Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
69-1819 Women, Chinese Food Preparation, New Year File February 15, 1969
69-1822 Women, COE, Crafts Feature File August 26, 1969
69-1824 Women, Consumer Association, Annual Meeting File March 26, 1969
69-1825 Women, Contact Lens Feature File July 23, 1969
69-1827 Women, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children's Feature, Smithson School File May 06, 1969
69-1829 Women, DeGre, Muriel, With Art Collection File July 16, 1969
69-1837 Women, Education Action Committee Executive File March 05, 1969
69-1839 Women, Enrrulat, Mr. and Mrs. Karl, 50th Anniversary File December 31, 1969
69-1849 Women, Fashion, Junior Secretaries at Record File April 01, 1969
69-1851 Women, Fashion, Rangers, Fairview Center File September 16, 1969
69-1858 Women, Fashions, Granite Club File October 03, 1969
69-1864 Women, First United Church, Book Sale File March 28, 1969
69-1867 Women. Forest Heights Collegiate, Spring Prom File May 10, 1969
69-1869 Women, Frobel, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, 50th Anniversary File June 04, 1969
69-1870 Women, Furniture Show, Toronto File January 06, 1969
69-1878 Women, Haddasah Bazzar File November 12, 1969
69-1881 Women, Hamilton, Mrs. Beth Art Curator of University of Waterloo File July 03, 1969
69-1896 Women, IODE, Harvest Ball Preparations File October 10, 1969
69-1908 Women, Kuehner, Mr. and Mrs. Otto File June 03, 1969
69-1910 Women, Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Brownies Make Vases File December 02, 1969
69-1912 Women, Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Pollock File June 09, 1969
69-1917 Women, Lippert, Mrs. G.C., Cancer Society File February 24, 1969
69-1924 Women, Marion Center, Feature File March 13, 1969
69-1925 Women, Market, International Darjeeling and Education Association File January 18, 1969
69-1926 Women, McGrath, Mr. and Mrs. John, 50th Anniversary File December 16, 1969
69-1937 Women, Ontario Hospital Auxillaries Association Conference File April 16, 1969
69-1942 Pollock, Wilda, Retiring From Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital File June 19, 1969
69-1946 Women, Roberts, Ann File May 02, 1969
69-1947 Women, Sachs, Mrs. Samuel, Art Gallery, Womens' Committee File November 25, 1969
69-1948 Women, St. Jerome's High School, Spring Formal File April 18, 1969
69-1951 Women, St. Mary's Hospital, Auxiliary, Wig Show Advance File May 01, 1969
69-1953 Women, St. Mary's Hospital, Nurses Graduation File May 16, 1969
69-1956 Women, Sauer, Mrs. Judy, Woman Shoe Shiner File September 04, 1969
69-1958 Women, Schendel, Mr. and Mrs. Paul A., 60th Anniversary File July 02, 1969
69-1959 Women, Schiketanz, Margaret, Real Estate Broker File July 09, 1969
69-1967 Women, Senior Citizens, Buying Feature File November 10, 1969
69-1969 Women, Sewing Classes, KCI File March 04, 1969
69-1972 Women, Silver Cross Mothers Convention File May 29, 1969
69-1978 Women, Sororities, Girls of the Year File April 22, 1969
69-1979 Women, Stahl, Lois, Deaf Hairdresser, Feature File June 05, 1969
69-1987 Women, Tilker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry File August 19, 1969
69-1989 Women, Toys, Men With Car Racing Set File December 16, 1969
69-1990 Women, Uhrig-Motz Wedding File July 04, 1969
69-1998 Women, Waterloo North, PC Association, Blue and White Ball File June 04, 1969
