Level of description
Digital object |
16 |
Clippings |
Series |
1973, 2001-2006 |
170 |
Board of Directors. |
File |
1996-1998 |
172 |
Board of Directors and Officers. |
File |
1995-1996 |
181 |
Untitled. |
File |
[19--] |
21 |
Sound Recordings |
Series |
2001 |
22 |
Video Recordings |
Series |
[19--]-2006 |
189 |
In the midst of plenty. |
File |
[19--?] |
203 |
Soliciting major gifts : a guide for volunteers. |
File |
[19--?] |
207 |
Vital Signs, 2007. |
File |
2007 |
5 |
Committees : Minutes |
Series |
[19--]-2007 |
12 |
Asset Development Committee. |
File |
2002-2003 |
15 |
Grants Committee. |
File |
1997-2004 |
21 |
Operating Committee. |
File |
1995-2000 |
23 |
Professional Advisor's Committee. |
File |
2006 |
25 |
Donor gifts. |
File |
2000-2001 |
33 |
Historical donations. |
File |
1996 |
35 |
Historical donations. |
File |
1998 |
36 |
Historical donations. |
File |
1999 |
7 |
Financial Statements. |
Series |
1980-2009 |
46 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 1987. |
File |
1987 |
48 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 1989. |
File |
1989 |
50 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 1991. |
File |
1991 |
53 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 2000. |
File |
2000 |
64 |
Business marketing plan. |
File |
2001 |
68 |
Draft business plans. |
File |
2000 |
70 |
Grants stabilization. |
File |
2003 |
71 |
Investment Committee. |
File |
1999-2000 |
72 |
Kitchener Waterloo - Our Millennium. |
File |
1999 |
78 |
Opportunities. |
File |
1999-2006 |
79 |
Quarry communications. |
File |
1993-2004 |
84 |
Town hall, 2003. |
File |
2003 |
88 |
Waterloo Wellington Community Philanthropic Awards. |
File |
2001-2002 |
11 |
Executive Director's Conferences, Workshops, Seminars |
Series |
2003 |
12 |
Presentations and Speeches |
Series |
2002-2004 |
13 |
Annual Reports |
Series |
2003-2007 |
14 |
Newsletters |
Series |
1997-2010 |
100 |
Encounters, Fall 2004. |
File |
2004 |
101 |
Encounters, Fall 2005. |
File |
2005 |
105 |
Encounters, Fall 2009. |
File |
2009 |
108 |
KWCF update, Feb. 2006. |
File |
2006 |
109 |
KWCF update, Aug. 2006. |
File |
2006 |
112 |
KWCF update, Feb. 2008. |
File |
2008 |
113 |
KWCF update, June 2008. |
File |
2008 |
117 |
KWCF update, Aug. 2010. |
File |
2010 |
121 |
President's letter, July 1999. |
File |
1999 |
122 |
3rd annual volunteer family picnic. |
File |
2003 |
124 |
Advocate, May 2005. |
File |
2005 |
126 |
Awards & certificates. |
File |
1996-2006 |
127 |
A brief overview of community foundations. |
File |
[19--] |
132 |
Business Times, Jan. 2009. |
File |
2009 |
133 |
The Chamber Advocate, Aug. 2006. |
File |
2006 |
136 |
Community Foundations of Canada : Bulletin. |
File |
2004 |
139 |
Exchange, June 2003. |
File |
2003 |
141 |
Exchange, May 2004. |
File |
2004 |
143 |
Helping advisors focused on donor philanthropy. |
File |
[19--] |
146 |
Information kit. |
File |
2001 |
149 |
The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation. |
File |
[19--] |
155 |
Logo sheet. |
File |
1994 |
156 |
Media. |
File |
1973-2004 |
159 |
Record marketing ads. |
File |
2007 |
160 |
Record marketing ads. |
File |
2008 |
161 |
The Record, May 31, 2000. |
File |
2000 |
164 |
Top Notch : profiles in excellence. |
File |
[20--] |
165 |
Clippings, 1973, 2011-2006. |
File |
1973, 2001-2006 |
167 |
Information kit : Walter Bean. |
File |
1984 |
169 |
Technology Spotlight. |
File |
2001 |
173 |
Board of Directors and Officers. |
File |
1997-1998 |
176 |
Portrait: Donna Scharlach |
File |
1999 |
178 |
Portrait: Keith Schantz memorial fund. |
File |
1990 |
183 |
African heritage month celebration. |
File |
2006 |
184 |
Brainstorming session at Quarry Communications. |
File |
2002 |
191 |
K-W community foundation : Walter Bean tribute. |
File |
[19--] |
195 |
Letters, sounds, words. |
File |
[19--] |
198 |
Opportunities 2000. |
File |
2000 |
199 |
Our Millennium : hand in hand. |
File |
[ca. 2000] |
202 |
The R.R.A.P. program : province wide. |
File |
[19--] |
204 |
Tape of news coverage for $12 million. |
File |
[19--] |
24 |
Vital Signs |
Series |
2007-2008 |
2 |
Board of Directors, 1999-2000. |
File |
1999-2000 |
3 |
Board of Directors information. |
File |
1997-2001 |
6 |
Honorary directors. |
File |
1994-1999 |
9 |
Board of Directors. |
File |
2000 |
10 |
Board of Directors. |
File |
2001-2004 |
11 |
Board of Directors. |
File |
2003 |
14 |
Fundraising and Public Relations Committee. |
File |
1992 |
19 |
Marketing Committee. |
File |
2007 |
22 |
Professional Advisor's Committee. |
File |
[199-]-2005 |
24 |
Youth Advisory Committee. |
File |
1998-2000 |
6 |
Financial Files |
Series |
1990-2001 |
27 |
Historical donations. |
File |
1990 |
31 |
Historical donations. |
File |
1994 |
34 |
Historical donations. |
File |
1997 |
37 |
Historical donations. |
File |
2000 |
38 |
Historical donations. |
File |
2001 |
40 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 1981. |
File |
1981 |
43 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 1984. |
File |
1984 |
45 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 1986. |
File |
1986 |
49 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 1990. |
File |
1990 |
51 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 1992. |
File |
1992 |
56 |
Financial statements of the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation, year ended Dec. 31, 2004. |
File |
2004 |