Level of description
Digital object |
63-1228 |
New Apostolic Church (Glen Briar Curling Rink) |
File |
May 13, 1963 |
63-1235 |
Noble, Bob |
File |
February 1963 |
63-1237 |
Nomination Meeting, Waterloo Township |
File |
November 22, 1963 |
63-1246 |
Odeniyo, Malachi, Kenya |
File |
December 04, 1963 |
63-1249 |
Olympic Site, Innsbruck Austria (Len Taylor) |
File |
October 1963 |
63-1251 |
Ontario Hydro, Cache |
File |
October 25, 1963 |
63-1259 |
Ontario Young P.C. at Conestogo Motel |
File |
June 17, 1963 |
63-1260 |
Organist Convention |
File |
August 26, 1963 |
63-1263 |
Ostepathic Association, Officers |
File |
May 07, 1963 |
63-1275 |
Palmer, Catherine (Organists) |
File |
August 29, 1963 |
63-1276_013 |
Parking Ban, King St., re Parking Lots |
Item |
January 18, 1963 |
63-1276_015 |
Parking Ban, King St., re Parking Lots |
Item |
January 18, 1963 |
63-1276_021 |
Parking Ban, King St., re Parking Lots |
Item |
January 18, 1963 |
63-1278 |
Parking Lot, Frederick St. |
File |
April 1963 |
63-1279 |
Parkway Mill, Demolished |
File |
May 1963 |
63-1282 |
Patrol Boys, Waterloo, Christmas Dinner |
File |
December 18, 1963 |
63-1283 |
Patterson, Nancy-Lou, Artist |
File |
December 05, 1963 |
63-1286 |
Pearce, Mrs. Charles |
File |
May 16, 1963 |
63-1293 |
Peterborough Plumbing, Pre Fab Kitchen & Bath |
File |
January 04, 1963 |
63-1294 |
Peterson, Vilhelm F., K-W Symphony Concertmaster |
File |
September 1963 |
63-1295 |
Pfeffer, Erma, Retires |
File |
February 25, 1963 |
63-1296 |
Pfeiffer, A.W., Artist |
File |
July 1963 |
63-1297 |
Philetelic Society Winners |
File |
April 1963 |
63-1300 |
Pioneer Tower |
File |
October 07, 1963 |
63-1308 |
Pitcher, George, Pharm. |
File |
May 28, 1963 |
63-1310 |
Playground Closing, Kitchener & Waterloo |
File |
August 1963 |
63-1312 |
Plomske, Milt |
File |
June 1963 |
63-1314 |
Pohl, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick |
File |
August 08, 1963 |
63-1316 |
Poinsettia & Donna Churchill, Kitchener Florist |
File |
December 17, 1963 |
63-1324 |
Police Rodeo Trophies (Taken By Joe Brown Photography) |
File |
June 1963 |
63-1335 |
Police, OPP Recruiting Drive, Chiefs Patrick & Otto |
File |
April 1963 |
63-1337 |
Police-Assault, Aletter, Queen & Highland |
File |
May 1963 |
63-1338 |
Police-Paint Match (Vogel) |
File |
October 07, 1963 |
63-1340 |
Polish Veterans |
File |
May 1963 |
63-1344 |
Pond at Forest Hill School Drained |
File |
March 1963 |
63-1347 |
Pony Club, Horse Show |
File |
September 1963 |
63-1349 |
Post Office Christmas Rush, Parcels |
File |
December 17, 1963 |
63-1352 |
Post Office, Kitchener, Christmas Rush |
File |
December 13, 1963 |
63-1363 |
Principal Seminar, Harold Wagner School |
File |
November 02, 1963 |
63-1365 |
Progressive Conservative Rally, Fulton, Weichel, Hymmen |
File |
March 1963 |
63-1366 |
PTA Convention |
File |
October 27, 1963 |
63-1376 |
R.C.M.P. Musical Ride Horses |
File |
May 10, 1963 |
63-1378 |
Radar Warning, Weber Street Waterloo |
File |
August 28, 1963 |
63-1379 |
Radio Isotope Unit, St. Mary's Hospital |
File |
July 23, 1963 |
63-1385 |
Red Cross Blood Bank |
File |
January 09, 1963 |
63-1387 |
Red Cross, Service Badges to Teachers |
File |
March 11, 1963 |
63-1389 |
Registered Nurses Association, New Press |
File |
June 13, 1963 |
63-1392 |
Remembrance Day Service, Waterloo |
File |
November 11, 1963 |
63-1395 |
Richard, Maurice (Rocket), and Bill McMichael, John Israel |
