Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
65-1752 Luedke, Delbert File December 15, 1965
65-1756 MacDonald, Ramsay, (Fed. Charities) File April 02, 1965
65-1759 MacGray, Ken, Record Staff File December 22, 1965
65-1761 Maclean, Mrs. Shirley, Missionary File 1965
65-1763 Malleck, Richard File May 26, 1965
65-1765 Marshall, Frances, Record Staff File July 1965
65-1768 Massel, Paul File September 01, 1965
65-1770 Matthews, Murray, (Callander Real Estate) File May 25, 1965
65-1781 Merklinger, Ross File October 08, 1965
65-1784 Miles, Fred, (Fed. Charities) File March 18, 1965
65-1791 Morris, Alex, Advt., Feder Reality Co. File January 12, 1965
65-1795 Motz, William File May 22, 1965
65-1796 Motz, William Children File December 1965
65-1799 Murphy, Frank, Record Employee File September 21, 1965
65-1808 O'Brian, Blake File June 18, 1965
65-1810 O'Brien, C.R., New Post Master, Kitchener File January 12, 1965
65-1811 Orr, Clayt File October 18, 1965
65-1813 Pacl, Frank File 1965
65-1815 Paleczney, Bob, Advt., Kronis Men's Wear File November 12, 1965
65-1816 Palubeski, Mrs. Kenneth File February 24, 1965
65-1820 Pearson, Edward, Unitron Industries File 1965
65-1822 Pepper, Rick, (Coronis Mens Wear) File March 20, 1965
65-1823 Perkes, Melburn File December 20, 1965
65-1828 Plummer, Reg, (Fed. Charities) File March 25, 1965
65-1830 Powell, Kathleen, (Record Employee) File September 08, 1965
65-1831 Pratt, Janet File June 18, 1965
65-1832 Priester, Msgr. W.A. File June 1965
66-1906 Macrae, Donald File September 24, 1966
66-1907 Malleck, Bas[i?]l, Record Staff File June 17, 1966
66-1909 Martz, Carl File December 29, 1966
66-1916 McKenty, Mrs. Beth File September 27, 1966
66-1917 McLean, Roderick File July 06, 1966
66-1918 McLeod, Grant, Bowring Showcase File May 24, 1966
66-1931 Moore, Brian, Record Employee File April 18, 1966
66-1940 Muller, Mary, Adv., Petile Paris File October 06, 1966
66-1941 Munford, Lee, Wendell Motors File March 10, 1966
66-1942 Murphy, Jack, Aluminum Advt. File May 13, 1966
66-1945 Neeb, Melvin File June 10, 1966
66-1951 Niskasari, Mark (Golf) File June 28, 1966
66-1965 Pasnyk, Emil, Advt., Emil's Jeep Sales File February 18, 1966
66-1968 Peters, Jim, Record Employee File January 05, 1966
66-1974 Preikschas, Wm., Brandon Const. File 1966
66-1976 Prior, Donald, Metropolitan Life Inst. File October 13, 1966
66-1982 Reimer, Philip File January 08, 1966
66-1984 Reist, Mrs. George File May 06, 1966
66-1985 Renwick, George, Record Staff File March 23, 1966
66-1987 Richardson, Ronald File October 24, 1966
66-1999 Rozell, Morris File December 07, 1966
66-2004 Schade, Mr. and Mrs. Reverand H.F., 60th Anniversary File May 13, 1966
66-2010 Schell, Richard, Record Employee File July 11, 1966
66-2017 Schmidt, Mrs. George File November 24, 1966
66-2023 Sehl, Mrs. Harry File May 05, 1966
66-2036 Smith, Mrs. Donald, Music Corner File February 04, 1966
66-2037 Snider, Bruce, Edwards Furniture File October 26, 1966
66-2049 Stevens, Carl File March 01, 1966
66-2059 Taylor, Glen, Advt., Firestone Stores File July 19, 1966
66-2060 Taylor, Grace B. File September 29, 1966
66-2061 Taylor, J.A. File October 20, 1966
66-2072 Uram, Rev. Eugene and Mexican Curios File September 27, 1966
66-2085 Weiss, Mrs. Edward File January 11, 1966
66-2089 Whiticomb, Jim, Record Employee File May 1966
66-2093 Wilkinson, Rev. George File July 19, 1966
66-2095 Wilson, Carol, Advt. For Daniel's Hairstyling File July 12, 1966
66-2108 Youngson, Roy File November 29, 1966
66-2112 Zettler, Donna, Advt., Maja Hairstyling File July 06, 1966
66-2122 Baseball, Panthers, Galt File July 1966
66-2123 Baseball, Panthers, Galt File August 23, 1966
66-2125 Baseball, Universums of Team Players File July 22, 1966
66-2133 Basketball, Eastwood, Brantford File January 12, 1966
66-2139 Basketball, Record Trophy File May 10, 1966
66-2150 Billiard Championship Trophy Winners File February 05, 1966
66-2154 Bowling, Automatic Pinsetter at Waterloo Lanes File July 29, 1966
66-2156 Bowling, Chocolate Sales Promotion File November 12, 1966
66-2163 Bowling, Shinn, Frederick File January 31, 1966
66-2173 Burnett, Barry (Kit. Rangers) File December 26, 1966
66-2175 Curlers Leaving For Scotland File October 1966
66-2176 Curling, Business Womens Curling Club File November 12, 1966
66-2178 Curling, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Bonspiel at the Granite Club File November 11, 1966
66-2183 Curling, Granite, 8 Ender File March 24, 1966
66-2184 Curling, Kitchener Legion Bonspiel at Granite Club File March 27, 1966
66-2188 Curling, Westmount 8 Ender File December 20, 1966
66-2190 Curling, Westmount Ladies Zone Championship File January 24, 1966
66-2195 Farrell, Bob File June 06, 1966
66-2198 Football Action, WLU vs. Carlton File October 10, 1966
66-2215 Football, Meyer, John File October 26, 1966
66-2220 Football, University of Waterloo, Ottawa GG's File October 01, 1966
66-2223 Football, Waterloo, Eastwood (Sr.) File October 28, 1966
66-2230 Football, WLU Posed Action File September 12, 1966
66-2241 Golf, Twin City Open File August 01, 1966
66-2243 Golf, Westmount Tri County File September 16, 1966
66-2246 Heller, Ott File December 09, 1966
66-2250 Hockey All Star Game, Jr. B File February 08, 1966
66-2257 Hockey, Eastwood, Waterloo Collegiate File February 09, 1966
66-2262 Hockey, Greenshirts, Sarnia Playoffs File March 31, 1966
66-2266 Hockey, Madill Brings Gift From Halifax, N.S. File February 23, 1966
66-2268 Hockey, Minor Hockey Award Winners File May 07, 1966
66-2273 Hockey, Novice All Stars Awards File May 17, 1966
66-2277 Hockey, Rangers (5) & Telegram With 800 Names File April 01, 1966
66-2280 Hockey, Rangers Camp at Elmira File September 18, 1966
66-2288 Hockey, Rangers vs. Niagara Falls File March 15, 1966
Results 7901 to 8000 of 146333