Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
62-521 Football, Argo Practice File July 02, 1962
62-523 Football, CWOSSA Finals, Action File November 09, 1962
62-529 Football, Eastwood vrs. KCI File October 26, 1962
62-531 Football, Kitchener Waterloo Jr. Dutchmen, Training File August 21, 1962
62-533 Football, Spt. McDougall and Strickler File July 13, 1962
62-535 Football, University Coaches, Totzke and Celeri File September 17, 1962
62-536 Football, University of Waterloo, Practice File October 10, 1962
62-540 Frazer, Arn File January 15, 1962
62-544 Freeport, Sanitorium Striptease Auction File January 11, 1962
62-548 Frohlich, Ernest File June 1962
62-556 Garbage Bags First Used in Waterloo File October 24, 1962
62-558 Garden Feature, J.L. Smith File August 29, 1962
62-560 Geese File May 09, 1962
62-571 Gingerich, Dick File 1962
62-573 Girl Guides and Brownie, Doll Display, at Auditorium File April 09, 1962
62-578 Globe Furniture, Old Threshing Machine File October 12, 1962
62-580 Golf Champs, Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate File October 12, 1962
62-583 Golf, Jaycee Tourney, at Rockway File August 16, 1962
62-584 Golf, Rockway, Captains Cup and Club Championship File July 29, 1962
62-590 Golf, Westmount Ladies Champs File July 17, 1962
62-592 Good, Brenda File October 23, 1962
62-593 Goodrich, B.F., New IBM Machine File April 25, 1962
62-596 Goodrich, B.F., Tour File June 23, 1962
62-597 Goodrich, B.F., Two Men Leaving Plant File February 26, 1962
62-599 Gordon, Bonnie, New Ski Club Pres. File May 03, 1962
62-604 Gray Crescent, Damaged Blvd. File October 02, 1962
62-606 Gray, Mayor Jim, Retires File December 27, 1962
62-609 Greer, George R. File December 28, 1962
62-610 Gregory, Dr. K.F., with Rabbits File August 29, 1962
62-611 Grespen, Fred File March 20, 1962
62-614 Grube, Ben, Ansco Award File August 30, 1962
62-615 Guelph, Beard Judging Contest File July 16, 1962
62-617 Guelph, Reformatory Tour File July 27, 1962
62-627 Harlock, Rae, and Record Collection File March 30, 1962
62-629 Hatashita Judo Club, Womens and Childrens Class File May 02, 1962
62-630 Hathway, Norman File May 1962
62-636 Hees, Trade Minister, Visits Kitchener File January 15, 1962
62-640 Herchenratter, Judy, and Vacation Bible School File July 05, 1962
62-641 Herz, Mr. and Mrs. Max, Golden Wedding File October 03, 1962
62-649 Highway 401, Service Centre File May 09, 1962
62-650 Highway 8, Bridge, New, by St. Jeromes File May 1962
62-651 Highway 8, Diversion File March 22, 1962
62-656 Historical Society, Waterloo County, 50th Anniversary File November 08, 1962
62-658 Hockey, Action, Beavers Vrs. Hull Ottawa, Semi-Finals File April 06, 1962
62-661 Hockey, Action, Sudbury Vrs. Beavers File January 06, 1962
62-662 Hockey, Action, Tigers File December 06, 1962
62-666 Hockey, Galt, Waterloo, Waterloo, Kitchener File February 11, 1962
62-683 Hockey, Leafs Vrs. Springfield, Action File September 16, 1962
62-684 Hockey, Minor Hockey Week, Opening File January 16, 1962
62-698 Hockey, Waterloo, Minor Bantam File March 22, 1962
62-705 Hoffmans Meat Packers File July 17, 1962
62-708 Homewood Avenue Leaf Raking File November 17, 1962
62-710 Horseshoe Champs, Waterloo File September 04, 1962
62-718 House Feature, Mcrae, Mr. and Mrs. A.I., Guelph File January 18, 1962
62-722 House Feature, Skov, H.T., Guelph File March 15, 1962
62-724 House Moving, Waterloo, Heldman House File June 27, 1962
62-729 Huff, Robert File November 26, 1962
62-730 Humane Society, Bitten Bird and Muskrat File July 24, 1962
62-736 Hunters, Deer, Moose and Bear File November 11, 1962
62-738 Huron and Erie Bank, Opening File April 09, 1962
62-741 Ice Capades, Buses from Out of Town File March 01, 1962
62-742 Imagineering Boat File April 02, 1962
62-743 Imperial Bank Building, Closing File February 1962
62-754 Jack in the Pulpit File June 1962
62-756 Jantzi, Carl File October 10, 1962
62-765 Jenkins, Mrs. Elsa, and Dolls File July 18, 1962
62-768 Johnson, Rev. Robert N. File October 02, 1962
62-769 Jolly Oldsters, Christmas Party File December 12, 1962
62-770 Junior Chamber of Commerce, Aberdeen Angus Show File September 25, 1962
62-784 KCI, Electrical Display File May 1962
62-787 KCI, Schoolboy Curling Champs File January 03, 1962
62-790 Keen Teens, Three File April 07, 1962
62-791 Kieswetter, Marie and Frances File April 05, 1962
62-792 Kilran, Mr. and Mrs. Otto, 50th Anniversary File August 22, 1962
62-793 Kindergarten Feature File October 04, 1962
62-800 King, Rev. L.J. File October 30, 1962
62-807 Kitchener Library, Exterior File May 09, 1962
62-807_006 Kitchener Library, Exterior Item May 09, 1962
62-807_008 Kitchener Library, Exterior Item May 09, 1962
62-808 Kitchener Library, Feature, Childrens Section File October 03, 1962
62-809 Kitchener Library, Interior File May 07, 1962
62-810_002 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_004 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_005 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_006 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_012 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_018 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_019 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_021 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_028 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_033 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_034 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_036 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_038 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-810_039 Kitchener Library, Moving to New Building Item May 14, 1962
62-811 Kitchener Library, Mural File November 02, 1962
62-811_002 Kitchener Library, Mural Item November 02, 1962
62-812_002 Kitchener Library, New Building Item March 22, 1962
62-812_006 Kitchener Library, New Building Item March 22, 1962
62-813 Kitchener Library, New Building, Interior File May 20, 1962
Results 3001 to 3100 of 146333