69-2003 Women, Weseloh, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore, 50th Anniversary File December 16, 1969
69-2008 Women, WLU, Women's Auxiliary File September 24, 1969
69-2019 Women, Zion United Women's Bazaaar, Advance File November 07, 1969
69-2022 Atichison, Neil File October 28, 1969
69-2026 Alpaney, Helen, Wiebe Reality File December 09, 1969
69-2032 Appell, Robert, Advertisement, Cochran, Murray, Nay File August 25, 1969
69-2034 Araachaer, Ken, For Finance File January 30, 1969
69-2050 Barton, Eric File October 14, 1969
69-2051 Barton, Paul File May 08, 1969
69-2060 Beckett, Richard, Brantford Mayor File October 02, 1969
69-2061 Beilstein, Mrs. James File April 07, 1969
69-2063 Berberich, Don, Advertisement for Lloyd Schweitzer Shoes File April 02, 1969
69-2064 Bergey, Mrs. David File October 23, 1969
69-2066 Bernford, Sheila, Author File November 10, 1969
69-2069 Blamey, Jack, Stevens Motors File February 28, 1969
69-2070 Blow, Charles, Advertisement File December 13, 1969
69-2078 Boxendal, Frank, For Sports File April 17, 1969
69-2084 Briggs, Thomas File February 07, 1969
69-2087 Bruder, Len File December 08, 1969
69-2091 Buck, Dr. Robert File February 05, 1969
69-2100 Cannon, Freddie File September 17, 1969
69-2105 Chadder, Reginald File April 24, 1969
69-2107 Clay, Darwin, President Budd Automotive File July 28, 1969
69-2111 Cowan, Robin, Jr., Winner, Paint-in File June 26, 1969
69-2114 Crosby, H.M. (Bob), Advertisement for Davidson File February 24, 1969
69-2115 Coombes, Carol, Record Staff File January 23, 1969
69-2116 Craig, John File June 13, 1969
69-2117 Cuneo, Stew, For Glidden Paint Center, Advertisement File January 31, 1969
69-2125 Davidson, William File May 02, 1969
69-2137 Dick, Reverend William File January 08, 1969
69-2142 Downie, Don File April 09, 1969
69-2145 Duffus, Jean File August 07, 1969
69-2150 Durant, Mrs. Archie File February 03, 1969
69-2151 Durban, John File July 03, 1969
69-2152 Durnin, Jack, Advertisement for Kaye Ford File June 16, 1969
69-2153 Ellacott, Reta, Advertisement For Kip Realtor File May 06, 1969
69-2158 Evans, Howard File November 21, 1969
69-2170 Ferguson, Eldon, Chariman, COE Committee File August 19, 1969
69-2171 Ferguson, Robert, Advertisement, Wiebe Realty File June 20, 1969
69-2173 Ferraro, Dan, Advertisement For Kayes Ford File June 16, 1969
69-2175 Fisher, Dr. Robert H&S File March 27, 1969
69-2185 Frankland, Paul, Talking Business File July 04, 1969
69-2189 Galloway, Mrs. J.J., New President, KW Rotary Anns. File June 03, 1969
69-2191 Garner, Bruce, Advertisement, Lauer Real Estate File February 27, 1969
69-2195 Gehl, Mrs. Martha, Advertisement, Parkway Lumber File April 03, 1969
69-2196 Gibson, John, Advertisement For Parkway Lumber File April 02, 1969
69-2197 Gibson, John, Advertisement For Parkway Lumber File April 02, 1969
69-2201 Girgulis, Christina, Record Staff File September 26, 1969
69-2213 Hahn, Lewis File October 29, 1969
69-2216 Hammond, Harold, President, Kinsman Club File April 30, 1969
69-1219 Rosemount School, Remembrance Display File November 10, 1969
69-1228 Royal Bank Building Duke and Ontario File December 12, 1969
69-1230 Royal Bank Towers Model File August 28, 1969
69-1232 Ruppe, Edward, Chief For Finance File July 02, 1969
69-1233 Russell Knitting Company For Finance File March 28, 1969
69-1237 Sacred Heart Video Tape Machine File May 13, 1969
Results 9301 to 9400 of 146333