Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest Inc. fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
360 President's invitational luncheon. Item 1995
361 President's invitational luncheon. Item 1995
362 President's invitational luncheon. Item 1995
366 Schools. Item 1995
367 Schools. Item 1995
368 Schools. Item 1995
370 Schools. Item 1995
373 Schools. Item 1995
381 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
382 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
384 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
385 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
386 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
387 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
389 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
391 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
394 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
397 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
398 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
400 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
401 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
404 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
406 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
411 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies : Kick off in Waterloo, Waterloo Alderman Service breakfast, from right, Bruce McKentz, Morty Taylor, Craig Haddle. Item 1995
419 Uptown Waterloo opening ceremonies. Item 1995
427 Miscellaneous. Item 1995
430 Miscellaneous. Item 1995
435 Miscellaneous. Item 1995
437 Miscellaneous. Item 1995
438 Miscellaneous. Item 1995
441 Miscellaneous. Item 1995
443 Miscellaneous. Item 1995
448 Miscellaneous. Item 1995
452 Miscellaneous. Item 1995
3 Awards night, Tuesday, November 26 : Monica Dickau, representative from Oberkraninen Haus, Slowanian Club, Breslau, Janet Kunsch. Item 1996
6 Awards night, Tuesday, November 26 : Monica Dickau, Drago Mates, Janet Kunsch, Scheitzer Haus, Croation Club. Item 1996
9 Awards night, Tuesday, November 26 : Left to right, Andy Teminski, Joe Wurm, Henning Grumme, [Hek?] Horn, Hornets Band. Item 1996
12 Awards night, Tuesday, November 26 : Debbie Phillips, Nadi Lelmahdy, Lisa Frank, Family and Culture Events. Item 1996
13 Awards night, Tuesday, November 26 : CHYM Breakfast, Mik Collins, Debbie Phillips, Gary Williams, Lisa Pesrysaitis, Lisa Frank. Item 1996
17 Awards night, Tuesday, November 26 : Tug of War, Debbie Phillips, Theresia Mirt, Lisa Frank. Item 1996
19 Awards night, Tuesday, November 26 : Oktoberfest Lotterie Draw, Peter Eichinger. Item 1996
20 Brick Breakfast : Bill Madill, Jaycie Preskitt (1996 Miss Oktoberfest), Mel Colvin, Paulette Schier (1995 Miss Oktoberfest). Item 1996
32 Willkommen Zentrum : A tent for food, drink and entertainment. Item 1996
33 ECCO '96 : Foreground, Paulette Schier (1995 Miss Oktoberfest), background, Don Craig (Oktoberfest president). Item 1996
39 Festhallen : "Happiness is Festhallen..." Item 1996
41 Concordia Club : Family day, Thanksgiving weekend, face painting. Item 1996
46 Concordia Club : Patrons at Concordia Club schnapps bar. Item 1996
1996-7 Press party, Hubertus Haus, 1996. File 1996
52 Press Party, Hubertushaus : Larry Blundell (Manag. Director), Don Craig (President), Vic Degutis (Executive Director). Item 1996
1996-8 Miss Oktoberfest Pageant, 1996. File 1996
62 Miss Oktoberfest Pageant. Item 1996
63 Miss Oktoberfest Pageant : Bojangles dancers. Item 1996
65 Miss Oktoberfest Pageant : Bojangles dancers. Item 1996
67 Miss Oktoberfest Pageant. Item 1996
69 Miss Oktoberfest Pageant. Item 1996
71 Miss Oktoberfest Pageant. Item 1996
82 Parade. Item 1996
84 Parade : Oktoberfest convention committee volunteers. Item 1996
85 Parade : Robert Esmie (Grand Marshall). Item 1996
87 Parade : Robert Esmie (Grand Marshall). Item 1996
88 Parade : Member of Stadkapelle Furtwagen, Germany. Item 1996
89 Parade : Stadkapelle Furtwagen, Germany. Item 1996
90 Parade : Presidents of German-Canadian Clubs, left to right, Hans Gross (Transylvania Club), Stefan Jauch (Schwaben Club), Helmut Banderbob (Hubertushaus), Frank Spoenlein (Alpine Club), Robert Huschka (Concordia Club). Item 1996
93 Parade : Schwaben Club. Item 1996
105 Parade. Item 1996
1996-2 Closing Ceremonies, 1996 : Negatives 1996, p. 4. File 1996
1998 Oktoberfest 1998 : negatives. File 1998
2002 Oktoberfest 2002 : negatives. File 2002
1980-5 Festival Fun, 1980. File 1980
1980-7 OffRoad Spirits, 1980. File 1980
1980-9 Quebec Carnival, 1980. File 1980
1980-12 Parade Luncheon, 1980. File 1980
1980-13 Parade, 1980. File 1980
1980-16 Bowling, 1980. File 1980
1980-17 Hagood Hardy, 1980. File 1980
1980-23 Opening Ceremonies, 1980. File 1980
1980-25 Stamp Exhibition, 1980. File 1980
1980-26 Schneider Haus, 1980. File 1980
1980-27 Skate, 1980. File 1980
1981-1 Beauty Pageant, 1981. File 1981
1981-3 Parade, 1981. File 1981
1981-5 Operetta: Merry Widow, 1981. File 1981
1981-7 Little Miss Oktoberfest, 1981. File 1981
1981-8 Blooming Affair, 1981. File 1981
1981-10 Spielcasino, 1981. File 1981
1981-11 Trinity Brunch, 1981. File 1981
1981-12 Boxing tournament, 1981. File 1981
1981-13 University Rugby, 1981. File 1981
1981-24 Schwaben Club, 1981. File 1981
1981-29 Bingeman Park, 1981. File 1981
1981-30 Concordia Club, 1981. File 1981
1981-35 Schneider Haus, 1981. File 1981
1982-7 Club Keg Tappings, 1982. File 1982
1982-22 OffRoad Spirits, 1982. File 1982
1982-25 School tours, 1982. File 1982
1983-4 Parade Awards, 1983. File 1983
1983-8 Trinity Brunch, 1983. File 1983
1983-10 Trudeau's Visit to Concordia, 1983. File 1983
1983-12 Operetta: Gypsy Baron, 1983. File 1983
1983-13 Off Road Spirit, 1983. File 1983
Results 1001 to 1100 of 4631