Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
66-1138 Santa Claus Parade Preparations File November 17, 1966
66-1145 Schmidt, John, Program 5 Grad File November 03, 1966
66-1147 Schnarr, Edward and 10 Foot Birthday Card... File November 10, 1966
66-1150 Schneider's, J.M., Meat Preparation Demonstration File February 22, 1966
66-1154 Scholz, Rudolf, Blacksmith File October 27, 1966
66-1155 School Buses, New Signals File August 31, 1966
66-1156 School Crossing Patrol File December 09, 1966
66-1162 Schulty, Rudy, Gun Collection File September 09, 1966
66-1164 Science Fair, Margaret Ave. School File May 26, 1966
66-1166 Sea Cadet Inspection File May 31, 1966
66-1170 Seegmiller Construction File June 07, 1966
66-1178 Sheppard School, Trustees & Teachers Meet File April 06, 1966
66-1180 Shoppers, Sale Time File January 12, 1966
66-1187 Sign, Look Out For Trains, at Strange St. Crossing File November 26, 1966
66-1191 Signs File October 1966
66-1194 Signs, Township & Waterloo File April 1966
66-1199 Smithson School, Graham Poll (12) Raising Flag File April 01, 1966
66-1207 Sportsmans Show, Mayor Butler and Gorilla File April 11, 1966
66-1208 Sportsmans Show, Overall Picture File April 1966
66-1216 St. Agatha, Labour Day Preparation Feature, Womens File September 03, 1966
66-1223 St. Andrews Church, Young People Executive File October 10, 1966
66-1224 St. Andrews Church, Young People Setting Up Display File October 07, 1966
66-1225 St. Andrews Memorial Anglican Church File July 14, 1966
66-1230 St. Francis R.C. Church, Exterior File July 14, 1966
66-1231 St. Francis R.C. Church, Open House File March 21, 1966
66-1235 St. Jeromes High School, Waterloo 2000 File April 28, 1966
66-1236 St. Jeromes High Track Meet File May 02, 1966
66-1237 St. John's Anglican Church Breakfast File October 12, 1966
66-1238 St. John's Anglican Church Council File October 11, 1966
66-1239 St. John's Anglican Church, Thanksgiving Displays File October 02, 1966
66-1254 St. Mary's Separate School, Official Opening File October 02, 1966
66-1257 St. Matthews Lutheran Church, Exterior File July 05, 1966
66-1258 St. Michael's Church, Mother - Daughter Breakfast File May 01, 1966
66-1266 St. Peter's Church Demolition (Bells) File October 06, 1966
66-1269 St. Peter's Lutheran Church, (New) Interior File August 31, 1966
66-1283 Strange St., Crossing Inspection File March 08, 1966
66-1285 Stratford Festival Opening File June 06, 1966
66-1286_001 Street Direction Story, With Compass Item November 25, 1966
66-1286_002 Street Direction Story, With Compass Item November 25, 1966
66-1286_004 Street Direction Story, With Compass Item November 25, 1966
66-1286_006 Street Direction Story, With Compass Item November 25, 1966
66-1288 Strubb, Harold, Erb [Street] West Past Rummelhardt, Digging Potatoes in January File January 04, 1966
66-1290 Students Arrive From Vancouver File August 12, 1966
66-1290_001 Students Arrive From Vancouver Item August 12, 1966
66-1291 Students Leaving For Saskatchewan File August 13, 1966
66-1292_001 Students Return From Saskatchewan Item August 26, 1966
66-1293 Sturm, Henry, Honored Auditorium Commission File December 28, 1966
66-1297 Summer School Playground File August 11, 1966
66-1300 Sunnyside Home For the Aged, Easter Hats File April 06, 1966
66-1313 Talking Business Column, Old House File May 11, 1966
66-1314 Talking Business, Gas Lights File March 21, 1966
66-1315 Talking Business, Man & Rocking Chair File December 20, 1966