File |
January 23, 1963 |
63-1403 |
Robarts at Coronet Motor Hotel |
File |
September 10, 1963 |
63-1404 |
Roberts, Wm, Electric Moving Machinery |
File |
November 1963 |
63-1405 |
Roberts, Wm., Ltd., Silver Dollar Day |
File |
April 1963 |
63-1414 |
Rolph, Mrs. Ruth M. |
File |
April 1963 |
63-1415 |
Ronnenberg, Ernie and Book |
File |
June 1963 |
63-1423 |
Rotary Crippled Childrens Clinic (Feature) |
File |
March 13, 1963 |
63-1429 |
Russel, Anna H&S |
File |
November 1963 |
63-1430 |
Russwurm, Lynn H&S, For T.B. Music Col. |
File |
December 18, 1963 |
63-1440 |
Salvation Army, Harbour Light Mission, Toronto |
File |
October 1963 |
63-1442 |
Samson, Barbara |
File |
July 1963 |
63-1443 |
Santa Claus Parade, Jaycees Working on Float |
File |
November 20, 1963 |
63-1464 |
Schmidt, Re CBS H&S |
File |
1963 |
63-1472 |
Schneider Plant (J.M.) |
File |
1963 |
63-1474 |
Schneiders, J.M., Russian Buyers (Financial) |
File |
October 18, 1963 |
63-1481 |
School, Portable Moving |
File |
August 06, 1963 |
63-1483 |
Schoppel, Ingo & Family |
File |
May 1963 |
63-1484 |
Schrieber, Mrs. Antony, Brocken Lock |
File |
August 1963 |
63-1490 |
Scottish Country Dancers |
File |
November 08, 1963 |
63-1496 |
Seagram Stadium, Track Meet, Zone 1 |
File |
May 13, 1963 |
63-1501 |
Senior Citizen Seminar, St. John Church |
File |
September 28, 1963 |
63-1504 |
Senior Citizens Home, Sod Turning |
File |
November 10, 1963 |
63-1507 |
Service Corps, Change of Command (137 Company) |
File |
December 10, 1963 |
63-1511 |
Seymour, Mrs. Evelyn & Candles |
File |
December 17, 1963 |
63-1516 |
Shaw, Dr. Ralph |
File |
May 1963 |
63-1517 |
Shoe Feature |
File |
June 1963 |
63-1534 |
Smith, Hon. Arnold, Can. Ambassador to Russia & Tom Suttey |
File |
February 14, 1963 |
63-1535 |
Smith, Lois, Signing Guest Book With Mayor Hymmen & Mrs. Walters |
File |
December 16, 1963 |
63-1539 |
Snider, Mr. & Mrs. Walter, 50th Anniversary |
File |
February 08, 1963 |
63-1541 |
Snow Fort, Clifton Rd. |
File |
January 30, 1963 |
63-1542 |
Snow, First, Kids Playing at Rockway School |
File |
December 01, 1963 |
63-1547 |
Soccer Clinic |
File |
September 06, 1963 |
63-1555 |
Softball, K-W District Champs, St. Marks Church |
File |
July 03, 1963 |
62-1335_010 |
Sunnyside Home, Picnic |
Item |
July 25, 1962 |
62-1335_013 |
Sunnyside Home, Picnic |
Item |
July 25, 1962 |
62-1336 |
Superior Sanitation Serv. Ltd.,Ralph Carter Signing Contract |
File |
1962 |
62-1339 |
Swartz, Betty, Election |
File |
1962 |
62-1345 |
Taylor, Len |
File |
April 07, 1962 |
62-1347 |
Teachers Retiring, MacMillan & Thompson |
File |
June 1962 |
62-1348 |
Tell, Joseph, Fed. Char. |
File |
April 03, 1962 |
62-1349 |
Tennis Club, Trophy Presentation |
File |
July 14, 1962 |
62-1357 |
Tire and Woman |
File |
April 25, 1962 |
62-1359 |
Tops Clubs Inc., K-W Scots Club |
File |
March 13, 1962 |
62-1364 |
Tozer, Darry, Young Pilot |
File |
January 16, 1962 |
62-1365 |
Track and Field,National Clinic at OAC |
File |
August 23, 1962 |
62-1369 |
Track Meet, Invitation Warriors |
File |
May 1962 |
62-1372 |
Train Feature |
File |
June 1962 |
62-1374 |
Trinity United Church, Children and Organ |
File |
February 01, 1962 |
62-1375 |
Trinity United Church, Rev. Allan Caldier |
File |
November 07, 1962 |
62-1379 |
Truckers Strike Vote |
File |
July 04, 1962 |
62-1381 |
Tulip |
File |
May 18, 1962 |
62-1388 |
Tweed, Bob, and Family with Horse |
File |
January 27, 1962 |