pyke, Edgar William


SIlver groat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Mary and on the reverse cross fourch�e over quartered coat of arms,

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver groat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry VII in profile and on the reverse a cross fourch�e over the arms of England/France. This is the first English coin to show a king's life like portrait.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver groat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward III and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze follis from London (England) showing on the obverse the bust of Constantine II and on the reverse an altar with the letters VOP IS XX.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfpenny from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Richard II and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze follis from London (England) showing on the obverse the bust of Crispus and on the reverse a wreath surrounding the letters VOT X.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfcrown from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Oliver Cromwell and on the reverse a quartered shield showing the arms of England Scotland and Ireland, surmounted by a large crown.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Constantine I and on the reverse Sol holding a robe and raising right hand.

Pyke, Edgar William

Hyde Park demonstration.

Postcard with photograph of Christobel Pankhurst and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence seen looking at camera and wearing "Votes of Women" sashes taken of at Hyde Park demonstration. The pair is standing in front of a display with a "Votes for Women" banner and other demonstration attendees are visible in background. Caption at bottom of postcard reads: "Hyde Park Demonstration, June 21, 1908: Miss Christobel Pankhurst, LL.B. & Mrs. Pethick Lawrence."

The post card was published by Sandle Brothers, Empire House, Paternoster Row, London EC and identified as No. 101, Photo, Half Tones.