66-1318 Tax Raise, Service Station Operator File February 10, 1966
66-1322 Teachers Federation Convention at Rosemount Church File May 15, 1966
66-1323 Teenage Club Mural File December 07, 1966
66-1325 Templin Column, Booze File October 08, 1966
66-1326 Templin Column, Coffee Pot File April 21, 1966
66-1334 Thomson, Bill, Censored Report File May 1966
66-1335_002 Tiddlywinks Marathon at Waterloo Square Item October 13, 1966
66-1336 Tiffany, Gems File June 29, 1966
66-1339 Toronto, Helena Rubenstein, Lipstick Feature File February 10, 1966
66-1343 Traffic Island, Noecker & Weber File September 13, 1966
66-1348 Trillium Park, Bleams Road File May 25, 1966
66-1350 Trinity United Church, Bible Class Craft Projects File July 07, 1966
66-1352 Trinity United Church, Movie Makers File April 1966
66-1357 Tschirhardt, Ronald, Best Seperate School Grade 8 Student File June 22, 1966
66-1361 Typing Winners, KW Column File February 25, 1966
66-1363 Uniroyal, German Industrialists Visit File October 07, 1966
66-1366 United Church Conference File June 01, 1966
66-1370 United Church Conference, New President File June 01, 1966
66-1372_001 United Church Conference, R.C., Korean and Zambia Observers Item September 08, 1966
66-1379 University of Waterloo, Arts Theatre, Serigraphs File November 30, 1966
66-1388 University of Waterloo, Convocation File May 27, 1966-May 28, 1966
66-1389 University of Waterloo, Convocation, (Needles & Porter) File October 27, 1966
66-1394 University of Waterloo, Geographers Visit File August 30, 1966
66-1396_008 University of Waterloo, Hagey Office Sit-in Item November 17, 1966
66-1396_012 University of Waterloo, Hagey Office Sit-in Item November 17, 1966
66-1396_014 University of Waterloo, Hagey Office Sit-in Item November 17, 1966
66-1396_016 University of Waterloo, Hagey Office Sit-in Item November 17, 1966
66-1396_017 University of Waterloo, Hagey Office Sit-in Item November 17, 1966
66-1396_019 University of Waterloo, Hagey Office Sit-in Item November 17, 1966
66-1396_020 University of Waterloo, Hagey Office Sit-in Item November 17, 1966
66-1398 University of Waterloo, Hawks at Psychology Dept. File July 12, 1966
66-1403 University of Waterloo, M.P. Student Seminar File February 04, 1966
66-1405_001 University of Waterloo, Mathematics Seminar, (Junior) Item June 24, 1966
66-1405_002 University of Waterloo, Mathematics Seminar, (Junior) Item June 24, 1966
66-1407 University of Waterloo, Paul Goodman Conference File December 30, 1966
66-1410 University of Waterloo, Rhesus Monkeys File June 15, 1966
66-1412 University of Waterloo, Slave Day Cheque For $4,000 File November 07, 1966
66-1412_001 University of Waterloo, Slave Day Cheque For $4,000 Item November 07, 1966
66-1414_001 University of Waterloo, Snow Sculptures Item February 06, 1966
66-1417 University of Waterloo, Student Village Feature File March 15, 1966
66-1418_001 University of Waterloo, Student Village, Riot Night Item March 12, 1966
66-1418_003 University of Waterloo, Student Village, Riot Night Item March 12, 1966
66-1425 University of Waterloo, United Nations Model Panel File June 22, 1966
66-1427 University of Waterloo, Vietnam Discussion File November 20, 1966
66-32 Accident, Train, Bright [Ontario] File February 17, 1966
66-33 Accident, Train Derailment at Breslau File November 03, 1966
66-36 Accident, Truck, Highway 8 Near Petersburg File November 28, 1966
66-38 Accident, Weber & Water File December 12, 1966
Results 7101 to 7200 of 146333