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125 Festivities, at Market Square
20 King St - Restaurant Review
24 Brybeck Crescent - fall from top floor
25 Country Hills Drive. Kitchener. June 17, 1994
25 year club at Granite Club
30 minute food tortilla thing (Carolyn)
30 minute meal shrimp & rice
30 minute miracle emu beans potatoes
47 Eby St - House for K-W [Kitchener-Waterloo] Habilitation
54-40 band at Lulu's
58 Ford convertible (Jack Durnin)
62-64 Margaret Ave. historical house ex. photo
'64 Imperial (in showroom at Wendell Motors)
93 Devils Creek Drive, Cambridge with protest signs and overgrown
'94 setting up at Bingeman Park
95 olds cutlass supreme sedan
97 Fackoury, Steve - Rangers Fan Dancing with Flag
"A line in the Dirt" public forum at Lucknow Community Centre
A little sunshine Laurie King & Candice Bester
A living Christmas at Mill Race Park, Cambridge
A R Kaufman - Weight trainers in training
A R Kaufman Family Pre-school Swim Paetkau
A R Kaufman YMCA - youth Christmas program
A R Kaufman YMCA Szymanski & Costello
Aaron, Lee, singer, at Stages
Abdillahi, Houssein, Crepe Chef Crepelicious
Abercrombie, John at Waterloo Stage Theatre
Aberdeen Homes Catalina Developments
Aberfoyle junction model train layout
Aberfoyle Mill
Aburaneh, Marwan store was robbed Al Peirce
Acc. [Accident] Bridgeport &
Acc. [Accident] Near Sheffield - Fatal
Access '94 fashion show with handicapped
Accident - Car / bus on Regional Road 30 south of Regional Road 26
Accident - Child struck by car on Fairway at old Chicopee
Accident - Construction Teichroeb directing traffic
Accident - Expressway at King Street overpass
Accident - Fatality in Morriston (Martin Buzit comforts girlfriend)
Accident - In ditch in the park by the end of Manchester
Accident at Trussler and Highway 7 & 8
Accident Car/Cyclist - On Reg. [Regional] Rd. 16 in Front of Camp
Accident fatal Wellington County Rd. 32
Accident Manitou near rail overpass (Girl on road)
Accident, a pick up into tree
Accident, by Pioneer Sports World
Accident, by Sunfish Lake, on Township Road 2
Accident, car accident, at Highway 7/8 and Regional Road 12
Accident, car accident, at Highway 8 to Highway 401 west ramp
Accident, car accident, with hydro lines down
Accident, car hits pole, Old Chicopee
Accident, car hits pole, on Greenbrook Drive
Accident, car, on Riverbank Drive, with a dog
Accident, car, on Riverbank Drive, with dog (see also b&w negatives in package #247)
Accident, car, roll over
Accident, fatal, under bridge, near North Woolwich
Accident, King Street and Breithaupt Street, four car crash
Accident, Labatt's, car into wall
Accident, on Clyde Road, Cambridge
Accident, on Eagle Street, Cambridge
Accident, on Regional Road 97 west of Highway 401
Accident, Rebecca Ignuta, girl on bike, hit by car
Accident, runaway buggy, on Regional Road 21, just in Elmira
Accident, van into gas station sign
Accident, van rollover
ACCKWA chairs auction at City Hall
Accused in Pizza Pizza Robbery
Acevedo, Alcy - H&S [Head and Shoulders] for Carol Goodwin Story
Acheson & Beaupre John & Harlod Ex-POWs
Acura Integra Rs Special Editon
Ad shot for Dwight close up of newspaper
Adams, Ashley, on bike, weather picture
Adams, Jon, with damaged kitchen
Adie, Sandy - Red Cross Worker
Adolph, Chris and Tjiu Alice on swing for fundraiser
Adult ballet
Adult ballet, at 44 Queen Street South, Kitchener
Advert - Arrow shirts
Advert [Advertisement] Greb Boot
Advert [Advertisement] Grobe Award
Advert [Advertisement] Lashbrooks - Shoes
Advert [Advertisement] Lashbrooks - Shoes Handbag Purse
Advert [Advertisements].. DQ [Dairy Queen] Burger
Advertisement - Knob Hill Farm frozen dinners
Advertisement - Photo mugs
Advertisement, Aberfoyle Mill
Advertisement, baby promotion
Advertisement, for photo reprints
Advertisement, fur coat, Modart Imports
Advertisement, gift guides, product shots
Advertisement, Jaguar of Kitchener, with K-W Symphony
Advertisement, Vujic & Waring Real Estate
Adyls, Sonia Huether Hotel owner
Afonso, Camilo
African Lion Safari food bank drive with elephants
Aggerholm, Barb - Record reporter
Agile Systems Inc. Rob Lankin
Ahare, Ted - Rangers
Aida CITS [Centre in the Square]
Aids Committee, at St. Mary's Hospital
of 5173
of 52
Lee, Peter
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Lee, Peter
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Lee, Peter
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Lee, Peter